TimbukTOO Team Room
Re: TimbukTOO Team Room
Team TimbukTOO has passed 4MM!!
Well done!! You did it! (I didn't help at all)
Welcome back, John S and Pam S! (no relation)
Our team count is now at 36.
Since June 4th (that's how far back we have to catch up),
29 of 36 have posted meters - 80%!!
Winston T 140,313
Steve I 120,822
Everett B 79,948
Bobbie Z 72,000
Ken C 68,239
Bel C 60,013
Neil Q 50,000
Jim C 50,000
Mark S 46,584
JD 39,547
Capn Izzy 35,435
Matthew R 29,500
Josh O 25,850
Kristin C 24,111
George M 22,327
Stephen M 20,637
Fred J 18,171
John S 18,061
Gabi H 18,000
Jack F 17,767
John B 15,762
Ray W 10,697
Joey W 10,623
Bob A 10,000
Kevin K 7,659
Riyad E 5,000
Vince M 4,548
Adam M 3,000
Pam S 1,612
1,026,226 team meters for this period - over 1MM
4,092,992 total team meters this season
You may not have been busy posting but you have been busy rowing!! Go go go!!
Targets passed - 21 of you!!
Bel C passed 200k,250k
Bob A passed 25k
Bobbie Z passed 300k
Everett B passed 150k,200k
Fred J passed 100k
Jack F passed 75k
JD passed 75k,100k
Joey W passed 25k
John B passed 150k
John S passed 10k
Ken C passed 100k,150k
Kristin C passed 75k
Mark S passed 150k
Matthew R passed 25k
Neil Q passed 250k
Ray W passed 75k
Stephen M passed 75k
Steve I passed 150k,200k,250k
Vince M passed 10k
Winston T passed 350k,400k,450k
Capn Izzy passed 100k
Meters to next target
Victoria W 2,500 m to 5,000
Barbara B 2,826 m to 50,000
Pam S 3,388 m to 5,000
Robert R 3,631 m to 10,000
Rachel B 4,482 m to 5,000
Matthew R 4,500 m to 50,000
Stephen M 4,824 m to 100,000
Army Padre 6,313 m to 50,000
John S 6,939 m to 25,000
Jim C 10,000 m to 250,000
Adam M 11,000 m to 25,000
Vince M 12,666 m to 25,000
Gabi H 13,986 m to 150,000
Riyad E 16,000 m to 75,000
George M 16,216 m to 200,000
Ray W 16,755 m to 100,000
Joey W 18,631 m to 50,000
Angela P 19,279 m to 100,000
Kevin K 19,897 m to 50,000
Bob A 20,000 m to 50,000
Kristin C 21,715 m to 100,000
Everett B 21,945 m to 250,000
Marcel D 23,607 m to 75,000
Jack F 23,772 m to 100,000
Bobbie Z 25,000 m to 350,000
Josh O 27,171 m to 150,000
Capn Izzy 27,759 m to 150,000
Winston T 32,164 m to 500,000
JD 37,878 m to 150,000
Mark S 38,034 m to 200,000
Ken C 38,281 m to 200,000
Neil Q 40,000 m to 300,000
John B 41,972 m to 200,000
Steve I 46,539 m to 300,000
Bel C 47,478 m to 300,000
Fred J 49,860 m to 150,000
I'll work on June meters for the next post.
Oh shoot! I may have messed up my spreadsheet again. I have to go.
Have a great weekend, everybody!
-Angela P
The Summer Solstice Challenge is this week. Let's do it!
Well done!! You did it! (I didn't help at all)
Welcome back, John S and Pam S! (no relation)
Our team count is now at 36.
Since June 4th (that's how far back we have to catch up),
29 of 36 have posted meters - 80%!!
Winston T 140,313
Steve I 120,822
Everett B 79,948
Bobbie Z 72,000
Ken C 68,239
Bel C 60,013
Neil Q 50,000
Jim C 50,000
Mark S 46,584
JD 39,547
Capn Izzy 35,435
Matthew R 29,500
Josh O 25,850
Kristin C 24,111
George M 22,327
Stephen M 20,637
Fred J 18,171
John S 18,061
Gabi H 18,000
Jack F 17,767
John B 15,762
Ray W 10,697
Joey W 10,623
Bob A 10,000
Kevin K 7,659
Riyad E 5,000
Vince M 4,548
Adam M 3,000
Pam S 1,612
1,026,226 team meters for this period - over 1MM
4,092,992 total team meters this season
You may not have been busy posting but you have been busy rowing!! Go go go!!
Targets passed - 21 of you!!
