N.a.t.e. (it's Not About The Erg) Team

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[old] wellborn
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First Virtual Team Challenge

Post by [old] wellborn » January 13th, 2006, 7:14 pm

Hey Team,<br /><br />What a work-week this has been, and it's not over quite yet. 14 hours Monday, 12 hours Tuesday, 10 hours on Wednesday and Thursday, and today I will probably not leave until the 13-14 hour mark. I knew ahead of time this was going to be a tough month, so the Challenge has been helpful to keep me from neglecting my C2 completely. <br /><br />But this week my numbers are suffering: only 2 work-outs so far. If I can get in about 18K before tomorrow night, I will have 7 weeks in a row over 40K. That's a number that keeps me in the consistency range, with not too many days missed in a week's time. I was going to row last night, but I was profoundly tired after getting home. Even though it wasn't too late, I just felt bone-weary. I think tonight will be better. Will let you know.<br /><br />Well, I'd better get to work so I'm not here too late tonight!<br /><br />Gene

[old] erikajas
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First Virtual Team Challenge

Post by [old] erikajas » January 13th, 2006, 7:53 pm

Gene,<br /><br />I feel your pain. Hang in there. My average day is 14-16hrs, often more when I'm on call (like today...nothing like Friday the 13th when you're on trauma call!!!). I also only get about 3 days off a month. I'm impressed that you're getting 40K a week. I'm just hoping to at least get 25K this week. Keep it up! This challenge definitely is keeping me on the erg despite fatigue though so I'm glad I joined. We all have to do something for ourselves sometimes. <br /><br />--Erika

[old] cwcesario
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First Virtual Team Challenge

Post by [old] cwcesario » January 13th, 2006, 10:14 pm

Hey you guys, it has been a tough work week here too. Just doesn't seem to stop! The frantic friday drive home was in full gear, had to take the back way and it took almost 1.5 hours, what a waste! I'm glad you're hanging in there Gene, you are motivating me to keep going - I finished a row last night at 11 pm. Sometimes just something is good enough, and it helps with the stress level. <br /><br />Welcome Carol, glad you are on board! It'll be great to have you here and to catch a loon's call or two?<br /><br />Happy weekend (to those of us who have one, sorry Erika!). For those who do NFL, who's watching which game(s)? At our house, we're on for 8 pm on saturday and 1 pm on sunday, if possible, in honor of co-worker who's a Baltimore-now-Indianapolis fan. Todd, are you rowing and watching again?<br /><br />see you<br />Crane

[old] wellborn
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First Virtual Team Challenge

Post by [old] wellborn » January 14th, 2006, 3:24 am

Thanks for the words of encouragement, Erika and Crane. I appreciate having partners in this endeavor. I did row tonight. Got home about 8:30 and was in the garage by 8:55. Did about 8K total.<br /><br />Erika, How in the world do you manage with that schedule? Are you an intern, resident, or whatever they call that level of physician that gets the insane hours? You sure blow the stereotype of the doctor who's always out on the golf course. If I had your schedule, I think my C2 would be growing cobwebs!<br /><br />Crane, that is some commute you have. I live 4 miles from the school where I work, so at least I don't have to suffer with a long drive.<br /><br />Again, thanks for the company along the way toward keeping fit.<br /><br />Gene

[old] erikajas
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First Virtual Team Challenge

Post by [old] erikajas » January 14th, 2006, 1:02 pm

No, Gene, I got through the intern and resident insanity and am now a fellow. Nowadays residents are restricted to an 80hour workweek so things are a little better for them, but for those of us now in the real world we have no restrictions and in my field the work has got to get done in a timely manner. I'm lucky that I love my job...though I do hate my hours. My erg was getting dusty for a little while which is why I joined the challenge. Figured I had to do something for myself, and this would encourage me to do so. Needless to say, I didn't get around to it last night and I'm still at work now with 2 more cases awaiting me. Perhaps the cold weather today will keep folks off the streets and I can get out of here early. We'll see....<br /><br />And I've never played golf...<br /><br />Row on,<br />Erika

[old] wellborn
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First Virtual Team Challenge

