Pete Plan Thread

General discussion on Training. How to get better on your erg, how to use your erg to get better at another sport, or anything else about improving your abilities.
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Re: Pete Plan Thread

Post by rascott » February 1st, 2018, 10:44 am

yep agreed - distance easier as the numbers change quicker!

Any view from anyone on drag factor? Ive got my resistance at the usually recommended 3-5 (I have mine at 4) which is giving me a drag factor of 110. Feels fine to me. Would you change this for a 2k test for example?
Robert | 51 | 6'1 | 97 kg (214 lbs)
1 min: 300m; 1K - 3:33; 2K - 7:19; 5K - 19:22.7; 6k - 23:29; 30mins - 7315m; 10K - 40:06; 60mins: 14623m; HM: 1:35:14
Started C2 rowing Nov 2017 but rowed OTW in my youth

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Re: Pete Plan Thread

Post by mdpfirrman » February 1st, 2018, 10:57 am

@ Ray - congrats on that 5K, any gain is worth celebrating!

@ Robert - I work with the damper about the same. I found that early in 2017, my DF was probably too high. I was doing a lot of SS rows at 120+. Then I did a 2K TT @ 7:25 / 25 SPM. Everyone with experience was like, "that was a pretty low SR for a 2K TT...". I started realizing that I wasn't ever rowing at a lower DF. I worked pretty hard this year at rowing at a faster SR on short, intense sprints and even on anything really. I did so much 19/20 SPM stuff last year, it's like I'd forgotten how to go fast.

I'm feeling more comfortable for 2K work now at around 104 or so. This is what I just set my PB on last month. I'll race at around that Saturday.

For everyone it's different. I was finding that I tired sooner on higher DFs and wore out quickly and had no sprint (or sometimes anything) left in the tank. Now, a lot of that could be do to my right knee being incredibly weak. A lot of times, I feel like I'm rowing one legged!

Mike Pfirrman
53 Yrs old, 5' 10" / 185 lbs (177cm/84kg)

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Re: Pete Plan Thread

Post by RowerGal » February 1st, 2018, 11:13 am

rascott wrote: Any view from anyone on drag factor? Ive got my resistance at the usually recommended 3-5 (I have mine at 4) which is giving me a drag factor of 110. Feels fine to me. Would you change this for a 2k test for example?
Drag Factor is very subjective. It usually takes some experience and experimentation to nail it down. When I first started rowing, someone told me to "just put it at 120" so that is where I started. Over the last 2+ years, I started experimenting with different DFs once I better understood it and had more erg time under my belt. My "sweet spot" now is a DF of 118-119 for the majority of my workouts - including my 2K TTs/races. That said, this week I bumped it up to a DF of 121 for my 8x500m workout as an experiment. It went fine and I was faster. But I will go back to my "sweet spot" today for my 5x1500m workout. There are different theories on increasing the DF for shorter workouts or not, and if so, by how much. I have not done this test but it may be an option to try if it is of interest:
54 y/o, Female, 5'10", 142#, Fitness Matters

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Re: Pete Plan Thread

Post by mitchel674 » February 1st, 2018, 12:33 pm

RowerGal wrote: @Rascott - Nice work on the 3x10mins. It is a whole different mental game with time (vs meters) workouts for me. No matter how fast you go, the end doesn't get any closer any faster. Takes some time to adjust to them.
You nailed it. I hadn't thought about it that way, but you're right. There's no "reward" for going faster or harder on these timed intervals.
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Re: Pete Plan Thread

Post by mdpfirrman » February 1st, 2018, 4:15 pm

RowerGal wrote:
rascott wrote: Any view from anyone on drag factor? Ive got my resistance at the usually recommended 3-5 (I have mine at 4) which is giving me a drag factor of 110. Feels fine to me. Would you change this for a 2k test for example?
Drag Factor is very subjective. It usually takes some experience and experimentation to nail it down. When I first started rowing, someone told me to "just put it at 120" so that is where I started. Over the last 2+ years, I started experimenting with different DFs once I better understood it and had more erg time under my belt. My "sweet spot" now is a DF of 118-119 for the majority of my workouts - including my 2K TTs/races. That said, this week I bumped it up to a DF of 121 for my 8x500m workout as an experiment. It went fine and I was faster. But I will go back to my "sweet spot" today for my 5x1500m workout. There are different theories on increasing the DF for shorter workouts or not, and if so, by how much. I have not done this test but it may be an option to try if it is of interest:
Same with me and this tells you how different DF is to other people. I was told "guys usually are 120 or so" and women are less. I think it was the man's pride in me that wouldn't let me lessen the DF. I'm a lot faster at a lower DF I've found and better able to maintain a much higher SPM, so it's really subjective.