Bel C passed 200k,250k
Bob A passed 25k
Bobbie Z passed 300k
Everett B passed 150k,200k
Fred J passed 100k
Jack F passed 75k
JD passed 75k,100k
Joey W passed 25k
John B passed 150k
John S passed 10k
Ken C passed 100k,150k
Kristin C passed 75k
Mark S passed 150k
Matthew R passed 25k
Neil Q passed 250k
Ray W passed 75k
Stephen M passed 75k
Steve I passed 150k,200k,250k
Vince M passed 10k
Winston T passed 350k,400k,450k
Capn Izzy passed 100k
Meters to next target
Victoria W 2,500 m to 5,000
Barbara B 2,826 m to 50,000
Pam S 3,388 m to 5,000
Robert R 3,631 m to 10,000
Rachel B 4,482 m to 5,000
Matthew R 4,500 m to 50,000
Stephen M 4,824 m to 100,000
Army Padre 6,313 m to 50,000
John S 6,939 m to 25,000
Jim C 10,000 m to 250,000
Adam M 11,000 m to 25,000
Vince M 12,666 m to 25,000
Gabi H 13,986 m to 150,000
Riyad E 16,000 m to 75,000
George M 16,216 m to 200,000
Ray W 16,755 m to 100,000
Joey W 18,631 m to 50,000
Angela P 19,279 m to 100,000
Kevin K 19,897 m to 50,000
Bob A 20,000 m to 50,000
Kristin C 21,715 m to 100,000
Everett B 21,945 m to 250,000
Marcel D 23,607 m to 75,000
Jack F 23,772 m to 100,000
Bobbie Z 25,000 m to 350,000
Josh O 27,171 m to 150,000
Capn Izzy 27,759 m to 150,000
Winston T 32,164 m to 500,000
JD 37,878 m to 150,000
Mark S 38,034 m to 200,000
Ken C 38,281 m to 200,000
Neil Q 40,000 m to 300,000
John B 41,972 m to 200,000
Steve I 46,539 m to 300,000
Bel C 47,478 m to 300,000
Fred J 49,860 m to 150,000
I'll work on June meters for the next post.
Oh shoot! I may have messed up my spreadsheet again. I have to go.
Have a great weekend, everybody!
-Angela P
The Summer Solstice Challenge is this week. Let's do it!
Re: TimbukTOO Team Room
Thanks for the update Angela. Looks like I need to step it up a bit.
Re: TimbukTOO Team Room
This is the 3rd time I'm writing this post!!!
Happy Father's Day to our Dads, Granddads, Uncles!! Today is your day - row if you want to, or not...
6 were out on the erg yesterday
Winston T 17,567
Bobbie Z 12,000
Capn Izzy 12,000
George M 11,405
Angela P 9,017
Jack F 5,655
67,644 team meters
4,160,636 total team meters this season
Meters to go
Victoria W 2,500 m to 5,000
Barbara B 2,826 m to 50,000
Pam S 3,388 m to 5,000
Robert R 3,631 m to 10,000
Rachel B 4,482 m to 5,000
Matthew R 4,500 m to 50,000
George M 4,811 m to 200,000
Stephen M 4,824 m to 100,000
Army Padre 6,313 m to 50,000
John S 6,939 m to 25,000
Jim C 10,000 m to 250,000
Angela P 10,262 m to 100,000
Adam M 11,000 m to 25,000
Vince M 12,666 m to 25,000
Bobbie Z 13,000 m to 350,000
Gabi H 13,986 m to 150,000
Winston T 14,597 m to 500,000
Capn Izzy 15,759 m to 150,000
Riyad E 16,000 m to 75,000
Ray W 16,755 m to 100,000
Jack F 18,117 m to 100,000
Joey W 18,631 m to 50,000
Kevin K 19,897 m to 50,000
Bob A 20,000 m to 50,000
Kristin C 21,715 m to 100,000
Everett B 21,945 m to 250,000
Marcel D 23,607 m to 75,000
Josh O 27,171 m to 150,000
JD 37,878 m to 150,000
Mark S 38,034 m to 200,000
Ken C 38,281 m to 200,000
Neil Q 40,000 m to 300,000
John B 41,972 m to 200,000
Steve I 46,539 m to 300,000
Bel C 47,478 m to 300,000
Fred J 49,860 m to 150,000
Season to date meters
Winston T 485,403
Bobbie Z 337,000
Neil Q 260,000
Steve I 253,461
Bel C 252,522
Jim C 240,000
Everett B 228,055
George M 195,189
Mark S 161,966
Ken C 161,719
John B 158,028
Gabi H 136,014
Capn Izzy 134,241
Josh O 122,829
JD 112,122
Fred J 100,140
Stephen M 95,176
Angela P 89,738
Ray W 83,245
Jack F 81,883
Kristin C 78,285
Riyad E 59,000
Marcel D 51,393
Barbara B 47,174
Matthew R 45,500
Army Padre 43,687
Joey W 31,369
Kevin K 30,103
Bob A 30,000
John S 18,061
Adam M 14,000
Vince M 12,334
Robert R 6,369
Victoria W 2,500
Pam S 1,612
Rachel B 518
June so far
1,426,084 team meters in June
30 of 36 - 83%!
