LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

A member of an indoor rowing team or club? If so, this is the place for you.

Can this one team row to the moon and back?

Poll ended at May 17th, 2008, 12:28 pm

I think we can do it together. I'm all in!
No way! You all are wacko!
Total votes: 54

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Another Reindeer and More Bling!!

Post by Kona2 » December 9th, 2018, 9:26 am

Kiki (Kristine)

And Buzz (Patrick S) has earned his antler lights with 200K...the $6 charity match by Concept2 and the holiday challenge pin! Good work!

Buzz (Patrick S)

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Another Reindeer !!

Post by Kona2 » December 9th, 2018, 10:00 am

Jet (Keith J)

Keith J zoomed in to get his reindeer Jet - bringing our reindeer total to 35!

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All In A Day's ERG: Team Progress Thru 12.08.18

Post by Kona2 » December 9th, 2018, 11:03 am

Image Day 18 of 33...

Image ImageImage

A little more than the halfway point of the Challenge....and are you finding it a challenge to get those holiday meters completed while getting the rest of the holiday (and LIFE) stuff done?! I'm finding it almost requires scheduling my day around the meter production here and there!

Every year when I start posting the reindeer images, and especially the ones with bling such as the antler lights, flashing harnesses, tail and ear wags - I am SO thankful that we have our resident artist AJ on the team. He is the one who has done the graphics that we all enjoy! THANKS AJ !

Not really a bunny trail...more of a snippet of the K2 world:

Meanwhile, there are some moments of hilarity and "can't believe I didn't check that" going on as per usual. I'm on my third generation of Golden Retrievers - this batch being affectionately known as Thing 1 and 2 (Kai and Aerie). They each weigh about 70 lbs. It's a little over 35 inches height from the driveway to the cargo area of the Expedition...and young as they are, it's not good for them to stress their joints jumping down - and one of them fully refuses to jump up. At 70 lbs, it is usually an uff da for me to lift them up and down...especially if they throw themselves enthusiastically at me. I've tried ramps with the previous generations once they got to an age where they couldn't easily get up and down. In EVERY case, the dogs have flat out refused to use the ramp...and I've given the ramp away.

So, holiday sales being what they are, I ordered another ramp. It arrived yesterday with a thump on the front porch. It was time to begin "training" Thing 1 and 2 to be comfortable walking on the incline of a relatively narrow ramp. The four inch drop into the living room seemed like a good starting point. I had selected an ultralite ramp version, thinking this made good sense and would be more portable and envisioned being able to gradually increase the incline until it was no big deal when I moved to actual vehicle boarding. Snort.

Many treats later (and excited pups racing around the room), training for the first incline was completed successfully. I could see that my plan just might work. I was feeling quite accomplished, and thinking that for once I was truly ahead of the aging puppy scenarios - getting them used to the ramp use while still young dogs. I kept looking at the length of the ramp, though, and then went out to the discover that "it's a tall vehicle" really meant 35 inches tall. Going to need a longer ramp or a belay rope...rats. While not quite a measure twice, cut once's close!

MILESTONES...Bragging Rights...Celebrations:

Image Distance remaining to lunar landing: 44,546,114 m

5.5 MM Ed
1.15 MM Todd
800 K Gary
350 K Tombeur...more successes every day!
100 K Kristine

Thanks, everyone, for erging with us!

David T 2,500 m
Dennis 3,431 m
AJ 4,020 m
Rebecca 5,000 m
Rosie 5,000 m
William H 5,000 m
Gines 5,370 m
Tombeur 6,223 m
Jeff D 6,416 m
Kevin Mc 6,587 m
Steve W 6,689 m
David W 8,000 m
Robert H 8,000 m
Tom R 10,015 m
Andrea 10,712 m
Josh 10,752 m
Jean M 11,055 m ...a double aught double!
Howard ImageImageImageImageImage m ...a onesie palindrome!
Norma ImageImageImageImageImage m ...a onesie palindrome!
Jamie 11,666 m ! Another sequential double triple!
Dan O' 12,111 m
Patrick S 13,085 m
Victor 14,745 m
Ken 15,000 m
Ted 17,000 m
Doug 17,074 m
Ron 18,281 m eighteener of a palindrome!
ImageKristine 21,120 m ...she moons us!
Image Minnie 21,120 m ...she moons us, too!
K2 22,029 m 🚲
Image Gary 25,097 m ... he moons us!
Image Baz 30,000 m ... he moons us!
Image Ed 42,195 m ... he full moons us!

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by normadelaney » December 9th, 2018, 4:43 pm

Many thanks to AJ and to you, K2, for all that you do to make the challenges fun and to keep us going throughout the year.

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by bg » December 9th, 2018, 4:49 pm

normadelaney wrote:
December 9th, 2018, 4:43 pm
Many thanks to AJ and to you, K2, for all that you do to make the challenges fun and to keep us going throughout the year.
yes!!!! i was just about to say the same thing :-}

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Another Reindeer !! And Reindeer Bling !!

Post by Kona2 » December 9th, 2018, 9:28 pm

Gordie (Victor)

Our 36th reindeer is Gordie (Victor) after one of the more famous Canandian hockey players!

