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[old] AussieTaff
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Post by [old] AussieTaff » November 14th, 2004, 12:33 am

Any PB is a good PB Carla, no matter how they come. Most of mine have a 'blow up' period somewhere (cos I go out pretty hard) - a few easy strokes gets the equilibrium back usually (unless the body is just too stuffed). And now you know that there's potentially another 15 secs or so for the taking. Great row - wonder what caused the stop so close to the end ?<br><br>Just back from the gym feeling pretty pleased - did my first of the two 30K'ers recommended by Rick Bayko as a good foundation for tackling a FM. And I was able to shower and walk to the car like a normal gym person too (unlike my first HM when it took me 10 mins just to get to the car and another 10 to get in ) Glad I stopped at the 30K mark though as for a fleeting moment I was tempted to 'go for it' - as it was everything was starting to tighten up and I recognised the signs fortunately.<br><br>Interesting piece - I've decided to 'row' the FM (i.e. set a testing target time, in my case a sub 3 hrs (2:08's) with a secondary target of sub 2:55 (2:04's) if feasible with 10K to go) as opposed to 'do' a FM (i.e. just finish one - strategy not so crucial in this case I think). <br><br>So the strategy is to set off at HM pace (2:00) for the first half to get well ahead on Ave Pace (which I did), hold for as long as realistic into the second half, then ease right off and have a nice 'loaf along' until the end of the FM is within my grasp. Then pick it up ???<br><br>Today's 30K'er saw 2:00 Ave Pace with 6K to go, body said 'enough' so had the luxury of 2:08 - 2:12's for long periods. At the end of the 30K Ave Pace was 2:02.5 so target time still there. Big confidence booster.<br><br>Taking a LONG drink every 6K worked a treat - I put the handle down and enjoyed a distinct break. Surprisingly not a negative to put handle down - quite the opposite as it made the piece seem like a series of 6K'ers. For those who are interested time 'lost' was :-<br><br>After 6K drink Ave Pace went from 1:59.4 to 1:59.9<br>After 12K 1:59.8 to 2:00.0<br>After 18K 1:59.9 to 2:00.0<br>After 24K 2:00.0 to 2:00.0<br><br>One can have a bit of 'fun' during each of the early 6K'ers trying to get Ave Pace down a bit. And the proper drink break is really something to look forward to when the first half of the FM becomes a bit wearying.<br><br>I realise that with BIRC coming up the last thing our warrior Taffs are thinking of is a FM but thought I would share these thoughts whilst they are still fresh to :-<br><br>- Provide some insight for those contemplating a FM soon.<br><br>- Provide some light relief for those on a current diet of gutbusting 2K'ers <br><br>Cheers<br><br>Martin <br><br>PS Tough luck with the 5K'er James - if at first you don't succeed .... Maybe visit the Risca 'House of Pain' for that extra motivation

[old] Bore Da!
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Post by [old] Bore Da! » November 14th, 2004, 5:52 am

<table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td class='genmed'><span class='genmed'><b>QUOTE</b></span> </td></tr><tr><td class='quote'><!--QuoteEBegin-->Maybe visit the Risca 'House of Pain' for that extra motivation<!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><br>Always welcome.

[old] Godfried
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Post by [old] Godfried » November 14th, 2004, 9:03 am

After a few low-meter days I decided the team needed some of my meters. So I did a 5mins warmup ( 1159m ) and another 5mins ( 1215m ) and decided to row a full hour after that.<br><br>I decided to go long - to go fast - to suffer - to take no prisoners - and none were taken. <br><br>So I improved my <span style='font-size:21pt;line-height:100%'><span style='color:red'><b>60mins PB</b></span></span> from 14,674m ( 2:02.7 / 500 ) to a distance with a sub 2:00 pace <span style='font-size:21pt;line-height:100%'><span style='color:red'><b>of 15,033</b></span></span> ( 1:59.7 / 500 ).<br><br>pace / <span style='color:blue'>HR</span> / 3mins intervals<br>1:59.4 <span style='color:blue'>146</span> 1:59.4 <span style='color:blue'>153</span> 1:59.3 <span style='color:blue'>154</span> 1:59.8 <span style='color:blue'>155</span> <b>1:59.2 <span style='color:blue'>159</span></b> 1:59.4 <span style='color:blue'>161</span> 1:59.5 <span style='color:blue'>164</span> 1:59.4 <span style='color:blue'>164</span> 1:59.3 <span style='color:blue'>165</span> <b>1:59.6 <span style='color:blue'>165</span></b><br>average total was 1:59.4 / 500 - decided to let it slip slowly to 1:59.9 / 500<br>1:59.9 <span style='color:blue'>166</span> 1:59.9 <span style='color:blue'>168</span> 2:00.0 <span style='color:blue'>168</span> 2:00.2 <span style='color:blue'>171</span> <b>2:00.1 <span style='color:blue'>171</span></b> 2:01.0 <span style='color:blue'>172</span> 2:00.3 <span style='color:blue'>173</span> 2:00.8 <span style='color:blue'>174</span> 2:00.4 <span style='color:blue'>175</span> <b>1:57.6 <span style='color:blue'>176</span> </b><br>decided to do a little sprinting at the end<br>ended at 15,033 ( 1:59.7 / 500 )<br><br>And to top it of a cooldown : 10 mins ( 2025m )<br><br>Total for the day 19,432 meters<br><br>Nonathlon : +31 Not the 100 distance I need from Dare, but getting there. <br><br>Again : back to you, Daren. <br>