Winston T 183,949
Steve I 139,473
Bobbie Z 125,000
Bel C 87,353
Ken C 86,748
Everett B 79,948
Capn Izzy 63,169
Mark S 61,966
Neil Q 60,000
George M 59,262
Gabi H 50,000
Jim C 50,000
Stephen M 45,637
JD 44,547
Fred J 43,171
Kristin C 36,167
Matthew R 33,500
Josh O 31,850
Jack F 29,076
John B 20,981
John S 18,061
Ray W 16,909
Joey W 14,916
Kevin K 11,224
Bob A 10,000
Angela P 9,017
Riyad E 5,000
Vince M 4,548
Adam M 3,000
Pam S 1,612
Jack, you are doing great! Keep it up!
Happy Sunday, everyone! I'm posting this before it disappears again.
-Angela P
Happy Father's Day to our Dads, Granddads, Uncles!! Today is your day - row if you want to, or not...
6 were out on the erg yesterday
Winston T 17,567
Bobbie Z 12,000
Capn Izzy 12,000
George M 11,405
Angela P 9,017
Jack F 5,655
67,644 team meters
4,160,636 total team meters this season
Meters to go
Victoria W 2,500 m to 5,000
Barbara B 2,826 m to 50,000
Pam S 3,388 m to 5,000
Robert R 3,631 m to 10,000
Rachel B 4,482 m to 5,000
Matthew R 4,500 m to 50,000
George M 4,811 m to 200,000
Stephen M 4,824 m to 100,000
Army Padre 6,313 m to 50,000
John S 6,939 m to 25,000
Jim C 10,000 m to 250,000
Angela P 10,262 m to 100,000
Adam M 11,000 m to 25,000
Vince M 12,666 m to 25,000
Bobbie Z 13,000 m to 350,000
Gabi H 13,986 m to 150,000
Winston T 14,597 m to 500,000
Capn Izzy 15,759 m to 150,000
Riyad E 16,000 m to 75,000
Ray W 16,755 m to 100,000
Jack F 18,117 m to 100,000
Joey W 18,631 m to 50,000
Kevin K 19,897 m to 50,000
Bob A 20,000 m to 50,000
Kristin C 21,715 m to 100,000
Everett B 21,945 m to 250,000
Marcel D 23,607 m to 75,000
Josh O 27,171 m to 150,000
JD 37,878 m to 150,000
Mark S 38,034 m to 200,000
Ken C 38,281 m to 200,000
Neil Q 40,000 m to 300,000
John B 41,972 m to 200,000
Steve I 46,539 m to 300,000
Bel C 47,478 m to 300,000
Fred J 49,860 m to 150,000
Season to date meters
Winston T 485,403
Bobbie Z 337,000
Neil Q 260,000
Steve I 253,461
Bel C 252,522
Jim C 240,000
Everett B 228,055
George M 195,189
Mark S 161,966
Ken C 161,719
John B 158,028
Gabi H 136,014
Capn Izzy 134,241
Josh O 122,829
JD 112,122
Fred J 100,140
Stephen M 95,176
Angela P 89,738
Ray W 83,245
Jack F 81,883
Kristin C 78,285
Riyad E 59,000
Marcel D 51,393
Barbara B 47,174
Matthew R 45,500
Army Padre 43,687
Joey W 31,369
Kevin K 30,103
Bob A 30,000
John S 18,061
Adam M 14,000
Vince M 12,334
Robert R 6,369
Victoria W 2,500
Pam S 1,612
Rachel B 518
June so far
1,426,084 team meters in June
30 of 36 - 83%!
Winston T 183,949
Steve I 139,473
Bobbie Z 125,000
Bel C 87,353
Ken C 86,748
Everett B 79,948
Capn Izzy 63,169
Mark S 61,966
Neil Q 60,000
George M 59,262
Gabi H 50,000
Jim C 50,000
Stephen M 45,637
JD 44,547
Fred J 43,171
Kristin C 36,167
Matthew R 33,500
Josh O 31,850
Jack F 29,076
John B 20,981
John S 18,061
Ray W 16,909
Joey W 14,916
Kevin K 11,224
Bob A 10,000
Angela P 9,017
Riyad E 5,000
Vince M 4,548
Adam M 3,000
Pam S 1,612
Jack, you are doing great! Keep it up!
Happy Sunday, everyone! I'm posting this before it disappears again.
-Angela P
Re: TimbukTOO Team Room
Hi team, Still struggling with the process of moving, but I am trying to work in the occasional row when I can. Keep up the great efforts and I will get back to my normal pattern pretty soon.
- 500m Poster
- Posts: 77
- Joined: December 29th, 2009, 12:46 pm
Re: TimbukTOO Team Room
Good luck with the move, John. I feel your pain having moved 10 times in 24 years of military service. I just returned from Fort Jackson on Saturday. I was able to run most days, but I came back to 100-degree weather in San Antonio. I will be a much more loyal rower for the foreseeable future--except for a few trips to Central and South America this summer.
