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<!--QuoteBegin-Niall+Nov 9 2004, 04:18 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td class='genmed'><span class='genmed'><b>QUOTE</b></span> (Niall @ Nov 9 2004, 04:18 PM)</td></tr><tr><td class='quote'><!--QuoteEBegin--> <br><br>Now for the bad news. <br><br>I think the new DF and pace really sorted my technique out as I seemed to rely more on my legs (that's good, right?) and unfortunately, I've never had very strong legs and always relied on my upper body strength. So my legs really struggled after 2,500m and the rate slowed down considerably to the point where I couldn't go on after 5000m (I can see Bernard smiling!). <br><br>Lesson learnt then is that I need to keep going and work on my leg strength. But I must say, the lower DF and stroke felt very good. The real test will be my next 2K test (probably Friday) to see if I can maintain a high (30/32) stroke rate.<br><br>And I absolutely agree with your sentiment that erging should be fun. I know I'm a very focused and enthusiastic individual but I am enjoying it. If I wasn't in it for the fun, I wouldn't be part of Taff Attack <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><br> Niall,<br>If I understand it correctly, you're going to BIRC this year, right?<br><br>If I were you, I wouldn't mess with your technique this close to a race. Since you're used to doing what you've done up to this point, why mess with a good thing. It's working for you as of now. <br><br>I would recommend that you do this major technique change after your race. Just a thought.<br><br>Speedy
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<!--QuoteBegin-JSamuel+Nov 9 2004, 05:18 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td class='genmed'><span class='genmed'><b>QUOTE</b></span> (JSamuel @ Nov 9 2004, 05:18 PM)</td></tr><tr><td class='quote'><!--QuoteEBegin--> On another note, did anyone else suffer from painful calluses when they started rowing? I've had calluses on my palms at the bottom of each finger for a while from lifting weights but they've never been painful. They've now gone black under the skin and are painful when rowing, preventing me from doing as much as I'd like. Does anyone wear gloves or anything?<br><br>Well done on the PB, Daren. <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><br> J.S.,<br>I had them when I first started, as I'm sure everyone did.<br><br>If they are as bad as you say they are, it could be because of how hard your gripping the handle. The handle should be light in the hands. No death grip. You might also want to pay attention to how much rotation you're putting in the handle during your stroke. There shouldn't be any.<br><br>If you need to though, cycling gloves or weight lifting gloves will help.<br><br>Speedy
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Hi everyone!<br><br>You all have done so much since I disappeared! We are now so close to MIT, that's awesome! Congrats on all the tremendous PBs--there are too many to list them out--first marathons, first HM's, mountains of meters...<br><br>Concert went very well, but the week before I was pretty much practicing, eating, or sleeping. Friday I played for over 8 hours, 4 of it with a professional recording of the Shostakovitch cello concerto...that thing is a real *&^%$ to play 2nd violin for--all kinds of stuff off the beat, meter changes every other measure--you're in 2, you're in 3, you're in 2, uh oh now we're in 5-- and the whole thing is conducted in 1, which means the stick only moves once per measure and it's up to you to figure out where the beats's written in the "key of vodka" which means no key signature but accidentals on every note, like B double flat and F double sharp YUCK!! Saturday we had a 5 hour dress rehearsal and then I worked on some hard parts some more. Just got the music for 12/5 pops concert yesterday, 12 new pieces to learn, and a 4 page solo on a Handel concerto grosso for 12/14. <br><br>I am dismayed to see that I am 60K (if not more) behind Martin and I feel so drained and exhausted, like I'm fighting something off. I purposely didn't read the forum during the last week, because I knew it would only make me feel terrible for not rowing, and I really had to focus on the music. Now it is hard to face "starting over" again and feeling like I'll never catch up. But reading about everyone's great work is helping. Guess it's time to "saddle up" and put some meters in the Taffybank--probably only a gentle 5k and then to bed.<br><br>Carla<br><br><br><br>