Mike Pfirrman
53 Yrs old, 5' 10" / 185 lbs (177cm/84kg)

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Re: Pete Plan Thread

Post by RowerGal » February 1st, 2018, 8:59 pm

Cycle 6/Week 1/Day 3
Today went well. Still ticking off a few tenths. Goal for this, and last average pace, was 2:07.4. That is a tad slower than my new 5K pace of 2:07.2, so I was expecting a drop in the average here, just not sure by how much. Glad to be under 2:07 now. Rest day tomorrow and traveling for the weekend (but still erging).
In case I miss you, good luck to @Mike and anyone else racing or TTing this weekend. Will be watching this space for notes on your progress! :)

5x1500m on 5:00RI, DF 118.
54 y/o, Female, 5'10", 142#, Fitness Matters

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Re: Pete Plan Thread

Post by RayOfSunshine » February 2nd, 2018, 12:07 am

RowerGal wrote:Cycle 6/Week 1/Day 3
Today went well. Still ticking off a few tenths. Goal for this, and last average pace, was 2:07.4. That is a tad slower than my new 5K pace of 2:07.2, so I was expecting a drop in the average here, just not sure by how much. Glad to be under 2:07 now. Rest day tomorrow and traveling for the weekend (but still erging).
In case I miss you, good luck to @Mike and anyone else racing or TTing this weekend. Will be watching this space for notes on your progress! :)

5x1500m on 5:00RI, DF 118.

Nice work! Crushed the last one. I assume Cycle 6 means your 6th time through Week 1/Day 3. How many cycles do people normally do?
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Re: Pete Plan Thread

Post by -marius- » February 2nd, 2018, 4:25 am

Starting PP hybrid version(adding my newly arrived skierg into the equation), will follow most workouts but will also add some capacity training for the skierg, so the plan might drag out compared to the original setup.
Today it was 8x500m/3:30r row on the plan. Fasted morning workout as usual.
Quickly discovered that the targets from last time I did this session were too easy, but decided to complete it according to plan anyway.
PP 1.1 8x500m/3:30r row Drag factor=144
Time Meters Pace Watts Cal/Hr S/M
12:26.8 4,000m 1:33.3 430 1779 34
1:35.8 500m 1:35.8 398 1668 31
1:35.4 500m 1:35.4 403 1685 32
1:34.7 500m 1:34.7 412 1716 33
1:34.4 500m 1:34.4 416 1730 34
1:33.7 500m 1:33.7 425 1762 33
1:33.4 500m 1:33.4 430 1776 33
1:32.7 500m 1:32.7 439 1810 35
1:26.7 500m 1:26.7 537 2146 44
41y/o, 187cm, 93kg
PBs(Ski/Row): 500m 1:17.4 WR/1:23.5 -- 1K 2:49.3 WR/2:59.5 -- 2K 6:17.0/6:17.0 -- 5K 17:10.2/16:45.5 -- 6K 20:18.3 -- 10K/r24 35:24.7 -- 1' 396m WR -- 4' 1346m WR/1306m -- 30' 8420m/8659m

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Re: Pete Plan Thread

Post by OtwSL » February 2nd, 2018, 4:38 am

-marius- wrote:Starting PP hybrid version(adding my newly arrived skierg into the equation), will follow most workouts but will also add some capacity training for the skierg, so the plan might drag out compared to the original setup.
Today it was 8x500m/3:30r row on the plan. Fasted morning workout as usual.
Quickly discovered that the targets from last time I did this session were too easy, but decided to complete it according to plan anyway.
PP 1.1 8x500m/3:30r row Drag factor=144
Time Meters Pace Watts Cal/Hr S/M
12:26.8 4,000m 1:33.3 430 1779 34
1:35.8 500m 1:35.8 398 1668 31
1:35.4 500m 1:35.4 403 1685 32
1:34.7 500m 1:34.7 412 1716 33
1:34.4 500m 1:34.4 416 1730 34
1:33.7 500m 1:33.7 425 1762 33
1:33.4 500m 1:33.4 430 1776 33
1:32.7 500m 1:32.7 439 1810 35
1:26.7 500m 1:26.7 537 2146 44
Solid Marius!
Probably 75kg 6ft 4inches
30r20: 7765m
Targets for 2018: 100m 16.6, 2k sub 6:45, 5k sub 18:00, 10k sub 37:30, 30' 8100m, 30r20 7900m