Re: TimbukTOO Team Room
It's here! The Summer Solstice Challenge!!
20 people have already completed the challenge in Australia and New Zealand. Wow!
The Details
-Row or ski 21,000 meters on June 21.
-Meters can be rowed/skied all at once in one workout or over several workouts throughout the day.
If you add 97 meters to row/ski 21,097 meters, or a half-marathon, it needs to be rowed/skied all at once in order to qualify to be a ranked piece.
-This is an individual challenge. (You do not need to belong to a team to participate.)
-Meters must be entered online.
-Indoor rower, SkiErg, on water and on snow meters count. You can combine meters to reach 21,000 meters.
Good luck to everyone!
Here's what's up with TimbukTOO
15 were out for a row on Father's Day
Everett B 61,410
Stephen M 37,513
Winston T 17,697
Army Padre 10,200
Bobbie Z 10,000
Bel C 6,437
Mark S 6,011
George M 5,405
Ray W 5,339
John B 5,260
JD 5,000
Fred J 5,000
Josh O 2,534
Joey W 2,050
Victoria W 1,000
9 started the week off with a row on Monday
Neil Q 20,000
Winston T 17,527
Mark S 15,000
Bobbie Z 13,000
Ken C 6,248
Josh O 6,000
Jack F 5,706
JD 4,167
Capn Izzy 2,000
180,856 team meters on Sunday
89,648 team meters on Monday
4,191,140 total team meters this season
Targets passed
Bobbie Z passed 350k
Meters to next target
Victoria W 1,500 m to 5,000
Everett B 10,535 m to 300,000
Ray W 11,416 m to 100,000
Jack F 12,411 m to 100,000
Capn Izzy 13,759 m to 150,000
Joey W 16,581 m to 50,000
Mark S 17,023 m to 200,000
Stephen M 17,311 m to 150,000
Josh O 18,637 m to 150,000
Neil Q 20,000 m to 300,000
Army Padre 21,113 m to 75,000
JD 28,711 m to 150,000
Winston T 29,373 m to 550,000
Ken C 32,033 m to 200,000
John B 36,712 m to 200,000
Bobbie Z 40,000 m to 400,000
Bel C 41,041 m to 300,000
Fred J 44,860 m to 150,000
George M 49,406 m to 250,000
A team member fell overboard.
We wish you well, friend.
If you aren't going to complete the Summer Solstice Challenge - you can still get a row in, but you don't have to.
Happy Summer, everybody!
-Angela P
20 people have already completed the challenge in Australia and New Zealand. Wow!
The Details
-Row or ski 21,000 meters on June 21.
-Meters can be rowed/skied all at once in one workout or over several workouts throughout the day.
If you add 97 meters to row/ski 21,097 meters, or a half-marathon, it needs to be rowed/skied all at once in order to qualify to be a ranked piece.
-This is an individual challenge. (You do not need to belong to a team to participate.)
-Meters must be entered online.
-Indoor rower, SkiErg, on water and on snow meters count. You can combine meters to reach 21,000 meters.
Good luck to everyone!
Here's what's up with TimbukTOO
15 were out for a row on Father's Day
Everett B 61,410
Stephen M 37,513
Winston T 17,697
Army Padre 10,200
Bobbie Z 10,000
Bel C 6,437
Mark S 6,011
George M 5,405
Ray W 5,339
John B 5,260
JD 5,000
Fred J 5,000
Josh O 2,534
Joey W 2,050
Victoria W 1,000
9 started the week off with a row on Monday
Neil Q 20,000
Winston T 17,527
Mark S 15,000
Bobbie Z 13,000
Ken C 6,248
Josh O 6,000
Jack F 5,706
JD 4,167
Capn Izzy 2,000
180,856 team meters on Sunday
89,648 team meters on Monday
4,191,140 total team meters this season
Targets passed
Bobbie Z passed 350k
Meters to next target
Victoria W 1,500 m to 5,000
Everett B 10,535 m to 300,000
Ray W 11,416 m to 100,000
Jack F 12,411 m to 100,000
Capn Izzy 13,759 m to 150,000
Joey W 16,581 m to 50,000
Mark S 17,023 m to 200,000
Stephen M 17,311 m to 150,000
Josh O 18,637 m to 150,000
Neil Q 20,000 m to 300,000
Army Padre 21,113 m to 75,000
JD 28,711 m to 150,000
Winston T 29,373 m to 550,000
Ken C 32,033 m to 200,000
John B 36,712 m to 200,000
Bobbie Z 40,000 m to 400,000
Bel C 41,041 m to 300,000
Fred J 44,860 m to 150,000
George M 49,406 m to 250,000
A team member fell overboard.
We wish you well, friend.
If you aren't going to complete the Summer Solstice Challenge - you can still get a row in, but you don't have to.