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GREAT to see you back Carla, I knew you had a big concert on last weekend but when your metres didn't move yesterday I started to wonder - ill ? (speedy recovery if the case), Kms going to another team ? (Carole Mac'c WHOLESOME team), .... ? Sorry about the 80K gap, been practising for a FM attempt in Dec before the hot summer weather hits our no-aircon local gym. I'm off to Queensland shortly for a few weeks to see Mum and my eldest daughter so my Kms will probably fall away then, and you will catch up (if not before). Great Violin story Carla - amazes me how complicated it can be.<br><br>Congrats on another PB Daren, must be a big confidence booster for BIRC to know you can do a 1:43 500m at the end of 5K. Not sure I can get a leave pass for a Boxing Day FM (or actually will feel like it ), thinking of either Dec 11th or 18th weekend ? Great avatar too.<br><br>Hi Niall - fantastic 'new' technique row:-<br><br>1. You found it comfortable (should feel like an 'armchair' ride).<br><br>2. Legs not effectively or fully utilised in previous rows got tired ! As I don't know any Welsh Rugby players with 'weak' legs (unless you have an old injury) I'm pretty confident that underlying leg strength is there - just a matter of getting the leg muscles used to the new order.<br><br>As for BIRC, I was in two minds whether to go into print for fear of 'mucking up' your preperation but in the end decided to based on :-<br><br>1. You hadn't done much BIRC 2K preperation to date anyway and you didn't sound particularly happy with what you had done.<br><br>2. You sounded keen to seek improvement.<br><br>3. Originally you were going to BIRC to 'have a look' from memory - Chippy or Chris suggested being a competitor rather than a spectator.<br><br>So not sure how important performance at BIRC really is to you personally. If it's a matter of simply being part of a fantastic occasion then you can set any realistic 2K goal, not necessarily to break 7 mins. Save that one for later ? Great avatar - the previous one made me dizzy on a bad day <br><br>Hey Chris/Chippy - ready for the showdown. See Chippy is nicely positioned near the start, Chris has a 19K row to the starting line - tactical move Chris ???<br><br>MIT becoming a bigger target,<br><br>Martin <br><br>PS Chippy - what time was Dykie's HM ? How did he pull up ? <br><br>PPS Jamie - I stick a sock over each handle to soak up sweat (my hands tend to sweat too much in gloves) and a bit of Vasoline (petroleum jelly ?) on the finger area seems to help too.
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Great to see Carla back on the Forum! <br>We've missed you Carla and Martin's been pining for competition without his nemesis!<br><br>Thanks again for the support Speedy and Martin.<br><br>You're right, BIRC for me this year isn't a big deal (am I allowed to say that?). It's a learning experience (and enjoyment!!) for me. So putting in a great performance isn't the main objective (it'd be nice though!).<br><br>I like the feel of the lower DF as it doesn't feel like it's going to be so much of an effort at the higher DFs. For me it's not that radical a change as I'm still developing my technique. I guess only a test 2K will really determine this though. It'd be nice to do a new PB (i.e. below 7:17) but at the moment I'd be happy to beat my SB of 7:25.<br><br>As for sounding keen to seek improvement....ALWAYS!!! I'm a true believer in pushing the bar as we never know what we're capable of doing unless we do so. If I was satisfied with 7:25 then I'd never beat it so it's important to set new challenges (and I'm not just talking rowing, this is my philosophy in life generally).<br><br>Thanks again for your support and advise, it's always gratefully received.
