Two usernames

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Two usernames

Post by ObeseManRowing » August 1st, 2017, 8:37 am

Hello I am on the CTC TWICE with two slightly different usernames but cannot see how I delete the incorrect one. Can you please advise? Thanks
Morbidly obese asthmatic 62 year old with a bad back and a dodgy knee on a TokyRow journey which has been extended by a year to 2021

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Re: Two usernames

Post by Citroen » August 1st, 2017, 11:51 am

Some clue to your username(s) and which one you'd like to keep will help.

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Re: Two usernames

Post by ObeseManRowing » August 1st, 2017, 12:03 pm


I am down as Peter (#ObeseManrowing) Metalli (the one I would like to KEEP - although if you can lose the hashtag... :wink: )

and Peter Metalli (obesemanrowing) The one to delete.

They both have times on them from previous CTCs but if it is a hassle to merge them just lose the latter.

Many thanks and regards
Morbidly obese asthmatic 62 year old with a bad back and a dodgy knee on a TokyRow journey which has been extended by a year to 2021

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Re: Two usernames

Post by Citroen » August 1st, 2017, 1:20 pm

It's done, you are, officially, a PITA.

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