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Re: Pete Plan Thread

Post by -marius- » February 2nd, 2018, 9:01 am

OtwSL wrote: Solid Marius!
Thanks, felt good on this one :D
41y/o, 187cm, 93kg
PBs(Ski/Row): 500m 1:17.4 WR/1:23.5 -- 1K 2:49.3 WR/2:59.5 -- 2K 6:17.0/6:17.0 -- 5K 17:10.2/16:45.5 -- 6K 20:18.3 -- 10K/r24 35:24.7 -- 1' 396m WR -- 4' 1346m WR/1306m -- 30' 8420m/8659m

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Re: Pete Plan Thread

Post by JerekKruger » February 2nd, 2018, 9:06 am

As always your workouts are very impressive Marius.
Tom | 33 | 6'6" | 93kg


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Re: Pete Plan Thread

Post by rascott » February 2nd, 2018, 9:45 am

BPP 12.4 - 8000m

"Now that you’re up to a full volume training plan, and beginning to increase the intensity, you need to take some sessions a little easier. For the optional single distance sessions try to keep the stroke rate right down, between 20 and 22spm, to limit your pace on them."

Pace 2:15.1
Average Watts 142
Calories Per Hour 787
Stroke Rate 21
Stroke Count 780
Drag Factor 124

I increased the damping to mid 5 which gave me a drag factor of 124 - just to see what it felt like...It definitely felt harder each pull and my back is feeling it a little bit, so I might back this off a bit to where I was before (upper 4, drag factor 112 ish)

I read a forum post today (link below) that says someone of my weight should be using a DF of around 135!
Robert | 51 | 6'1 | 97 kg (214 lbs)
1 min: 300m; 1K - 3:33; 2K - 7:19; 5K - 19:22.7; 6k - 23:29; 30mins - 7315m; 10K - 40:06; 60mins: 14623m; HM: 1:35:14
Started C2 rowing Nov 2017 but rowed OTW in my youth

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Re: Pete Plan Thread

Post by JerekKruger » February 2nd, 2018, 10:00 am

rascott wrote:I read a forum post today (link below) that says someone of my weight should be using a DF of around 135!
If you were an on the water rower there would be an argument that you should use a drag factor that most closely resembles the feel of the boat you row in*. As an indoor rower you should row with whatever drag factor you find works best for you. In particular don't row at a drag that results in a back injury just because it's the "correct" drag for your weight.

*It's dependent on weight because the heavier you are, the deeper the boat sits in the water and the more water resistance there is on the boat i.e. drag goes up.
Tom | 33 | 6'6" | 93kg


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Re: Pete Plan Thread

Post by Dangerscouse » February 2nd, 2018, 12:41 pm

@ Rascott, try getting used to a df of 120ish and give it at least two or three sessions. It will feel heavy to start with but you may adjust, or you may prefer 112df

I rowed with it on 115df from June until late Dec and I should also have had it on circa 135df. I'm now rowing with it at 139df but it's all a matter of preference
51 HWT; 6' 4"; 1k= 3:09; 2k= 6:36; 5k= 17:19; 6k= 20:47; 10k= 35:46 30mins= 8,488m 60mins= 16,618m HM= 1:16.47; FM= 2:40:41; 50k= 3:16:09; 100k= 7:52:44; 12hrs = 153km

"You reap what you row"

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Re: Pete Plan Thread

Post by RowerGal » February 2nd, 2018, 1:04 pm

@RayofSunshine - Yes, you are correct. I am on my 18+ week of training with the FPP (which works in 3 week cycles that repeat). The number of cycles people do is very individualized depending on their goals and what works for them. I have seen anywhere from 1-2 cycles (3-6 weeks) to longer than 18 weeks.
@Marcus - WOW. Very strong result.
rascott wrote:"Now that you’re up to a full volume training plan, and beginning to increase the intensity, you need to take some sessions a little easier. For the optional single distance sessions try to keep the stroke rate right down, between 20 and 22spm, to limit your pace on them." I increased the damping to mid 5 which gave me a drag factor of 124 - just to see what it felt like...It definitely felt harder each pull and my back is feeling it a little bit, so I might back this off a bit to where I was before (upper 4, drag factor 112 ish)
@Rascott - It is not unusual to have a little bit of lower back tightness when you begin to lower your SR for workouts, since, ideally, you are applying more force per stroke. However, I would still keep doing your own experimentation with your DF, especially since you are now at full volume with the BPP. Looks like as of now your sweet spot for your DF is somewhere between 110-123. May also want to try smaller increments of change in the DF (2-3 vs 12) to lower your risk for injury.
54 y/o, Female, 5'10", 142#, Fitness Matters

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