"Scan icon" in lower RH corner of Ergdata app?

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"Scan icon" in lower RH corner of Ergdata app?

Post by dave2013 » March 20th, 2019, 2:04 pm

I have Ergdata V1.3.8(3) with an iPhone 7.

On the main screen in the lower right hand corner there is a small icon next to the settings button. It looks like an "N" with two right hand parentheses next to it (like: 'N))' ).

What does this do?

If I click on it, a dialog box pops open that says "Ready to Scan. Hold iphone against PM5 screen to connect." However when I do this nothing happens.

Does anyone know how this is supposed to work?

I recently upgraded to the latest firmware for the PM5 (v29).

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Re: "Scan icon" in lower RH corner of Ergdata app?

Post by FRiC » March 24th, 2019, 9:09 pm

That's for NFC scanning and only works with the newer PM5 with NFC. It's no different from Bluetooth scanning except you have to be really close to the device so there's no confusion which device you're trying to connect with if you're in a gym with multiple devices.

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