LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

A member of an indoor rowing team or club? If so, this is the place for you.

Can this one team row to the moon and back?

Poll ended at May 17th, 2008, 12:28 pm

I think we can do it together. I'm all in!
No way! You all are wacko!
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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by Citroen » October 16th, 2017, 5:06 am

Oh, that's so sad. He was a regular contributor on this forum.
Please send my condolences to Richard's family.

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by macbruce1 » October 16th, 2017, 7:08 am

Good-bye Richard T.
You had an impressive journey.
You left a huge wake in your passing.

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by Steve W » October 16th, 2017, 8:32 am

danwho wrote:Wow, so sorry to hear this. Rest in peace, Richard.

Terrible news, absolutely shocked. So sorry for his family. Truly a loss for the Lunie community...
63yo, 62kg, Erg 500m, 1:58.6; 1k; 2k 8:04; 5k 20:46; 30min 7096m; 10k 43:49; 1 hour 13578m; half marathon, 1:37:49; marathon, 3:36:47
Skierg 2K 9:10; 5k 24:30; 30 min 6075m; 10k 49:56.5; 1hr 11776m; half marathon, 1:52:43.2; skierg marathon, 4:04:14.

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by Tombeur » October 16th, 2017, 9:07 am

Steve W wrote:
danwho wrote:Wow, so sorry to hear this. Rest in peace, Richard.

Terrible news, absolutely shocked. So sorry for his family. Truly a loss for the Lunie community...
This is shocking. Horrible for his friends and family. A dedicated
Lunnie who challenged us all with his insightful commentary. We only knew each other in cyberspace as fellow Lunnies, but less than a month ago he reached out to prod me to join the FTC. We will miss this unselfish and loyal teammate.

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He's A Meter Millionaire!

Post by Kona2 » October 16th, 2017, 10:10 am

ImageImageImage Image

Image Whoop, whoop and what a string of moons are rising above Derric's meter piggy bank! ONE Million Meters for the 2018 Season...and we still have half the year to go! Congratulations on a fine two-fer....and timing the ONE million to the finish of the Fall Challenge! What a great Challenge ! We wish you many, MANY more!

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All In A Day's ERG: Team Progress Thru 10.15.17

Post by Kona2 » October 16th, 2017, 10:44 am

Image Image A top ten finish! Well done!

Image Drivetofast (Richard) and Joe...52,257,082 m lifetime meters

Waves of shock and disbelief rolling through the team - reminds us that posting our thoughts, or sending messages to a teammate to prod them into an action, are the things that make us the Lunies. The virtual world is a strange and sometimes flimsy thing made more real perhaps by the substance that we give it when we are "real" in our commentary. Take time to do more than just read what we talk about. Your contributions are what create the interactions that can make us laugh, snort and sometimes think about our places in the world, virtual and real. The NFL is known for its next man up philosophy - but I think it will take a few of us to fill some of the void left by Richard T's passing.

MILESTONES...Bragging Rights...Celebrations:

3.8 MM Ed
1.45 MM Dan O'
1.0 MM Derric
850 K danwho
700 K Ron

Thanks, everyone, for erging with us!

Steve W 1,000 m
David T 1,500 m
Remon 2,872 m
Robert H 5,000 m
Ted 5,000 m
ATX33 5,009 m
Bernie 5,027 m
Norma ImageImageImageImage m ... special 8 palindrome!
Tombeur 10,523 m
David W 12,561 m
danwho 13,131 m ....a lucky 13 palindrome!
Ian 15,123 m
Dan O' 16,592 m
Keith 17,000 m
Image Derric 21,097 m .. he moons us!
Image David A 25,287 m .. he moons us!
Image Ed 42,195 m ... he moons us!
Image Ron 52,489 m ... he supernovas us!

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by tobyj1 » October 16th, 2017, 11:57 am

How very sad, I am a newby to the team and didn't know Richard other than by his postings, but it makes you think hard, 25k meters one day gone the next.
he was only a young man- I like to think, and believe me I am thinking hard


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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by dag1 » October 16th, 2017, 2:00 pm

Wow! What a shock, so sorry to hear about Richards passing. He was a man full of passion, determination and encouragement and will certainly be missed.
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Re: He's A Meter Millionaire!

Post by bg » October 16th, 2017, 4:43 pm

Kona2 wrote:ImageImageImage Image

Image Whoop, whoop and what a string of moons are rising above Derric's meter piggy bank! ONE Million Meters for the 2018 Season...and we still have half the year to go! Congratulations on a fine two-fer....and timing the ONE million to the finish of the Fall Challenge! What a great Challenge ! We wish you many, MANY more!
woooooooooooo hoooooooooo and congrats :}

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Re: Unexpected News: We need some special eights

Post by Thor MW » October 16th, 2017, 5:08 pm

Kona2 wrote:In my time in the communications chair for the Lunies, I've had to write at least four postings that are about the loss of a teammate....and this is another one.

Richard T (Drivetofast) passed away yesterday afternoon following what sounds like a massive heart attack. His neighbor gave me a call to let me know so that I could let the team know that we had lost a teammate. No matter how much exercise you do, you cannot always outrun other factors - something we all know well. For all the times that Richard T was kind of prickly and combative, he also did a lot of the right things for people. We didn't always hear about those things on the forum. Initially, Richard had indicated privately that he was going to leave instructions for his dogs to be euthanized upon his death. I didn't want to see that happen, and asked the neighbor what was happening -- he did not leave those instructions. Two of his three dogs have been placed, and young Corky (not quite two) is at a trainer's house learning a few manners.