Post by [old] wellborn » January 15th, 2006, 2:54 am

Just thought I'd report that, in just 14 days of 01/06, I have already surpassed my total meters for the entire month of January last year. <br /><br />My thanks to all of you on the NATE team and to C2 for organizing this Virtual Challenge. It's very motivating to check the progress of everybody on the challenge board each day. To know I am a part of a community that loves this form of exercise is a big help, and to have a group to share the ups and downs of keeping at it is the icing on top. <br /><br />Erika, my respect goes out to you! Glad we're on the same team. See you on the virtual water. <br /><br />Gene

[old] cwcesario
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First Virtual Team Challenge

Post by [old] cwcesario » January 15th, 2006, 1:10 pm

Wow, Gene, nice 1/2 January results, that's great!<br />It's really inspiring for me too, although I have no previous totals to compare to.<br />I've had a disappointing week in rowing terms, 15K off of my goal of 50K. I know I need to expect more complicated times like this, but having this team makes it a lot easier! <br />My minor accomplishment: I'm 1/3 of the way to my first million, and in 7 weeks!<br /><br />Actually I'm also grateful that yesterday's huge rain (and glitchy sump pump = small flood in basement, one latest complication) has turned into a cold windy and snowy day, excellent for rowing. Glad to know you are all virtually there too!<br /><br />Erika, my best friend is a pediatric oncologist - so I can only empathize second-hand with the challenges and rewards of your work. Thanks for persevering!<br /><br />Crane

[old] wellborn
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First Virtual Team Challenge

Post by [old] wellborn » January 19th, 2006, 6:52 pm

Hey there, teammates. Looks like we have have had a distracted week so far. I know I have. Just not felt all that great after coming home every night, so I have found it too easy to flop down on the couch. We'll see about tonight. I'm still at work, wasting time before tidying up my classroom and getting ready for tomorrow. Hope you all are well.<br /><br />Gene

[old] grams
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First Virtual Team Challenge

Post by [old] grams » January 19th, 2006, 8:59 pm

I too have been slacking off big time. I think its a virus I caught from the grandkids, (standard excuse) but I have been very tired and doing nothing but brainless non-physical stuff for nearly a week now. At least my muscles don't hurt as much as they did...<br /><br />I believe we are all caught between trying to follow through on our New Years resolutions, while our job-family-school etc is piling on the 'holidays are over, lets get caught up on the to-do list' demands. I'm whittling away at my list, but in order to get out of my slump I started to play my motivational self-hypnosis tapes again. They work for me; I have recharged my beliefs that I am losing weight, love to exercise, and look great. Now back to the erg tomorrow, I promise.<br /><br />You all have very tough life assignments right now. I used to have a tough job until I burned out and started working for myself. My career job was reviewing proposed plans and projects for the city for engineering and grading and environmental concerns. I was in an adversarial position with someone no matter what I did. <br /><br />So, I had these mottos on my desk. Feel free to use them if appropriate:<br /><br />Don't trust anybody (even nice folks make mistakes)<br />Double-check everything (I make mistakes too)<br />Cover your a-- (lots of other people's money was riding on my decisions)<br /><br />Row when you can, and don't sweat the details if life gets in the way,<br />grams

[old] loonylady
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First Virtual Team Challenge

Post by [old] loonylady » January 21st, 2006, 9:11 am

Hi Just thought I'd check in. Sorry to hear you haven't been feeling very peppy, Grams, and I hope you're feeling better soon. Maybe all that rain you had out there had something to do with it. <br /><br />That is quite an accomplishment, Crane, to get over 300K in just 7 weeks! <br /><br />Unfortunately, I won't be adding any more meters during the challenge since I fell on the ice the other morning and hurt my shoulder. Went to dr and hopefully it is just a pull as it is feeling some better already. We're leaving this weekend for warmer climates so will wait to row until I return in early March. <br /><br />N.A.T.E. has done very well. It isn't easy to get all those rows in, especially with the schedules some of you have, and some days are harder than others. Sometimes I don't feel like rowing but will decide I'll just do 2K and once that is done, I'll usually set another goal - maybe 2500 and go from there. Often times, I will end up with 4 or 5K since once you get started, it seems a little easier than when you're thinking about it. Anyhow, I think we're all winners for just rowing. Keep up the good work.<br /><br />Carol

