Forum Flyers

A member of an indoor rowing team or club? If so, this is the place for you.
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Re: Forum Flyers

Post by hjs » October 19th, 2020, 4:25 am

Zuman wrote:
October 18th, 2020, 9:52 pm
With reference to jackarabit's comment "One member’s logbk went “dark” during the challenge. I know because he was top 5 at the time and I do keep an eye on the “competition...;”" that may have been me. If so, sorry.
I'm of mixed mind about public viewing of logs. First, I have nothing to brag about, as my average splits are only in the approximate range between 2:25 and 2:35 for an hour+ row. Second, everyone's reasons for rowing a challenge are different, so my performance in the FTC is irrelevant to anyone else who doesn't share the same motives as me. Anyway, I didn't set a personal goal for the FTC, and just decided to see how it worked out. I ended up with 377,983m, which is certainly pretty random.
Anyway, at one point, I said to myself "why bother making this viewable to anyone else?" A couple of days later, I realized that some people (not Forum Flyers) were getting hung up on the legitimacy of claimed meters, so I made mine visible again. Mine are all verified, Ergdata-uploaded stats.
I get that time-trials and PRs worth bragging about are different, and those should probably be verified. On the other hand, something like the FTC is so loose and informal that I'm not sure that it matters.
Hey, I'm just here to stay fit and have fun!
My logbook has always been public, never thought a second about it. Simply never thought anyone would care.
Now use ergdata to log, but for years, logged everything by hand. Erged in both gyms and had an older pm. I did race often a few times a year. So those “non verified” results where pretty real :wink:
I do know of a few records, still standing, which are 99,99999% fake. I seldom hear people complain about those.
About volume challenges I don’t care one bit, means simply nothing to me. And verified of not, if you really want to, easy to manipulate. But if so, who cares, is my way of thinking.

And to be honoust, if you have the energy to sit for hourssss a day on a machine, I can’t of feel sorry for the people who do so. Such a waist of time and effort. Use that time and energy in the real world.

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Re: Forum Flyers

Post by Borg8888 » October 19th, 2020, 6:03 am

jackarabit wrote:
October 16th, 2020, 12:50 pm
Welcome home, Hans. We are speed demons, muscle heads, fitness addicts, and fitness deficit worrywarts. Pick one or all the above. :D
I'll pick all of the above depending on the mood :D
Thank you for the warm welcome!!!

See you in the logs!

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Re: Forum Flyers

Post by lindsayh » October 19th, 2020, 6:56 am

jackarabit wrote:
October 19th, 2020, 1:34 am
Chew on this. Self-styled fitness enthusiasts are not REQUIRED to compete in team challenges; they are WELCOME to record their meters as a contribution to the team. But they are also WELCOME to compete as individuals towards personal competitive goals. Don’t let anyone tell you the race you choose to compete in isn’t the real deal. The trashtalkers and shadethrowers will name, and rename, their game. When the deal comes round, name your game, play to your own strengths, focus on the effort, don’t be afraid to take what some say they don’t want. Remember the feller or gal with the mostest meters is The Honch of Participation.
I think I am with you on this jack - no judgements - we are all part of the same discipline but with a huge range of goals and interests but all much fitter than if we didn't get involved
73yo 93kg
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Re: Forum Flyers

Post by jackarabit » October 19th, 2020, 11:14 am

Lindsay, going along to get along is a skill like any other and not my strong suit but I accept that polite discourse and provisional agreement grease the wheels of civility. Hoping to hear more of that sweet music of collegiality! I look up to Olympians of sport, scholarship, intellect, and fair argument but I don’t break my neck staring open mouthed when I hear smack talk. :D
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Re: Forum Flyers

Post by Marcvo17 » October 19th, 2020, 5:11 pm

I have been off the message board for awhile, so responding to a few of the recent posts.

Both my wife (Linda) and I share all of our ErgData/logbook data online for everyone to see. I don’t see any downside. No one really “cares” about the data for any particular individual. I know I certainly don’t. But I do like to view data on others to learn the type and frequency of the workouts other people do in the spirit of learning and variety. So I wish more people would make their data visible.

Yes, my wife and I were the “Voorhees tag team” in the recent Fall challenge. My wife is a “little” competitive and her husband is no dummy. Linda would do her workouts in the morning, and then I would match (not beat!) her meters in my workout in the afternoon. About 75% of Linda’s meters were on the BikeErg, with the balance on Rower or SkiErg. I did about 75% of my meters on the Rower (adjusting for fact that BikeErg only counts half). The fact that Jack did his 500K+ solely on the Rower is all the more impressive! The Challenge was fun and pushed us out of our comfort zone. We hope to give Jack more of challenge next time! :-)

Slogging away in the Fall Challenge for lots of meters certainly was different. I now feel that I have lost my fitness for a fast pace. I did my 1 mile (1609m) piece for IRL yesterday, and it was a struggle. Holding off on this month’s 30 minute Challenge for later in the month, once I hopefully regain some of my “fast(er)” pace feel.

We do live Asheville. Don’t know Glen Walters. I don’t see him listed on the Forum Flyers team roster. Maybe he has moved onto another team. I have never rowed on the water, but I would love to try.


