[In]decent Intervals

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Re: [In]decent Intervals

Post by NavigationHazard » December 17th, 2018, 3:01 pm

30 x 1' r20 on 30" this evening. Meh.

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Re: [In]decent Intervals

Post by NavigationHazard » December 26th, 2018, 2:55 am

Like much of the rowing world, I have had holiday-related disruption to my training. I am headed back to Wroclaw later today and normal service should resume shortly. Although New Year's Day may be a bit problematic as well....
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Re: [In]decent Intervals

Post by NavigationHazard » December 31st, 2018, 8:19 am

Last workout of the year.... 1' r20 intervals on 30" rest; 30' on the stationary cycle at ~322w.

The gym is in fact open tomorrow, for at least a few hours.....
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Re: [In]decent Intervals

Post by NavigationHazard » January 4th, 2019, 5:51 am

The Team Oarsome Challenge for January is 10 x 300m on 2' rest.

Jan 2: 10 x 300m r26 on 2 mins. 9:18.0, 1:33.0 pace. Wheels came off part way through and I couldn't hold a rating of 24 at that pace...

jAN 3: 8:57.4 TO Challenge r35.

01] 54.1 1:30.2 pace r34 [PM] 477w
02] 53.5 1:29.2 pace r36 [PM] 494w
03] 53.8 1:29.7 pace r35 [PM] 486w
04] 53.8 1:29.7 pace r35 [PM] 486w
05] 53.7 1:29.5 pace r35 [PM] 488w
06] 53.7 1:29.5 pace r35 [PM] 488w
07] 54.1 1:30.2 pace r34 [PM] 477w
08] 54.5 1:30.8 pace r34 [PM] 467w
09] 54.4 1:30.7 pace r34 [PM] 470w
10] 51.8 1:26.3 pace r36 [PM] 544w

Blergh. Once upon a time I could do these.....
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Re: [In]decent Intervals

Post by NavigationHazard » January 11th, 2019, 2:23 am

Had trouble with a delayed-onset hypoglycemic seizure episode last weekend. Backed off of the high-rate sprint stuff a bit to try to get my activity and meal schedules better aligned with the uptick in exercise activity...

Multiple workouts yesterday. AM for starters was 8 x 500m r32 on 2 mins passive rest. I struggled mightily to get ErgData to connect and couldn't. No, let me amend that. I just struggled. I am not used to rowing reps at that kind of rating and I really felt awkward doing it. It is too bad I lack the ErgData graphs as I suspect they would reveal way too much stroke-to-stroke inconsistency. Oh well, the only solution is repetition.... I averaged 1:35.9 pace, which in my defense is marginally under the age group 2k WR pace. I added 10 x 1 min r20 on 30" rest at 1:46 4 pace plus 30 mins on the stationary cycle at a nominal 302 watts, cadence 52.

I came back after lunch with a different phone and upgraded the monitor firmware. I got ErgData to connect this time. Now I have to remember the WiFi network password for the gym so I can sync the log data..... 8 x 500m r24 this session on 2 mins rest plus 30 mins on the cycle at a nominal 311 watts. And I can report that Ms Nav actually put in some erg time during my cycle tour....
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Re: [In]decent Intervals

Post by NavigationHazard » January 12th, 2019, 1:27 am

Here's the 1/10 8 x 500m r24 session: Image
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Re: [In]decent Intervals

Post by NavigationHazard » January 12th, 2019, 1:28 am

And here's the 1/11 reprise: Image

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Re: [In]decent Intervals

Post by NavigationHazard » January 12th, 2019, 12:53 pm

14 x 300m r24 on 1' this afternoon. I again couldn't get ErgData to start up when I started in on the intervals. I may need to update the firmware on the PM5s in the gym.....

01] 60.1 1:40.2 pace r24 [PM5] 24 strokes r24.0 348w
02] 59.8 1:39.7 pace r23 [PM5] 23 strokes r23.1 354w
03] 59.1 1:38.5 pace r23 [PM5] 23 strokes r23.4 366w
04] 58.4 1:37.3 pace r24 [PM5] 23 strokes r23.6 380w
05] 58.1 1:36.8 pace r24 [PM5] 23 strokes r23.8 386w
06] 58.5 1:37.5 pace r24 [PM5] 23 strokes r23.6 378w
07] 58.3 1:37.2 pace r24 [PM5] 23 strokes r23.7 382w
08] 58.0 1:36.7 pace r24 [PM5] 23 strokes r23.8 388w
09] 57.7 1:36.2 pace r24 [PM5] 23 strokes r23.9 394w
10] 57.7 1:36.2 pace r24 [PM5] 23 strokes r23.9 394w
11] 57.9 1:36.5 pace r24 [PM5] 23 strokes r23.8 390w
12] 57.9 1:36.5 pace r24 [PM5] 23 strokes r23.8 390w
13] 57.6 1:36.0 pace r24 [PM5] 23 strokes r24.0 396w
14] 56.6 1:34.3 pace r23 [PM5] 22 strokes r23.3 417w

4200m total work distance in 13:35.7 net elapsed work duration, 1:37.1 pace, 383w r 23 [PM5}, r 23.7 [spreadsheet].
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Re: [In]decent Intervals

Post by NavigationHazard » January 15th, 2019, 2:02 am

20 x 1' r24 on 1' yesterday, most of them 295m/ 1:41.7 pace and then the last few pushed a bit. #20 was 318m/ 1:34.3 pace.