Richard's neighbor, Gretel, said Richard called these pups his millennials - and didn't believe in disciplining them much. After all, most pups outgrow some of the craziness starting in year 3. They were always ALWAYS with him. And now life has changed as it often does. Richard went out to lunch with his neighbor and another friend, and began complaining about excessive heat and chest pains shortly after lunch. The neighbor dropped him off, and when he didn't answer his phone a couple hours later, went in to check on him. He was gone and had been for a couple of hours.

We never know how much time we are given in this life, and so we try to make what we do count and memorable (one way or another). It's time for us to row or bike or ski-erg some special eights in Richard's memory, if you choose to do so, ..and hope that Corky finds a home, too.

Rest in peace, Richard T.
Wow, I am stunned. I little birdy let me know about Richard. I will do an 8s in the next couple of days. RIP and thanks for showing us what we can do if we choose to do so.

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by spieg » October 16th, 2017, 8:33 pm

So sorry to hear about Richard T. Send all of our regards, K2. He inspired me and helped push more than a couple of my rows trying to keep up with his.

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Re: Unexpected News: We need some special eights

Post by Edscapade » October 17th, 2017, 12:17 am

Kona2 wrote:In my time in the communications chair for the Lunies, I've had to write at least four postings that are about the loss of a teammate....and this is another one.

Richard T (Drivetofast) passed away yesterday afternoon following what sounds like a massive heart attack. His neighbor gave me a call to let me know so that I could let the team know that we had lost a teammate. No matter how much exercise you do, you cannot always outrun other factors - something we all know well. For all the times that Richard T was kind of prickly and combative, he also did a lot of the right things for people. We didn't always hear about those things on the forum. Initially, Richard had indicated privately that he was going to leave instructions for his dogs to be euthanized upon his death. I didn't want to see that happen, and asked the neighbor what was happening -- he did not leave those instructions. Two of his three dogs have been placed, and young Corky (not quite two) is at a trainer's house learning a few manners.

Richard's neighbor, Gretel, said Richard called these pups his millennials - and didn't believe in disciplining them much. After all, most pups outgrow some of the craziness starting in year 3. They were always ALWAYS with him. And now life has changed as it often does. Richard went out to lunch with his neighbor and another friend, and began complaining about excessive heat and chest pains shortly after lunch. The neighbor dropped him off, and when he didn't answer his phone a couple hours later, went in to check on him. He was gone and had been for a couple of hours.

We never know how much time we are given in this life, and so we try to make what we do count and memorable (one way or another). It's time for us to row or bike or ski-erg some special eights in Richard's memory, if you choose to do so, ..and hope that Corky finds a home, too.

Rest in peace, Richard T.
Wow! So sorry to hear this... RIP Richard- you would push me at times when I really needed it. My prayers to your family and glad the dogs will be taken care of. I will row a marathon in your honor tomorrow. Gods speed!

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by dob1928 » October 17th, 2017, 8:09 am

Very sorry to hear of Richard's passing. Rest in peace Drivetofast.

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He's A Meter Millionaire!

Post by Kona2 » October 17th, 2017, 10:37 am

ImageImageImage Image

Whoop, whoop and ANOTHER teammate reaches meter millionaire status!!! Congratulations, Keith, on achieving a ONE million meter season (with still half a year to go!). We wish you many, MANY more!!

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All In A Day's ERG: Team Progress Thru 10.16.17

Post by Kona2 » October 17th, 2017, 10:59 am

Here we are in the Time Between....between Challenges that is! At this time of year, the Time Between is the calm before the storm of Challenges that will be coming our way. The Skeleton Challenge (or Shake, Rattle and Roll) is a seemingly small kind of Challenge - a sort of warning shot across the virtual team bow. Before you know it (just like this time of year in our Real Lives), Thanksgiving in the US is upon us. We erg like mad to earn our reindeer and reindeer bling. Who would want to be without reindeer bling?! We get a week off to recover, and we're launched into the January Virtual Team Challenge. And so it goes. Prepare yourselves. It's going to be awesome!

MILESTONES...Bragging Rights...Celebrations:

3.85 MM Ed
1.7 MM David A
1.4 MM Minnie
1.4 MM Tombeur
1.25 MM Jane
1.0 MM Keith
750 K Ian
450 K Stefan
200 K James S
100 K Gary

Thanks, everyone, for erging with us!

Tony 1,111 m ... a palindrome!
William H 2,000 m
Kerry 3,010 m
Rebecca 3,223 m ...a palindrome!
Stefan 4,771 m
Melissa 5,000 m
Patrick H 5,000 m
Robert H 5,000 m
Steve W 5,000 m
Gary 5,612 m
ATX33 6,659 m
david w (GBR) 7,500 m
Jane ImageImageImageImage m ...a palindrome!
Doug ImageImageImageImage m ...a palindrome!
Image Norma ImageImageImageImage m ... a palindrome!
Ron ImageImageImageImage m ...a palindrome!
David T 9,500 m
Dennis 10,000 m
David A 10,004 m
Mikkel 10,011 m
Dan O' 10,945 m
Andrew 11,111 m ...a palindrome!
Tom 11,500 m
danwho ImageImageImageImageImage m
James S 12,000 m
Keith 12,000 m
Jonathan 12,010 m
Tombeur 12,627 m
Ian 17,278 m
Minnie ImageImageImageImageImage m
Louis 20,000 m
Image Derric 21,097 m ... he moons us!
Image Ed 33,333 m ...a palindrome! And, he moons us!

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