Concept 2 Logbook question

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Concept 2 Logbook question

Post by Kris7900 » January 19th, 2020, 3:24 pm

Hi everyone, quick question on logging workouts of the day in the log book. Today's Medium workout was: 6 x 4 min / 1 min easy

I'm unable to attach a picture for some reason, but my numbers showed 5409 m total, 2:21.3 ave/ 500 m

I believe my split time is my average for that interval, not for the entire workout? Please correct me if I’m wrong.

How would i log this in the log book? If I simply enter the 5409 total and use 24 minutes (6 x 4 min), that gives me a 2:13 which is also not correct. Would like to make sure I'm entering interval training accurately to monitor progress. Thanks!

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Re: Concept 2 Logbook question

Post by winniewinser » January 19th, 2020, 5:31 pm


I would exclude any meters rowed during rest periods. So add all meters rowed during the 24 mins then enter that.

If you can connect using Ergdata it makes life much easier.

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Re: Concept 2 Logbook question

Post by Citroen » January 19th, 2020, 5:47 pm

Ergdata includes resting metres as that's desired by the annual metre monkeys who don't care about their rate/pace but just care about metres rowed.

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Re: Concept 2 Logbook question

Post by winniewinser » January 19th, 2020, 5:55 pm

Citroen wrote:
January 19th, 2020, 5:47 pm
Ergdata includes resting metres as that's desired by the annual metre monkeys who don't care about their rate/pace but just care about metres rowed.
It does but it shows pace based only on the intervals rowed.

I did 4x800m and got .....

11:19.6 3,200m 1:46.1 292 1306 29 170
2:50.6 800m 1:46.6 289 1293 28 165
2:50.3 800m 1:46.4 290 1298 30 171
2:50.5 800m 1:46.5 289 1295 28 170
2:48.2 800m 1:45.1 301 1336 30 175

Do it shows the rest meters but the log list shows only 3200m.

Either way it saves having to enter anything manually.
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Re: Concept 2 Logbook question

Post by Kris7900 » January 19th, 2020, 6:08 pm

Thanks. I don’t have ErgData and wasn’t planning on it anytime soon.

So, the split time, is that just for the current/last interval rowed? Or for the entire workout? Seems like there should be a way to know what my times are when rowing the actual intervals.

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Re: Concept 2 Logbook question

Post by Dino » January 19th, 2020, 6:17 pm

I mostly just use a USB stick rather than ErgData - does the job. Saves entering manually - whenever you feel like it, you can upload to the logbook using the C2 utility on laptop or PC.

Re rest distances, once in the online logbook you can download all history as a CSV file you can open in Excel. Rest distance is broken out in a separate column, so you can then choose to add up your work distance separate from rest distance if you so desire. My rest distances are normally very low any way as any intervals I do I use the rest for rest!! :)
50+PB 1m 326m, 500m 1:38,7, 1k 3:31.6, 2k 7:16.8, 5k 19:06.6, 6k 23:26.0, 30m 7730m, 10k 39:26.1, 60m 15025m, HM 1:25:04.7, FM 2:59:26.0, 50k 3:49:17.3, 34.2k OTW 3:52:57
A long way away from any of these PBs now!!

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Re: Concept 2 Logbook question

Post by Citroen » January 19th, 2020, 6:27 pm

A USB stick uploaded to works the same way as Ergdata but you don't get the pace graphs.

They log each interval, log the full workout (with a simple average for pace/stroke rate) and log ALL metres rowed or resting.

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Re: Concept 2 Logbook question

Post by Cyclist2 » January 20th, 2020, 12:13 pm

The OP didn't specifically state he was using the interval function on the monitor. If doing intervals in the "just row" mode, then it's going to record all the meters and the pace for all those meters, irrespective of which were work meters or rest meters. As the following posts noted, if you set specific intervals, either time or distance, then it separates the work meters from the rest meters.
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Re: Concept 2 Logbook question

Post by Erik A » January 20th, 2020, 4:50 pm

the average is the average for the entire workout excluding rest meters. then if you open that session in the PM you will see the top line is the session average and then there should be 6 lines with the averages for each 4 min interval (should look like Winniewinsers example.

i assume you have set up the PM for time based intervals so you would get the results as above. or are you just rowing for 4 mins then rest then row again?? as in you didnt set anything up on the PM just started rowing??
if you just started rowing on an unset PM then the results would be for the entire workout including the rest meters which would give you 2:40 per 500 based on 29mins
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