Shoulder Pain

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Shoulder Pain

Post by Row2Run » July 16th, 2020, 10:29 am

I have been following Pete's beginner program fr the last 5 weeks. I notice that I started getting should pain that persists for several days after I row long rows. It is not muscle pain. Looking at online shoulder anatomy pictures it appears the pain is near the supraspinatus tendon on both shoulders. I'm still likely considered a newbie and I imagine its an issue relate to form. Is this a common issue? Anyone have any suggestions?

Thank you so much!!

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Re: Shoulder Pain

Post by mitchel674 » July 16th, 2020, 10:47 am

What has helped me the most is to try and keep my arms and shoulders relaxed. Think about the "hang" off the handle as you drive with your legs. You should really be engaged with your lats which are much larger muscles than your deltoids and trapezius. See if this helps.
59yo male, 6ft, 153lbs

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