1:41.0 average overall, with the last 14 1:40.6 average. I could not get my HR belt to connect to the monitor, and ErgData wouldn't get past a "Connecting to Erg" message and actually track anything.

I added 30' on the TechnoGym recumbent cycle at a nominal 322 watts, cadence about 50. And a combination Jacuzzi/steam room cooldown.
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Re: [In]decent Intervals

Post by NavigationHazard » January 15th, 2019, 1:33 pm

20 x 1' r28 on 1' at 1:38.6 pace today.

I added 30' on the TechnoGym recumbent cycle at a nominal 327w, cadence 51. The PM5 still won't find my HR belt, but today the TechnoGym cycle picked it up. HR average 128 bpm with a peak at 140.

I also did some lower back extensions, deadlifts, and horizontal leg presses. I think I was on 52.5 kg for the back extensions and 125 kg for the leg presses. I did 160 of the latter in rapid-fire sets of 10.
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Re: [In]decent Intervals

Post by NavigationHazard » January 22nd, 2019, 3:12 am

I had roughly a week off of ErgData, which I couldn't get to actually start a workout for love or money. It would recognize the PM, and I'd get the "Connection successful!" on the monitor screen, but on the phone the app wouldn't get past a "Connecting to erg" prompt. I tried updating the firmware. I checked to make sure I was running the latest ErgData version. I tried four different combinations of phones and ergs(2 of each). Nope....

This was Sunday's 16 x 250m r32ish on 50". I gave it some stick....

01] 0:48.8 1:37.6 pace r32 [PM5] 26 strokes r32.0 376 w
02] 0:48.5 1:37.0 pace r32 [PM5] 26 strokes r32.2 383 w
03] 0:48.3 1:36.6 pace r32 [PM5] 26 strokes r32.3 388 w
04] 0:47.6 1:35.2 pace r32 [PM5] 26 strokes r32.8 406 w
05] 0:47.2 1:34.4 pace r33 [PM5] 26 strokes r33.1 416 w
06] 0:47.1 1:34.2 pace r33 [PM5] 26 strokes r33.1 419 w
07] 0:47.2 1:34.4 pace r33 [PM5] 26 strokes r33.1 416 w
08] 0:46.6 1:33.2 pace r33 [PM5] 26 strokes r33.5 432 w
09] 0:46.6 1:33.2 pace r32 [PM5] 25 strokes r32.2 432 w
10] 0:46.8 1:33.6 pace r32 [PM5] 25 strokes r32.1 427 w
11] 0:46.6 1:33.2 pace r32 [PM5] 25 strokes r32.2 432 w
12] 0:46.4 1:32.8 pace r32 [PM5] 25 strokes r32.3 438 w
13] 0:46.2 1:32.4 pace r31 [PM5] 25 strokes r32.5 444 w
14] 0:46.0 1:32.0 pace r33 [PM5] 25 strokes r32.6 449 w
15] 0:45.2 1:30.4 pace r32 [PM5] 24 strokes r31.9 474 w
16] 0:42.2 1:24.4 pace r38 [PM5] 27 strokes r38.4 582 w

4000m total work distance in 12:27.3 net elapsed work duration, 1;33.4 pace, 430w r33.

Then yesterday ErgData decided to work again. I didn't do anything different software-wise or step-wise, but it connected and ran just fine. Who knows. Maybe it was the Blood Moon....

Here's yesterday's reprise of the 16 x 250m workout:


I'd originally intended to do 30 reps at around 1:39 pace. But I was a victim of my unexpected success in getting ErgData to connect. Around rep 12 or so I realized that my phone was rapidly running out of juice. I got a '15% power - switching to battery saver' message after rep 12. So to avoid the risk of losing the data if the phone powered off on its own during an interval, I decided to bail out after 16. The last three were pretty peppy, I think....
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Re: [In]decent Intervals

Post by NavigationHazard » January 22nd, 2019, 5:39 pm

Today's extravaganza: 30 x 250m r30/31 (i.e. most of the reps 25 strokes) on 50" rest, negative splitted:


The last 16 were at 1:36.4 average pace.
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Re: [In]decent Intervals

Post by NavigationHazard » January 24th, 2019, 1:51 am

13 x 1 min r24 on 30 secs rest last evening. Ms Nav walked by the ergs during rep 8 and I miscounted strokes on account of acknowledging her presence....


Not as smooth and consistent stroke-to-stroke as I'd like, but not horrible either considering the power level.
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Re: [In]decent Intervals

Post by NavigationHazard » January 25th, 2019, 6:02 am

20 x 1' r24 on 30" rest yesterday:


Trademark fast last rep.
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Re: [In]decent Intervals

Post by NavigationHazard » January 25th, 2019, 9:09 am

13 x 1 min r28 on 30 secs today:


Trademark fast last rep....
67 MH 6' 6"

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