My name is Pascal and I'm from Germany.
My main focus is lead climbing( ~6a) and bouldering (6B+), In the past I always struggled with my endurance and somehow weight control. I try to go climbing 2 Times a week and have an garage gym with power rack, barbell, bench pullupbar...
I have rowed in the past from time to time and always liked it, last year I got my hands on a used Model D.
After some months of playing around with hiit, training proposal for climbers and some Workout of the day sessions. I figured out that my endurance hasn't improved as much as I was expecting. I did already some 2k tests and was able to improve from couldn't finish it( December 2019) to 7:35 last week I still struggle with rowing longer than 20-25 minutes so I can manage around 5-6k.
After some research I found the BPP which fits to my current 5k capability

My plan is to follow it as long as possible, lets see if I can finish the full 24 Weeks my target is to increase SS to 10k.
After I have the first results I will jump into the PP Threat.
Current states
Male 33 Years 185cm 90Kg
2K 7:35.6-> 1:53.9/500m
5k 21:35.6 -> 2:09.5/500m