Happy Summer, everybody!
-Angela P
Re: TimbukTOO Team Room
Happy Summer Solstice!
I hope you had a bright, sun shining day wherever you are.
9 put in some time on Tuesday - I'm not sure if I have some 6/21 meters in there.
Winston T 12,413
Capn Izzy 10,624
Neil Q 10,000
Bobbie Z 8,000
Ken C 6,130
Bel C 5,594
Ray W 5,363
JD 5,000
Joey W 2,204
65,328 team meters
4,256,468 total team meters this season
Here are your updated meters to the next target:
Capn Izzy 3,135 m to 150,000
Ray W 6,053 m to 100,000
Neil Q 10,000 m to 300,000
Joey W 14,377 m to 50,000
Winston T 16,960 m to 550,000
JD 23,711 m to 150,000
Ken C 25,903 m to 200,000
Bobbie Z 32,000 m to 400,000
Bel C 35,447 m to 300,000
Thanks for keeping us moving!
Row strong, team!
-Angela P
I hope you had a bright, sun shining day wherever you are.
9 put in some time on Tuesday - I'm not sure if I have some 6/21 meters in there.
Winston T 12,413
Capn Izzy 10,624
Neil Q 10,000
Bobbie Z 8,000
Ken C 6,130
Bel C 5,594
Ray W 5,363
JD 5,000
Joey W 2,204
65,328 team meters
4,256,468 total team meters this season
Here are your updated meters to the next target:
Capn Izzy 3,135 m to 150,000
Ray W 6,053 m to 100,000
Neil Q 10,000 m to 300,000
Joey W 14,377 m to 50,000
Winston T 16,960 m to 550,000
JD 23,711 m to 150,000
Ken C 25,903 m to 200,000
Bobbie Z 32,000 m to 400,000
Bel C 35,447 m to 300,000
Thanks for keeping us moving!
Row strong, team!
-Angela P
Re: TimbukTOO Team Room
Happy Thursday!
There were 2 Team TimbukTOO HMs yesterday - way to go!
Summer Solstice Honor Board
Bel C
Fred J
I'll check back if anyone posts their 6/21 meters a few days later.
11 put in Summer Solstice meters
Bel C 21,097
Fred J 21,097
Winston T 16,145
John S 10,522
Stephen M 10,013
Neil Q 10,000
Ken C 6,254
Ray W 5,392
John B 5,309
Bobbie Z 5,000
Gabi H 5,000
(hmmm, I thought I put in a short row yesterday. I have to check if I did not sync my ErgData)
115,829 team meters
4,372,297 total team meters this season
Targets passed
John S passed 25k
Neil Q reached 300k
Meters to next target
Ray W 661 m to 100,000
Winston T 815 m to 550,000
Victoria W 1,500 m to 5,000
Barbara B 2,826 m to 50,000
Capn Izzy 3,135 m to 150,000
Pam S 3,388 m to 5,000
Robert R 3,631 m to 10,000
Rachel B 4,482 m to 5,000
Matthew R 4,500 m to 50,000
Stephen M 7,298 m to 150,000
Gabi H 8,986 m to 150,000
Angela P 10,262 m to 100,000
Everett B 10,535 m to 300,000
Adam M 11,000 m to 25,000
Jack F 12,411 m to 100,000
Vince M 12,666 m to 25,000
Bel C 14,350 m to 300,000
Joey W 14,377 m to 50,000
Riyad E 16,000 m to 75,000
Mark S 17,023 m to 200,000
Josh O 18,637 m to 150,000
Ken C 19,649 m to 200,000
Kevin K 19,897 m to 50,000
Bob A 20,000 m to 50,000
Army Padre 21,113 m to 75,000
John S 21,417 m to 50,000
Kristin C 21,715 m to 100,000
Marcel D 23,607 m to 75,000
JD 23,711 m to 150,000
Fred J 23,763 m to 150,000
Bobbie Z 27,000 m to 400,000
John B 31,403 m to 200,000
Steve I 46,539 m to 300,000
George M 49,406 m to 250,000
Neil Q 50,000 m to 350,000
Hang in there, folks, I see Friday just ahead.
-Angela P
There were 2 Team TimbukTOO HMs yesterday - way to go!
Summer Solstice Honor Board
Bel C
Fred J
I'll check back if anyone posts their 6/21 meters a few days later.
