Dismantling the Dyno flywheel

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Dismantling the Dyno flywheel

Post by PGH_row » April 21st, 2019, 8:08 pm

I have been restoring a Dyno. It was it is pretty good condition for its age (mine has a date 3/18/2002 written under the flywheel). I have replaced some parts from Concept2 [they still have some genuine Dyno parts left!].

I haven't opened up the Dyno flywheel and bracket. Looking at the schematics, I can't figure out what is the best way to take it apart to look at it, clean it up, and put it back together. I have tried to unscrew the center Phillips head screw but it doesn't unscrew (because I can't hold onto the nylock nut on the inside).

Any ideas how to take this apart?

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Re: Dismantling the Dyno flywheel

Post by Ombrax » April 21st, 2019, 8:41 pm

I'd call C2 and ask them directly. There aren't a lot of Dynos out there, so the user support base isn't nearly what it is for the rowers.

I had some questions about how best to lube the short chain loop (access is difficult on the earlier models, before they added a lube port) and they were quite helpful. I forgot the name of the guy who helped me, but you definitely want to talk to someone who's been there a while, since they're more likely to be familiar with the Dyno.

Good Luck

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