Prancer (Ron).... has earned the flashing harness (and $10 in charity matches)with 300K Holiday Challenge meters!

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Let there be more lights! Reindeer bling!

Post by Kona2 » December 10th, 2018, 11:33 am

Moto Guzzi (Howard)

Donner (Ian)

Howard and Ian have both earned 200K in the Holiday Challenge, and the $6 charity match....and the holiday challenge pin!

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All In A Day's ERG: Team Progress Thru 12.09.18

Post by Kona2 » December 10th, 2018, 12:20 pm

Image Day 19 of 33...

Hooboy! Much of the southeastern part of the US will be digging out and waiting for snowplows to get going in their neighborhoods today...amazing snowfall amounts! Good weekend to get some indoor erging completed!

Several more teammates are getting really, REALLY close to the reindeer gate...including teammate Miles who posted a mega meter update...this is the time of year we encourage emptying the meter piggy bank! Actually, I think we ALWAYS encourage it!

MILESTONES...Bragging Rights...Celebrations:

Image Distance remaining to lunar landing: 43,386,998 m

3.2 MM Ron
2.55 MM Minnie
1.8 MM Miles
1.6 MM Steve W
1.55 MM Ian
1.25 MM danwho
950 K Howard
700 K Ted
450 K Jeff B
400 K Andrea
350 K Robert H
100 K Jean M

Thanks, everyone, for erging with us!

Victor 2,000 m
William H 2,000 m
Tim M 4,496 m
Tom M 4,800 m
Melissa 5,000 m
Jason 5,032 m
Jeff D 5,367 m
Trevor 5,500 m
Jean M 6,136 m
Michael C 6,378 m
Kevin Mc 6,421 m
David T 6,500 m
FRiC 6,669 m
Image ImageImageImageImage m ...a lucky 7 palindrome...and the garland was hung with care!
Dan E 7,835 m
Bernie 8,097 m
Rich G 8,361 m
Doug G 9,130 m
Dan O' 9,991 m
Keith J 10,000 m
Rebecca 10,000 m
Robert H 10,000 m
Rosie 10,000 m
Virginia 10,000 m
Tom R 10,012 m
Tombeur 10,124 m
Howard 11,199 m
Josh 11,600 m
Jamie 11,777 m ...another double triple! 8's coming up!
K2 12,000 m
Karyn 12,033 m
danwho 13,131 m ...a lucky 13, possibly snowbound, palindrome!
Dennis 13,431 m ...another palindrome!
Andrea 13,878 m
Ken 15,000 m
Jeff B 15,136 m
Stuart 15,451 m ...a palindrome!
Salvador 17,146 m
Ian 18,316 m
Minnie 19,991 m ...a palindrome!
Danno 21,006 m
Gary 21,097 m ..he moons us!
Steve W 21,697 m ... he moons us!
Thor 21,710 m ... he moons us!
Ron 24,097 m ... he moons us!
Ted 25,000 m ... he moons us!
David A 28,411 m ... he moons us!
Ed ImageImageImageImageImage m ... he moons us with a palindrome!
Image Miles 575,050 m

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Re: All In A Day's ERG: Team Progress Thru 12.09.18

Post by danwho » December 10th, 2018, 2:05 pm

Kona2 wrote:
December 10th, 2018, 12:20 pm
Hooboy! Much of the southeastern part of the US will be digging out and waiting for snowplows to get going in their neighborhoods today...amazing snowfall amounts! Good weekend to get some indoor erging completed!
It actually doesn't take much down here. Coming from a place that is used to more winter weather, I remember not really understanding how people here reacted to snow. A long time ago, while still living in NY, I had a business trip to Raleigh, and there was all this talk about 7" of snow, and it delayed my flight. I arrived about noon, and I think, by then, it was almost 70° F. All the snow was melting. I tried going into the office, but needed someone to let me in since I was visiting - but no one was there to let me in. C'mon, you're kidding me, right? Then we moved here... I remember one year where 24" of snow fell overnight and everything was crazy. And it didn't warm up - it would just get a little above freezing for a slight thaw, and then freeze again. Snow plows usually don't touch neighborhoods. My daughter had no school for 3 weeks - happy days are here again - until makeup days are here again. When I went to work, I drove in ruts in the ice in the neighborhood. It was like driving on rails, and then you felt the car move sideways - due to a slight shift in the rut, and then move again. Didn't really need to hold the steering wheel. That lasted for weeks, but major highways were fine after just a couple of days. This kind of winter weather is rare enough, and it's also rare for it to stay below freezing for long, so, beyond the major highways, the general rule is just wait for it to melt. And now I've joined the Eek, snow, nobody drive club.

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by warnie » December 10th, 2018, 4:17 pm

Good to be back was going great guns and then had a back injury on a night off!! anyway still not been rowing and hopefully in the new year but I have been on the bikeerg so good to contribute. Hope everyone's good and on top form.

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by bg » December 10th, 2018, 4:57 pm

warnie wrote:
December 10th, 2018, 4:17 pm
Good to be back was going great guns and then had a back injury on a night off!! anyway still not been rowing and hopefully in the new year but I have been on the bikeerg so good to contribute. Hope everyone's good and on top form.
sending lots of healthy/healing thoughts :-}

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Five More Reindeer !!!

