Optimal 500m race warmup - Heavy squat/deadlift singles?

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Optimal 500m race warmup - Heavy squat/deadlift singles?

Post by sah » December 19th, 2018, 10:27 am

My two best 500m times, set a few years apart have both come as closers for a weight training workout.

This week did some front squats, deadlifts, bench, then a 1:21.9 500m. I didn't go super heavy or too many sets on the weights. Similar to a few years ago.

Has anyone else played around with working up to say a few 80-90% singles on squat and deadlift as warmup for a 500m? I think it might maximize neuromuscular activation or ??? Seems to work for me. Try it.

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Re: Optimal 500m race warmup - Heavy squat/deadlift singles?

Post by hjs » December 19th, 2018, 5:23 pm

Known concept, its a sort of priming the nerves. The time between the weights and row, or other sport does matter. No to short, but also not to long.
Ben Johson used it for his 100m.

More to find if you google the subject.

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Re: Optimal 500m race warmup - Heavy squat/deadlift singles?

Post by Gammmmo » December 19th, 2018, 5:29 pm

Hmmmm.....I wonder if choosing a day when the CNS should be less depleted would work well if neuromuscular so important. I've suspected that HRV might be good for showing the state of CNS, so finally maybe a use for that :lol:
Paul, 49M, 5'11" 83kg (sprint PBs HWT), ex biker now lifting
Deadlift=190kg, LP=1:15, 100m=15.7s, 1min=350m Image
Targets: 14s (100m), 355m+ 1min, 1:27(500m), 3:11(1K)

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Re: Optimal 500m race warmup - Heavy squat/deadlift singles?

Post by StrengthCoachWill » December 19th, 2018, 7:12 pm

Look into post-activation potentiation. It is typically used for super short track and field style events, not something as long as a 500m row, but it's a relatively new concept. Offhand, I'd be concerned about fatiguing the legs and back with heavy lifting work...but if it works for you, it works for you!

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Re: Optimal 500m race warmup - Heavy squat/deadlift singles?

Post by G-dub » December 19th, 2018, 7:31 pm

I did this before max watts, 100s and 250s - works great for that
Glenn Walters: 5'-8" X 192 lbs. Bday 01/09/1962

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