[old] Bore Da!
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Post by [old] Bore Da! » November 14th, 2004, 10:01 am

Good Effort God!<br><br>I haven't been putting this off, honest. But here is the race report for the first of the Caldicot Clashes.<br><br>Turned up, unloaded. As I had missed a row during the week I had to complete a 8800m warm up - no whinging this was my own fault! Neither of us were looking forward to this, and as such Chippy had a copy of Pinsent's book on hand for insperation (Which never came).<br><br>Even before we started this I knew I was up against it. Chippys got natural strength, and has the pre-match preperation down to artform (I knew a flanker once who played for Ysradgynlais - 5 mins before kickoff his eyes went black, 5 mins after kickoff he was in the sinbin).<br><br>The prediction said we could both row 700m at a pace of 1:36. We started together side by side. I daren't look at Chippys display because I knew he would go off so fast. I just tried to stick with the game plan of averaging mid 1:35 and finishing with anything I had left.<br><br>At halfway I was pulling 1:35.7, I looked over to Chip - S**t - he's on 1:34.7 ave (this is bad news, but not entirely unexpected). BUT he is slowing up! 100m later and Chippys at his blow point - Hes now pulling 37/38's, and in 200m I got to pull back one measly second!! I kick for home and steadily drop the pace into the 33's. But Chippy's in front and isnt going to give it up. He ups his pace enough to keep me at bay and we finish thus:<br><br>Chip 1:35.1<br>Chris 1:35.5<br><br>Nobody spoke, but I managed a smack on the shoulder.<br>Several minutes later the first words were "Race you to 2 million???"<br><br>Bottom line - 6 months of rowing to lose by 0.4 sec - Well done Chip, enjoy it, because I WILL beat you to two mil!!!

[old] seat5
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Post by [old] seat5 » November 14th, 2004, 10:03 am

<br>Really great on the 60K PB, Godfried! What an improvement in average pace. I guess your work on shorter distances hasn't hurt you any!<br><br>Carla

[old] seat5
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Post by [old] seat5 » November 14th, 2004, 10:07 am

Hey Martin, congrats on your 30K piece. Next time I try any such thing I will break mine up into 5 or 6K stretches, too, and try not to fret too much about the drop in avg pace for each stop. It sounds like you really are about ready to tackle that FM pretty soon, if you were not uncomfortable afterwards!<br><br>Carla<br><br>The blow up on that 5K was purely mental wimpiness, but I'm done beating myself up now...

[old] Godfried
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Post by [old] Godfried » November 14th, 2004, 11:15 am

Carla, Martin , e.a. : I made an <a href='' target='_blank'>click for excel-sheet</a> to see the consequences of a break on the average. <br><br>The way it is now means you do each interval at 2:12.0/500 active , and take your first break ( 2:00 mins ) after 10,000m and before 12,500m. Second break ( 2:00 mins ) after 20,000m and before 22,500m. Third break ( 2:00 mins ) after 30,000m and before 32,500m. After that suffer to the end. It will be reached in an average of 2:16.3/500.<br> <br>Just enter some values in the high-lighted reds to see what happens - after that make a personal plan of it by altering the other reds.<br><br>I used 2500m intervals for the marathon to be able to get all data out of the PM2 after the row. <br>I used the same intervals for the HM and added a HM with 1250m intervals.<br><br>See if you like it.

