[1] Quite comprehensive overview and interesting discussion about the adaption in the body, the shift of lactate tolerance etc.
VO2max does not react too much to training and therefore seems to be related to 'talent'.
Anaerobic threshold (explicitly defined there see (detail1)) shifts relative to VO2max (with training) and this has prompted the consideration of anaerobic
as a determinant of physiological fitness.
There are a lot of different threshold concepts, e.g.
Lactate threshold (LT)
Ventilatory threshold (VT)
and many studies trying to relate them among each other and with the physiological processes.
However:On average, AT occurred at 59.8 + 7.4% VO 2 max and 59.7 + 7.1 %
VO2 max for respiratory gas exchange and blood
lactate methods, respectively. Furthermore, a
correlation of 0.95 was observed after plotting
%VO2 max scores for gas exchange AT versus blood
lactate AT methods.
...All gas exchange methods except
RER significantly correlated with blood lactate
method in ability to detect the AT.
To sum up: LT as a measure of AT is under discussion. This is quite interesting, see the article for details.Several lines of evidence have recently been
presented which refute the theory that ventilatory
and lactate threshold are casually linked.
Heart Rate deflection point (HRDP) (conconi test).
Results depend on the protocol and on personal predisposition. But when it works for you, it is an indication of LT (which is typically used to derive execise intensity ranges).the degree of
HR deflection is highly dependent upon the type of
protocol used. The validity of HRDP to assess the
anaerobic threshold is uncertain, although a high
degree of relationship exists between HRDP and the
second lactate turnpoint (lactate threshold).
...investigated 227 young subjects, using the method
of Conconi et al. (54) and observed 85.9% of the
subjects showed a “regular” deflection, 6.2%
showed no deflection at all, and 7.9% showed even
an inverted deflection of the heart rate performance
curve (HRPC).
Specifically for rowers there has been at least one study showing that HRDP does not relate well to AT.
To me, this is totally sensible:
AT is related to VO2max (~60% of Vo2max), which does not react to training (related to 'talent'). Therefore, LT which reacts to training can not be related to AT.
=> my conclusion: if you belong to the ~85% for which HRDP exists, it is a good indication of LT and one can derive the training intensity ranges therefrom (as a non-invasive test method one can execute regularly at home).
Now that we know how to estimate LT, how to derive ranges and how to train?
[2] has a good overview.
[1] Malays J Med Sci. 2004 Jan;11(1):24-36.
Anaerobic threshold: its concept and role in endurance sport.
[2]What is best practice for training intensity and duration distribution in endurance athletes?
Stephen Seiler
https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/W ... 7def1b2c4f
Concept of anaerobic threshold/lactate
threshold was introduced in order to define the point
when metabolic acidosis and also the associated
changes in gas exchange in the lungs, occur during
exercise (15). To explain it in another way, during
incremental exercise, at a certain intensity, there is
nonlinear steep increase in ventilation, known as
ventilatory anaerobic threshold (16), a non linear
increase in blood lactate concentration, known as
lactate threshold (16), a non linear increase in CO2
production, an increase in end tidal oxygen, an
increase in CO 2 production (15), an arterial lactate
level of 4 mM/L, known as onset of blood lactate
accumulation (OBLA) [17], and an abrupt increase
of FEO 2 (expired O 2 fraction) [18]. All these points
are collectively labeled as Anaerobic Threshold
(AT). It is evidenced that ventilatory anaerobic
threshold is directly related to and also caused by
blood lactate threshold (15-19).
It has been observed that individuals with