11 put in Summer Solstice meters
Bel C 21,097
Fred J 21,097
Winston T 16,145
John S 10,522
Stephen M 10,013
Neil Q 10,000
Ken C 6,254
Ray W 5,392
John B 5,309
Bobbie Z 5,000
Gabi H 5,000
(hmmm, I thought I put in a short row yesterday. I have to check if I did not sync my ErgData)
115,829 team meters
4,372,297 total team meters this season
Targets passed
John S passed 25k
Neil Q reached 300k
Meters to next target
Ray W 661 m to 100,000
Winston T 815 m to 550,000
Victoria W 1,500 m to 5,000
Barbara B 2,826 m to 50,000
Capn Izzy 3,135 m to 150,000
Pam S 3,388 m to 5,000
Robert R 3,631 m to 10,000
Rachel B 4,482 m to 5,000
Matthew R 4,500 m to 50,000
Stephen M 7,298 m to 150,000
Gabi H 8,986 m to 150,000
Angela P 10,262 m to 100,000
Everett B 10,535 m to 300,000
Adam M 11,000 m to 25,000
Jack F 12,411 m to 100,000
Vince M 12,666 m to 25,000
Bel C 14,350 m to 300,000
Joey W 14,377 m to 50,000
Riyad E 16,000 m to 75,000
Mark S 17,023 m to 200,000
Josh O 18,637 m to 150,000
Ken C 19,649 m to 200,000
Kevin K 19,897 m to 50,000
Bob A 20,000 m to 50,000
Army Padre 21,113 m to 75,000
John S 21,417 m to 50,000
Kristin C 21,715 m to 100,000
Marcel D 23,607 m to 75,000
JD 23,711 m to 150,000
Fred J 23,763 m to 150,000
Bobbie Z 27,000 m to 400,000
John B 31,403 m to 200,000
Steve I 46,539 m to 300,000
George M 49,406 m to 250,000
Neil Q 50,000 m to 350,000
Hang in there, folks, I see Friday just ahead.
-Angela P
Re: TimbukTOO Team Room
Hey everyone - just a short note to apologise for being a terrible team member this year 
I promise that I haven't become ludicrously lazy, I just set myself a running target of 1,000 miles for 2017 so most of my training has been pounding the pavement or trails, rather than on the erg.
We've also been blessed with unusually decent weather over here in the UK this year, so heading out for a run hasn't required as much effort as it usually would!
I do feel bad about letting the team down in all the challenges this year, but I'm going to try to get more regular rowing sessions in around the running.
Hope everyone is well and rowing strong, though

I promise that I haven't become ludicrously lazy, I just set myself a running target of 1,000 miles for 2017 so most of my training has been pounding the pavement or trails, rather than on the erg.
We've also been blessed with unusually decent weather over here in the UK this year, so heading out for a run hasn't required as much effort as it usually would!
I do feel bad about letting the team down in all the challenges this year, but I'm going to try to get more regular rowing sessions in around the running.
Hope everyone is well and rowing strong, though

- 500m Poster
- Posts: 77
- Joined: December 29th, 2009, 12:46 pm
Re: TimbukTOO Team Room
I will join on the apology bandwagon, too. Same reason: decent enough weather in San Antonio to run in the early am. July is my rowing transition month for sure. We have plenty of time to get rowing fit before the fall competitions.
- Hummingbird
- 1k Poster
- Posts: 138
- Joined: November 26th, 2011, 7:33 pm
Re: TimbukTOO Team Room
I see I'm just in time for the apology bandwagon--who knew there was one passing by? No excuses, just....life.
Anyway, I've entered a total of 40+K today which was not all rowed today--only 14 k; the rest I just never got around to entering since my efforts were so sporadic. But all that has changed: Le Tour de France started today, and annually it's been my kick-in-the-butt motivation to get back on the rower, which usually means I stay on it for the September challenge and then continue on to Christmas. Fingers crossed that will happen this year. (And yes, I know they are riding bikes, but I'm not able to be a couch potato and simply watch without munching etc, so rowing works.)
I haven't read previous posts so I don't know what's going on; all I can say is that I hope everyone is well and healthy. I'll be checking in from now on.
All the best,
Anyway, I've entered a total of 40+K today which was not all rowed today--only 14 k; the rest I just never got around to entering since my efforts were so sporadic. But all that has changed: Le Tour de France started today, and annually it's been my kick-in-the-butt motivation to get back on the rower, which usually means I stay on it for the September challenge and then continue on to Christmas. Fingers crossed that will happen this year. (And yes, I know they are riding bikes, but I'm not able to be a couch potato and simply watch without munching etc, so rowing works.)
I haven't read previous posts so I don't know what's going on; all I can say is that I hope everyone is well and healthy. I'll be checking in from now on.
All the best,
Re: TimbukTOO Team Room
Team TimbukTOO has passed 5MM!!
We're only 2 months into the season. Hmmm - do you think we can make it to 30MM??
Welcome back to our Hummingbird, Heather R!
Our team count is now at 36.
Heather, your meters will appear in my next post.
I will also join the apology bandwagon, though no apologies are required for this team. We row when we can - life happens.
I'm sorry that I haven't posted since the Summer Solstice - did anyone else complete the challenge? It's a tough one.
