LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.
- 6k Poster
- Posts: 981
- Joined: October 1st, 2011, 5:10 pm
Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.
Hahaha That is awesome K2
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She's A Meter Millionaire!!!

Whoop, whoop and way to power through to yet another ultra distance! Congratulations, bg, on achieving yet ANOTHER one million meter season! We wish you many, MANY more....and look forward to celebrating your FORTIETH million in just 100,000 m more......AMAZING stuff!
- 6k Poster
- Posts: 981
- Joined: October 1st, 2011, 5:10 pm
Re: She's A Meter Millionaire!!!
Congrats bgKona2 wrote:![]()
Whoop, whoop and way to power through to yet another ultra distance! Congratulations, bg, on achieving yet ANOTHER one million meter season! We wish you many, MANY more....and look forward to celebrating your FORTIETH million in just 100,000 m more......AMAZING stuff!
All In A Day's ERG: Team Progress Thru 10.2.17

Lunies doing great with 12 days left in the Challenge!
A special shoutout to all on our team who donate blood, and who might be first responders. What a role you all play in times of horrors and chaos - one hopes that each of us would be able to help others. We've talked often about being able to dig deep to get to the next goal, do the right things. I think erging helps us connect to that part of our lizard brains that has the discipline to push through, to learn to be stronger on lots of levels. Thank you all.

Meanwhile, on a lighter note, we turn to a golden retriever's fascination with the tennis ball. I've noted before that Kai (aka Thing 1) lives for tennis ball sessions. She plays with them for awhile and then rips the covers off them. No one can predict when that sudden moment of tennis ball demise might occur. I buy tennis balls by the bunch, with three or four usually spread throughout the house. A few weeks ago, I noted that the tennis balls were disappearing...not a destroyed one in sight. Not in the yard or house. That's when I discovered that Kai was collecting them into the shower in the basement...the door open just enough for her to deposit them. Three were in there. Somehow this seemed clever at the time. Flash forward a couple of weeks, and once again the tennis balls began disappearing. Not in the shower this time. And then the day came to clear out the kitty litter box, and the wire used to hold the door open just enough for Jesse the cat seemed sprung...and there were two tennis balls. Leave a ball, get a treat....urg. Dogs are such dogs. I know.
MILESTONES...Bragging Rights...Celebrations:
2.4 MM Richard T
1.25 MM Dan O'
1.0 MM bg
900 K Andrew
850 K Zach ...maybe a brother of Chip and Collin?
850 K David T
450 K FRiC
350 K Tom M
250 K Dana
Thanks, everyone, for erging with us!
Tony 1,111 m ...a palindrome!
Steve W 2,500 m
bg 4,540 m
Gary 5,000 m
K2 5,000 m
Matt R 5,000 m
Patrick H 5,000 m
AJ 5,014 m
Mikkel 5,031 m

Tim 7,000 m
FRiC 8,000 m
Howard 9,111 m
Dana 9,377 m
Dennis 10,000 m
Stefan 10,000 m
Ian 10,117 m
Richard T 10,155 m
Tombeur 10,220 m
David T 11,000 m
danwho 11,111 m ...a palindrome!
david A 11,231 m
Keith 12,000 m...another even thousand!
Minnie 12,095 m
Rick 12,327 m
Tom M 13,000 m
Andrew 14,741 m ...a palindrome from Down Under!
Dan O' 16,526 m

Zach 857,200 m...welcome!

- 10k Poster
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- Location: Amberley Village, OH
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Re: Woohoo! It's a FIRST ever!!
Are they going to create one?Kona2 wrote:The coveted yellow jersey! Whoop, whoop and it's a FIRST ever! In fact, Richard T hit the ONE million bike erg meters so fast that Concept2 hadn't even had a chance to create the million meter club for Bike Erging!
Re: Woohoo! It's a FIRST ever!!
I don't know - I certainly could suggest it to them!DavidA wrote:Are they going to create one?Kona2 wrote:The coveted yellow jersey! Whoop, whoop and it's a FIRST ever! In fact, Richard T hit the ONE million bike erg meters so fast that Concept2 hadn't even had a chance to create the million meter club for Bike Erging!
- 6k Poster
- Posts: 981
- Joined: October 1st, 2011, 5:10 pm
Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.
I have several wines This one I don't have