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Re: Forum Flyers

Post by jackarabit » October 19th, 2020, 7:06 pm

Thanx for posting, Marc. Linda is a gamer and worthy adversary. No question she and her wingman would have the top meter total honours if not for the cessation of activity over six consecutive days in wk 3. That was a gift to the rest of us but worried me because I couldn’t be certain we wouldn’t see a sizeable meter dump after several days of apparent inactivity. I wager Linda will kick butt and take names in future challenges. Those 50k bikergs can’t be easy. 🙏
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Re: Forum Flyers

Post by lindsayh » October 19th, 2020, 7:18 pm

Marcvo17 wrote:
October 19th, 2020, 5:11 pm
Slogging away in the Fall Challenge for lots of meters certainly was different. I now feel that I have lost my fitness for a fast pace. I did my 1 mile (1609m) piece for IRL yesterday, and it was a struggle. Holding off on this month’s 30 minute Challenge for later in the month, once I hopefully regain some of my “fast(er)” pace feel.
We do live Asheville. Don’t know Glen Walters. I don’t see him listed on the Forum Flyers team roster. Maybe he has moved onto another team. I have never rowed on the water, but I would love to try. —Marc
Hi Marc - you and Linda are just doing great - well done.
Glenn was never a Flyer but was very active on the training threads but less so now as he is mainly an OTW rower. If you were interested in the water then I am sure you could find him on the training thread and send him a PM. He seems like a really good guy who would be happy to help you.
Best of luck with the 30'!
73yo 93kg
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PBs (65y+) 1 min 349m, 500m 1:29.8, 1k 3:11.7 2k 6:47.4, 5km 18:07.9, 30' 7928m, 10k 37:57.2, 60' 15368m

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Re: Forum Flyers

Post by Marcvo17 » October 19th, 2020, 10:04 pm

Jack...come the next team challenge, I think both you and I are going to be in trouble :-)

Lindsay...I just learned that Asheville has an actual OTW rowing club...aptly named the Asheville Rowing Club! Glen Walters is a member. The club offers introductory OTW lessons to novices in the spring...which I will check out (if I don’t chicken out). Thanks for the tip.


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Re: Forum Flyers

Post by lindsayh » October 20th, 2020, 12:57 am

Marcvo17 wrote:
October 19th, 2020, 10:04 pm
Lindsay...I just learned that Asheville has an actual OTW rowing club...aptly named the Asheville Rowing Club! Glen Walters is a member. The club offers introductory OTW lessons to novices in the spring...which I will check out (if I don’t chicken out). Thanks for the tip.
Cool - say hi to Glenn if you meet him
73yo 93kg
Sydney Australia
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PBs (65y+) 1 min 349m, 500m 1:29.8, 1k 3:11.7 2k 6:47.4, 5km 18:07.9, 30' 7928m, 10k 37:57.2, 60' 15368m

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Re: Forum Flyers

Post by Slothful1 » October 20th, 2020, 1:57 am

christineinwa wrote:
October 15th, 2020, 11:20 am
Greetings Forum Flyers! I'd love to join your team to participate in team challenges. I'm completely brand new to the challenges world, and have been doing just my own thing offline before now. Looking forward to learning how this works! :D
Welcome Christine! Glad you chose us :).


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Re: Forum Flyers

Post by Slothful1 » October 20th, 2020, 1:59 am

neil262 wrote:
October 15th, 2020, 2:00 pm
Well managed 168965m for the fall challange. Quite happy with that for my first challenge. Managed to complete my first half marathon as part of it too! Hopefully I'll manage the 200000m next time!
Great effort, Neil. Will be a good warm up for the Nov/Dec individual Holiday Challenge (200k).

Beware the desire to try increasingly longer distances, like the marathon and 100k :).


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Re: Forum Flyers

Post by Slothful1 » October 20th, 2020, 2:02 am

Borg8888 wrote:
October 16th, 2020, 6:05 am
Hi there!

After checking out the forums I just joined the Forum Flyers Teams and also set my affiliation to Forum Flyers.

I have been rowing on the erg on and off but the last 2 years i've found a team and started logging the meters. Over the last 3 years i logged 8M and intend to keep a regime of 60 - 90 km a week (apart from holidays). As my other team members stopped logging meters i went out to search for a more active team that keeps me more motivated and now i'm here.

Hope that's Ok and looking forward to put in the km's for the different concept2 rowing challenges.

Cheers, Hans
Welcome Hans. Great to have you on board!

There is a new member's guide that covers all the ways you can get involved in between your normal training.


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Re: Forum Flyers

Post by Slothful1 » October 20th, 2020, 2:14 am

Gymbeau wrote:
October 17th, 2020, 8:21 am
Hello Forum Flyers,

I joined the Flyers for the C2 FTC. I enjoyed watching everyone's progress throughout the challenge. My only experience with the rowerg was limited to usage at the local health club. We only had 2 ergs there, so time on it was limited to 20 minutes. After the health clubs were closed down in Illinois, I was fortunate to get on the Concept 2 waitlist to purchase my own.

I enjoyed the challenge and am looking forward to the next one as motivation.

I think joining the Flyers was a great choice, and I'll be quietly adding my meters to the teams totals.

James in Bartlett
Welcome James! Thanks for the contributions, and hope you stick around for the other fun stuff. Check out the new member's guide if you haven't seen it already.


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Re: Forum Flyers

Post by Slothful1 » October 20th, 2020, 2:17 am

Johan Smit wrote:
October 18th, 2020, 12:40 pm
Some space for a Dutch indoor rower? Been rowing on my "own" for 5 years now, and want to join some challenges together with others. Do I have to do something else? I am quite new to the online Concept2 world.

Regards, Johan (52, Netherlands)
Welcome on board, Johan!


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Re: Forum Flyers

Post by Johan Smit » October 20th, 2020, 3:44 am

Thanks everyone!

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