Here are our results 6/22-6/30 (you have been eating your Wheaties):
Winston T 152,067
Everett B 98,932
Bobbie Z 49,000
Ken C 48,332
Steve I 46,319
Bel C 44,844
Neil Q 40,000
George M 37,233
Mark S 33,447
Jack F 28,980
JD 21,939
Josh O 21,364
Stephen M 17,012
Marcel D 11,387
John S 10,602
Army Padre 10,200
Victoria W 10,000
Matthew R 9,000
Capn Izzy 7,774
Gabi H 6,000
Angela P 5,992
Vince M 5,282
Pam S 4,446
Kevin K 2,000
Rachel B 500
722,652 team meters
5,094,949 total team meters this season
Many targets passed!
Bel C passed 300k
Bobbie Z passed 400k
Everett B passed 300k,350k
Jack F passed 100k
Josh O passed 150k
Ken C passed 200k
Mark S passed 200k
Matthew R passed 50k
Pam S passed 5k
Stephen M passed 150k
Victoria W passed 5k,10k
Winston T passed 550k,600k,650k,700k
Capn Izzy passed 150k
Meters until next target
Steve I 220 m to 300,000
Ray W 661 m to 100,000
JD 1,772 m to 150,000
Barbara B 2,826 m to 50,000
Gabi H 2,986 m to 150,000
Robert R 3,631 m to 10,000
Pam S 3,942 m to 10,000
Rachel B 3,982 m to 5,000
Angela P 4,270 m to 100,000
Vince M 7,384 m to 25,000
Neil Q 10,000 m to 350,000
John S 10,815 m to 50,000
Army Padre 10,913 m to 75,000
Adam M 11,000 m to 25,000
Victoria W 11,500 m to 25,000
Everett B 11,603 m to 400,000
George M 12,173 m to 250,000
Marcel D 12,220 m to 75,000
Joey W 14,377 m to 50,000
Riyad E 16,000 m to 75,000
Kevin K 17,897 m to 50,000
Bel C 19,506 m to 350,000
Bob A 20,000 m to 50,000
Matthew R 20,500 m to 75,000
Ken C 21,317 m to 250,000
Kristin C 21,715 m to 100,000
Fred J 23,763 m to 150,000
Bobbie Z 28,000 m to 450,000
John B 31,403 m to 200,000
Jack F 33,431 m to 150,000
Mark S 33,576 m to 250,000
Stephen M 40,286 m to 200,000
Capn Izzy 45,361 m to 200,000
Josh O 47,273 m to 200,000
Winston T 48,748 m to 750,000
Season to Date Meters
35 team members
5,094,949 meters this season
Winston T 701,252
Bobbie Z 422,000
Everett B 388,397
Neil Q 340,000
Bel C 330,494
Steve I 299,780
George M 237,827
Ken C 228,683
Mark S 216,424
John B 168,597
Stephen M 159,714
Capn Izzy 154,639
Josh O 152,727
JD 148,228
Gabi H 147,014
Fred J 126,237
Jack F 116,569
Ray W 99,339
Angela P 95,730
Kristin C 78,285
Army Padre 64,087
Marcel D 62,780
Riyad E 59,000
Matthew R 54,500
Barbara B 47,174
John S 39,185
Joey W 35,623
Kevin K 32,103
Bob A 30,000
Vince M 17,616
Adam M 14,000
Victoria W 13,500
Robert R 6,369
Pam S 6,058
Rachel B 1,018
June monthly meters
2,360,397 June meters
33 of 35 posting meters in June - 94% -- WHAT?!?
Winston T 399,798
Everett B 240,290
Bobbie Z 210,000
Steve I 185,792
Bel C 165,325
Ken C 153,712
Neil Q 140,000
Mark S 116,424
Stephen M 110,175
George M 101,900
Capn Izzy 83,567
JD 80,653
Fred J 69,268
Jack F 63,762
Josh O 61,748
Gabi H 61,000
Matthew R 42,500
John S 39,185
Kristin C 36,167
Ray W 33,003
John B 31,550
Army Padre 20,400
Joey W 19,170
Angela P 15,009
Kevin K 13,224
Marcel D 11,387
Victoria W 11,000
Bob A 10,000
Vince M 9,830
Pam S 6,058
Riyad E 5,000
Adam M 3,000
Rachel B 500
We start July today - a new month, a new start.
I'll catch up more tomorrow.
Row strong, team!
-Angela P
What happened to the font colors? I figured it out!
We're only 2 months into the season. Hmmm - do you think we can make it to 30MM??
Welcome back to our Hummingbird, Heather R!
Our team count is now at 36.
Heather, your meters will appear in my next post.
I will also join the apology bandwagon, though no apologies are required for this team. We row when we can - life happens.
I'm sorry that I haven't posted since the Summer Solstice - did anyone else complete the challenge? It's a tough one.