[old] dadams
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Post by [old] dadams » November 14th, 2004, 1:27 pm

Hey there Taffs. Convinced the wife to join the club. I assuming since she's married to a Taff, that she's a good canidate.<br><br>Speedy

[old] Daren C


Post by [old] Daren C » November 14th, 2004, 1:57 pm

Just got back from a weekend away visitng family. Nightmare journey with trains from hell. Most unpleasant, especially with kids in tow. Not recommended in the slightest!<br><br>Three days without my erg! I've lost quite a lot of ground to Jasmine (why don't you ever post any more Jasmine?) so I need to get my skates back on to catch her! Get Andy to update his metres too!<br><br>Well done on the PBs and everything I missed over the weekend, great stuff from everyone!<br><br>

[old] Daren C


Post by [old] Daren C » November 14th, 2004, 2:11 pm

Welcome to the team, Kristine! It's OK, we don't expect you to put in as many metres as Speedy. Half as many will be fine. =)<br><br>Godfried, good to see all this work... but it'll be for nothing, you watch! You're paddling against the flow, my friend!

[old] Niall
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Post by [old] Niall » November 14th, 2004, 2:55 pm

A warm welcome to Mrs Speedy! I dare say we'll see a drop in Dwayne's metres now that he'll be fighting you for time on it. Talking of Dwayne, awesome achievement going through the 7 million mark this last weekend; I'm speechless (just aswell my fingers can still type!).<br><br>Godfried, fantastic 60-minute PB mate! That's an absolutely awesome improvement. Your old PB is around my existing PB and with your improvement and time in the 2K being comparable with mine, I think I need to revisit the 60-minute PB (after BIRC though!).<br><br>Well done to Carla too on her PB. I concur with Martin, a PB's a PB no matter if it's 0.1 second!<br><br>Many thanks for the race report Chris. As usual, the strong competitive feeling was felt through the read and I look forward to <b>Son of 1 Million Race: The 2 Million Challenge!</b><br>

[old] Godfried
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Post by [old] Godfried » November 14th, 2004, 3:18 pm

<!--QuoteBegin-Bore Da!+Nov 14 2004, 04:01 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td class='genmed'><span class='genmed'><b>QUOTE</b></span> (Bore Da! @ Nov 14 2004, 04:01 PM)</td></tr><tr><td class='quote'><!--QuoteEBegin-->Nobody spoke, but I managed a smack on the shoulder.<br>Several minutes later the first words were "Race you to 2 million???"<br><br>Bottom line - 6 months of rowing to lose by 0.4 sec - Well done Chip, enjoy it, because I WILL beat you to two mil!!!<!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><br>Well : The repeatability from machine to machine is +/-1/3%. (plus or minus one third of a percent). <a href=' ... ost&p=5283' target='_blank'>see c2john</a><br><br>So that means that his machine must be + 1/3 % and yours must be - 1/3 %. <br><br>When you do 1,000,000 meters at 2:00/500 that is 2000 * 2 mins = 4000 mins.<br>His has counted 14 mins to few , yours 14 mins extra. <br><br>Or his has counted 3,333 meters extra , yours 3,333 less : so in reality <span style='color:red'><b>you won </b></span>by 6,666 meters.

[old] chippy
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Post by [old] chippy » November 14th, 2004, 6:08 pm

<!--QuoteBegin-Bore Da!+Nov 14 2004, 09:01 AM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td class='genmed'><span class='genmed'><b>QUOTE</b></span> (Bore Da! @ Nov 14 2004, 09:01 AM)</td></tr><tr><td class='quote'><!--QuoteEBegin-->Good Effort God!<br>Nobody spoke, but I managed a smack on the shoulder.<br>Several minutes later the first words were "Race you to 2 million???"<br><br>Bottom line - 6 months of rowing to lose by 0.4 sec - Well done Chip, enjoy it, because I WILL beat you to two mil!!!<!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><br>[QUOTE]<br>Chris<br>Game on <br><br>Godried<br>I have had my socks and shoes of for a hour trying to get to terms with the +/-1/3% and still cant get it.Guess i never will. Exellent pb Though.<br><br>Mrs Adams<br>Welcome to the team. <br><br>Chippy.

[old] Bore Da!
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Post by [old] Bore Da! » November 14th, 2004, 6:57 pm

<table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td class='genmed'><span class='genmed'><b>QUOTE</b></span> </td></tr><tr><td class='quote'><!--QuoteEBegin-->so in reality you won by 6,666 meters.<!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><br>Ever considered a career in politics???

[old] Niall
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Post by [old] Niall » November 14th, 2004, 7:12 pm

Some clever person has collated all the BIRC entries and produced some online tables. The most most pertinent to Taff Attack is the individual team schedules which shows:<br><br><img src=' ... ckBIRC.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image' /><br><br>If you want to see all the information available <a href='' target='_blank'>click here</a><br><br>Suffice to say, there will be much cheering on of team colleagues at BIRC (Chris, I might be a little dry-mouthed for your race as it follows mine and Daren's but I'll be as vocal as possible!).