Post by Kona2 » December 11th, 2018, 9:08 am

Drummer (Derric)

Frost (Andrea)
Thor (Thor)
Holly (Jean M)
Silver (Jamie)

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All In A Day's ERG: Team Progress Thru 12.10.18

Post by Kona2 » December 11th, 2018, 9:48 am

Image Day 20 of 33...

The Concept2 Universe is making good progress towards the overall charity donation amount! 16K of the 45K has been met with the matches of all the collective meters! The Lunies have earned almost NINE million holiday challenge meters....and that puts us in FOURTH place in the Concept2 Universe! This is awesome! In terms of total season meters, we are in the 8th spot overall ... so this is definitely Reindeer Powered results. Earn YOUR reindeer today! The Lunie herd is 41 strong.


MILESTONES...Bragging Rights...Celebrations:

Image Distance remaining to lunar landing: 42,981,465 m

5.55 MM Ed ... high fives all around!
2.25 MM David A
850 K Jason
650 K K2
350 K Jamie
200 K Jeff D
150 K Keith J
100 K Emma

Thanks, everyone, for erging with us...and playing reindeer games!

Steve W 2..3..4..5 m ...counting them up!
David T 4,000 m
David W 5,000 m
Lee 5,000 m
Nancy 5,000 m
Rebecca 5,000 m
Robert H 5,000 m
Patrick S 5,366 m
Dan E 5,560 m
Anna C-S 5,704 m
Jason 5,845 m
Louis 6,000 m
Karyn 6,225 m
Keith J 6,386 m
Jeff D 7,411 m
Jean M 7,900 m
Michael C 8,622 m
Andrea 9,232 m
Sarah 9,519 m
Derric 10,000 m
Emma 10,000 m
Kevin Mc 10,000 m
Rick 10,000 m
Jason A 10,332 m
Josh 11,321 m
Jamie 11,888 m!
K2 12,000 m
Image 12,121 m ...a onesie twosie palindrome!
Laurie 13,000 m
bg 13,177 m
Ken 15,000 m
danwho 15,211 m
Ron 16,861 m ...a sixteener of a palindrome!
David A 17,739 m
Minnie 18,313 m
Image Ian 21,352 m ... he moons us!
Greg F 28,771 m 🚲
Image Ed ImageImageImageImageImage m ...a palindrome with a built in moon!

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Re: All In A Day's ERG: Team Progress Thru 12.09.18

Post by Kona2 » December 11th, 2018, 9:59 am

danwho wrote:
December 10th, 2018, 2:05 pm

It actually doesn't take much down here. Coming from a place that is used to more winter weather, I remember not really understanding how people here reacted to snow. A long time ago, while still living in NY, I had a business trip to Raleigh, and there was all this talk about 7" of snow, and it delayed my flight. I arrived about noon, and I think, by then, it was almost 70° F. All the snow was melting. I tried going into the office, but needed someone to let me in since I was visiting - but no one was there to let me in. C'mon, you're kidding me, right? Then we moved here... I remember one year where 24" of snow fell overnight and everything was crazy. And it didn't warm up - it would just get a little above freezing for a slight thaw, and then freeze again. Snow plows usually don't touch neighborhoods. My daughter had no school for 3 weeks - happy days are here again - until makeup days are here again. When I went to work, I drove in ruts in the ice in the neighborhood. It was like driving on rails, and then you felt the car move sideways - due to a slight shift in the rut, and then move again. Didn't really need to hold the steering wheel. That lasted for weeks, but major highways were fine after just a couple of days. This kind of winter weather is rare enough, and it's also rare for it to stay below freezing for long, so, beyond the major highways, the general rule is just wait for it to melt. And now I've joined the Eek, snow, nobody drive club.
Let's hear it for the eek, snow, nobody drive club! Even in Colorado, we've had to institute things like passenger vehicle traction laws....because so many vehicles weren't prepared for the conditions both in the front range area and in the mountains. Lack of proper tires or chains or 4WD caused a lot of crashes and subsequent road shutdowns. Now we get alerts saying when these conditions are in effect...and theoretically vehicles without adequate tires, etc., shouldn't be on the roadways in those areas at that time. Theoretically. Still, there's nothing quite as scary as a 4WD vehicle driver who believes that the 4WD is a talisman that can do anything anywhere ...later we pass them when they're stuck in snowbanks...yikes!

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by brick1101 » December 11th, 2018, 11:24 am

Thanks for all the encouragement on this challenge. Today is my day to do "9s" LOL! Once again the prolonged erging sessions has produced "rump rash" which I have grown to expect. To pass along a tip.... Resional medicated ointment has provided wonderful relief. As I understand this product was used for diaper rash "back in the day." I don't think it is stocked on pharmacy shelves but should be avaiable over the counter from a pharmacist.
I have been collecting SSI for a while and I really hate to say how this years challenge has been a sobering gage as to how my body is slowing down. It is all good and is to be expected.... I plan to keep erging for as long as I physically am able, which I plan on being a long time!!!

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