Here are our results 6/22-6/30 (you have been eating your Wheaties):
Winston T 152,067
Everett B 98,932
Bobbie Z 49,000
Ken C 48,332
Steve I 46,319
Bel C 44,844
Neil Q 40,000
George M 37,233
Mark S 33,447
Jack F 28,980
JD 21,939
Josh O 21,364
Stephen M 17,012
Marcel D 11,387
John S 10,602
Army Padre 10,200
Victoria W 10,000
Matthew R 9,000
Capn Izzy 7,774
Gabi H 6,000
Angela P 5,992
Vince M 5,282
Pam S 4,446
Kevin K 2,000
Rachel B 500
722,652 team meters
5,094,949 total team meters this season
Many targets passed!
Bel C passed 300k
Bobbie Z passed 400k
Everett B passed 300k,350k
Jack F passed 100k
Josh O passed 150k
Ken C passed 200k
Mark S passed 200k
Matthew R passed 50k
Pam S passed 5k
Stephen M passed 150k
Victoria W passed 5k,10k
Winston T passed 550k,600k,650k,700k
Capn Izzy passed 150k
Meters until next target
Steve I 220 m to 300,000
Ray W 661 m to 100,000
JD 1,772 m to 150,000
Barbara B 2,826 m to 50,000
Gabi H 2,986 m to 150,000
Robert R 3,631 m to 10,000
Pam S 3,942 m to 10,000
Rachel B 3,982 m to 5,000
Angela P 4,270 m to 100,000
Vince M 7,384 m to 25,000
Neil Q 10,000 m to 350,000
John S 10,815 m to 50,000
Army Padre 10,913 m to 75,000
Adam M 11,000 m to 25,000
Victoria W 11,500 m to 25,000
Everett B 11,603 m to 400,000
George M 12,173 m to 250,000
Marcel D 12,220 m to 75,000
Joey W 14,377 m to 50,000
Riyad E 16,000 m to 75,000
Kevin K 17,897 m to 50,000
Bel C 19,506 m to 350,000
Bob A 20,000 m to 50,000
Matthew R 20,500 m to 75,000
Ken C 21,317 m to 250,000
Kristin C 21,715 m to 100,000
Fred J 23,763 m to 150,000
Bobbie Z 28,000 m to 450,000
John B 31,403 m to 200,000
Jack F 33,431 m to 150,000
Mark S 33,576 m to 250,000
Stephen M 40,286 m to 200,000
Capn Izzy 45,361 m to 200,000
Josh O 47,273 m to 200,000
Winston T 48,748 m to 750,000
Season to Date Meters
35 team members
5,094,949 meters this season
Winston T 701,252
Bobbie Z 422,000
Everett B 388,397
Neil Q 340,000
Bel C 330,494
Steve I 299,780
George M 237,827
Ken C 228,683
Mark S 216,424
John B 168,597
Stephen M 159,714
Capn Izzy 154,639
Josh O 152,727
JD 148,228
Gabi H 147,014
Fred J 126,237
Jack F 116,569
Ray W 99,339
Angela P 95,730
Kristin C 78,285
Army Padre 64,087
Marcel D 62,780
Riyad E 59,000
Matthew R 54,500
Barbara B 47,174
John S 39,185
Joey W 35,623
Kevin K 32,103
Bob A 30,000
Vince M 17,616
Adam M 14,000
Victoria W 13,500
Robert R 6,369
Pam S 6,058
Rachel B 1,018
June monthly meters
2,360,397 June meters
33 of 35 posting meters in June - 94% -- WHAT?!?
Winston T 399,798
Everett B 240,290
Bobbie Z 210,000
Steve I 185,792
Bel C 165,325
Ken C 153,712
Neil Q 140,000
Mark S 116,424
Stephen M 110,175
George M 101,900
Capn Izzy 83,567
JD 80,653
Fred J 69,268
Jack F 63,762
Josh O 61,748
Gabi H 61,000
Matthew R 42,500
John S 39,185
Kristin C 36,167
Ray W 33,003
John B 31,550
Army Padre 20,400
Joey W 19,170
Angela P 15,009
Kevin K 13,224
Marcel D 11,387
Victoria W 11,000
Bob A 10,000
Vince M 9,830
Pam S 6,058
Riyad E 5,000
Adam M 3,000
Rachel B 500
We start July today - a new month, a new start.
I'll catch up more tomorrow.
Row strong, team!
-Angela P
What happened to the font colors? I figured it out!
- 500m Poster
- Posts: 77
- Joined: December 29th, 2009, 12:46 pm
Re: TimbukTOO Team Room
The Oldest Chaplain in the U.S. Army pledges 200,000 meters for July.
Re: TimbukTOO Team Room
My move is done and I will be rejoining the rowing effort this week. Hopefully the hiatus has done me some good.
- Paddler
- Posts: 1
- Joined: July 5th, 2017, 10:03 am
Re: TimbukTOO Team Room
I'm recovering from a sprained ankle. It feels a lot better so I should be more consistent with my rowing this month
By the way, I'm Victoria. I'm fairly new to the team.