[old] woolsmith
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First Virtual Team Challenge

Post by [old] woolsmith » January 21st, 2006, 11:50 am

Hey LoonyLady!<br /><br />Sorry to hear about your shoulder problems, bummer. I hope you're back to rowing soon after you come back in March. And I absolutely agree with your thought that if we're rowing, we're winning. <br /><br />Have a nice time in the warmer climates! I'm starting to wish for spring already, but we've got a ways to go for that up here in northern Wisconsin. <br /><br />And Grams, I think we've been spreading this virus around to each other, hey? I hope you're better soon, too. Thanks for your inspiring posts. <br /><br />--Jen in WI

[old] cwcesario
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First Virtual Team Challenge

Post by [old] cwcesario » January 21st, 2006, 2:30 pm

Hey Carol, we'll miss you! Hope you heal up soon. I agree with you on the 'just do a little bit' method for dealing with difficult days. For me it works to say to myself, "just do 10 minutes, and then you can ____." Some days I better stop at 10 minutes and keep that little promise or it won't work in the future. Then there are days where I can keep going a little longer and starting is all the impetus I need. <br />Grams I hope you are feeling better. Thanks for the encouragement - and for taking the time you need when ill, that's important. <br />My good friend's son is Nate, and his nickname is "Nater". We've got a great team here, I keep inspiration going with thoughts of all of us NATErs fitting everything in!<br />take care,<br />Crane

[old] erikajas
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First Virtual Team Challenge

Post by [old] erikajas » January 22nd, 2006, 12:05 am

Gene, Crane, I don't know how you do it. You are truly inspirational. I feel like quite the slacker! I am trying to get home long enough to get on the erg, but this week has been warmer than usual and weather often dictates my workload. <br /><br />I've already broken so many New Year's resolutions that I'm embarrassed. So much for eating better...I had cheez-its an doritos for lunch, and at 10pm I have yet to eat dinner. So much for erging...I last got home early enough on Wednesday. I've been swearing less, but admit to giving someone the finger (I'm so ashamed!) while driving this week. And it's not even been a month!<br /><br />But now I have come back to the forum and read about y'all working so hard and battling this nasty virus that's been going around and I'm reinvigorated to get back to better ways. <br /><br />Carol, take care of that shoulder...even little shoulder problems can become a nagging nuisance if you don't take care of them.<br /><br />Grams, I hope you're feeling better. Thanks for all the motivation.<br /><br />--erika

[old] mmracing
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First Virtual Team Challenge

Post by [old] mmracing » January 23rd, 2006, 12:02 pm

<!--QuoteBegin-loonylady+Jan 21 2006, 09:11 AM--><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><div class='genmed'><b>QUOTE(loonylady @ Jan 21 2006, 09:11 AM)</b></div></td></tr><tr><td class='quote'><!--QuoteEBegin-->N.A.T.E. has done very well.  It isn't easy to get all those rows in, especially with the schedules some of you have,  and some days are harder than others.  Sometimes I don't feel like rowing but will decide I'll just do 2K and once that is done, I'll usually set another goal - maybe 2500 and go from there.  Often times, I will end up with 4 or 5K since once you get started, it seems a little easier than when you're thinking about it.  Anyhow, I think we're all winners for just rowing.  Keep up the good work.<br /><br />Carol <br /> </td></tr></table><br /><br />I've been sick, due to overwork and no modivation. I'm back and I'm going to try working on my form. I've been rowing fine for excercise, but too fast for proper form. 37 strokes a minute was rushing the recovery and not exploding properly on the stroke. Today, I'll work on that form.<br /><br />

[old] mmracing
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First Virtual Team Challenge

Post by [old] mmracing » January 23rd, 2006, 12:41 pm

New 2K record for me today: 08:48.3 (Amazing what a more efficient form can do. ) I was only at a 21 or so stroke, but the distance was covered quicker.)<br /><br />I followed it up with a slow 10minute 2K to get some distance logged.