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Re: She's A Meter Millionaire!!!
Drivetofast wrote:Congrats bgKona2 wrote:![]()
Whoop, whoop and way to power through to yet another ultra distance! Congratulations, bg, on achieving yet ANOTHER one million meter season! We wish you many, MANY more....and look forward to celebrating your FORTIETH million in just 100,000 m more......AMAZING stuff!
thanks for all of the support :] and goooooooooooooooooo sox............
A Palindrome for Wednesday
I've been remiss with regard to palindromes, since combining the bikeErg and the rower ...
... so, here's a random backward-forward thought to consider:

Today, October 4, is apparently National Taco Day. Who knew!?
... so, here's a random backward-forward thought to consider:

Today, October 4, is apparently National Taco Day. Who knew!?
Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.
A Harvest Moon is always a good omen for Luna-tics.
In case anyone else would like to enjoy it with a little Neil Young...
In case anyone else would like to enjoy it with a little Neil Young...
All In A Few Days of Erging: Team Progress Thru 10.5.17

Uff da. I think my web page for the c2forum was stuck on permanent "please come back later" despite refreshing...until today when it finally moved on. Often I only have a small window of opportunity to capture and post during a day, and if I can't get it done doesn't happen. Other teams have moved up and we've experienced slippage - lots of heroic efforts to get meters into the team meter piggy bank for the Challenge. In fact, Richard T has earned ONE million challenge meters in the three weeks the Challenge has been in place. That makes him a Challenge Meter Millionaire, an elite group for certain. Wowzer!

Congratulations, Richard T, on achieving ONE million challenge meters! That's a lot of erg time!
MILESTONES...Bragging Rights...Celebrations:
3.45 MM Ed
2.45 MM Richard T
1.6 MM David A
1.35 MM Minnie
1.3 MM Dan O'
1.25 MM Tombeur
1.0 MM Zach
900 K Zach
900 K Keith
800 K danwho
750 K Derric
550 K ennis
450 K Gines
400 K Stefan
150 K Howard
50 K Taylor
Thanks, everyone, for erging with us!
From 10/4:
Melissa 2,000 m
Gary 3,114 m
Matthew R 4,064 m
Andre 5,000 m
David T 5,500 m

bg 6,178 m
Donna 6,500 m
Tom 6,500 m
Keith 7,000 m
Steve W 7,000 m
William H 7,132 m
Larry 8,090 m
Dana 8,333 m
Stefan 8,821 m
Dennis 10,000 m
Louis 10,000 m
Tim 10,000 m
Howard 10,221 m
Andrew 12,121 m ... a palindrome!
David A 12,418 m
Minnie 13,903 m
Jane 15,051 m ..a palindrome!
Doug 16,383 m
Dan O' 17,145 m
Tombeur 20,274 m

Gines 487,306 m ...welcome!
From 10/5:
Matthew R 864 m
Teresa G 2,000 m
Steve W 2,642 m
Patrick S 4,035 m
Gines 4,909 m
William H 5,000 m

Tom 6,500 m
Doug 6,768 m
Dana 8,347 m
bg 9,107 m
Louis 10,000 m
Mikkel 10,001 m ... a palindrome!
Howard 10,107 m
Gary 11,011 m ...a palindrome!
David A 11,252 m
Kevin 11,956 m
David T 12,000 m
Tombeur 12,334 m
Taylor 12,576 m
Stefan 20,000 m

He's A Meter Millionaire...!

Whoop, whoop, and way to get it done! Congratulations, Zach, on achieving a ONE million meter 2018 erging season! We wish you many, MANY more!!
- 6k Poster
- Posts: 981
- Joined: October 1st, 2011, 5:10 pm
Re: He's A Meter Millionaire...!
Way to go ZachKona2 wrote:![]()
Whoop, whoop, and way to get it done! Congratulations, Zach, on achieving a ONE million meter 2018 erging season! We wish you many, MANY more!!
- 6k Poster
- Posts: 981
- Joined: October 1st, 2011, 5:10 pm
Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.
K2 I had same problem Said please come back later
Re: He's A Meter Millionaire...!
Kona2 wrote:![]()
Whoop, whoop, and way to get it done! Congratulations, Zach, on achieving a ONE million meter 2018 erging season! We wish you many, MANY more!!
wooooooooooooooooo hoooooooooooooooooo and congrats to you and richard t :] and gooooooooooooooooooooo sox :}