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Great post Niall, you are a man after my own heart when it comes to blending improvement and enjoyment ! Good luck with the 2K 'test' - looking forward to hearing about it. One tiny point - your post on the lower DF 10K sounded like you only had 2 choices for the DF, 129 or 116. The resistance lever can be set anywhere between the whole numbers, which theoretically should let you choose any DF you like by slight adjustments of the lever. So if 116 seems a bit 'light' you can try 120, say, or 123 etc. Or conversely go a bit lower to 114, say, to experience the 'feel' of a wide range of 'low' DFs.<br><br>Martin
<!--QuoteBegin-seat5+Nov 10 2004, 02:57 AM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td class='genmed'><span class='genmed'><b>QUOTE</b></span> (seat5 @ Nov 10 2004, 02:57 AM)</td></tr><tr><td class='quote'><!--QuoteEBegin--> all kinds of stuff off the beat, meter changes every other measure--you're in 2, you're in 3, you're in 2, uh oh now we're in 5-- and the whole thing is conducted in 1, which means the stick only moves once per measure and it's up to you to figure out where the beats's written in the "key of vodka" which means no key signature but accidentals on every note, like B double flat and F double sharp YUCK!! Saturday we had a 5 hour dress rehearsal and then I worked on some hard parts some more. Just got the music for 12/5 pops concert yesterday, 12 new pieces to learn, and a 4 page solo on a Handel concerto grosso for 12/14. <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><br> And in English? You make me so jealous, Carla. I've wanted to be able to play an instrument since I can remember. I've tried all sorts; recorder, flagolet, guitar (electric & acoustic (steel & nylon)), harmonica, piano & electronic keyboards. I've done a hell of a lot of "dabbling", but never actually learnt how to play anything. My latest is a 5-string "Bluegrass" banjo that I pick at now and again. I can kind of hold a tune with my voice I think, but I'd also like to really be able to sing well. I love music, I just wish I was better at making it myself. =)
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Hi Carla<br><br>Nice to hear from you. I'm glad to hear you are well into your music and it's going great. Did I tell you my 12 year old niece started to play the violin last year. Thankfully, she's improved! Martin's been having it his own way for far too long and I think he needs you to give him a little bit of competition.<br><br>Niall, I am seeing this year's BIRC the same way as you, as experience. I'm deliberately not putting too much pressure on myself this year, because next year and subsequent years are for real. I'll reach my badly framed goal this year and then get closer to my potential next year. <br><br>I do side with Dwayne on the technique side of things though. I have things to work on, but will leave it until I start next year's training a week after BIRC. I should then have a whole year's uninterrupted preparation to get the best out of myself, including technique changes.<br><br>Bernard
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\0/ waves at Carla good to see you back hun ...
With all the BIRC talk going on in the UK forum, I felt it was time for another "pacer" attempt at 2k. This time I did it without the avg pace or "projected finish" displays since I won't have the latter on the day.<br><br>Plan was again 3x1:46 and then hopfully unload in the final 500m.<br><br>However, once again I didn't stick very well to the plan. <br><br>No warm up, just went out to the garage, got on the erg and put the hammer down. Result was still a 2K PB of <b>7:02.1</b>, which is 0.7 seconds faster than the last one a week ago. 1:45.5 from 1:45.7.<br><br>Splits:<br><br><!--c1--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>CODE</b> </td></tr><tr><td id='CODE'><!--ec1--><br>Sp Pace Av Pace SPM SPI<br>-------------------------<br>1:43.70 1:43.70 34 9.2<br>1:45.50 1:44.60 35 8.5<br>1:46.30 1:45.17 35 8.3<br>1:46.70 1:45.55 36 8.0<br><!--c2--> </td></tr></table><br><br>2000m, 247 strokes, 8.1m avg DPS, 35 avg SPM, 8.5 avg SPI<br><br>Split paces were back to front, went out too hard in the first and was suffering by the 3rd 500m with quite a few 1:48-1:52 pace strokes. I'll have an enforced rest on Friday, Saturday and Sunday as I'm away for the weekend.<br><br>This got me one more Nonathlon point (837 up from 836) for the 2k, which moved me above AdrianN who I was tied with after my 5k update earlier. Still a good 46 points behind Godfried, but my 100 bonus points for the marathon will get me there when I get round to doing one! <br>
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You really need a warm-up plan Daren, going into a 2km test cold is going to lose you more than the 2 seconds you need. You should be doing at least a couple of km warm-up, including a few 30-40 secs bursts to get the system up to speed.<br><br>I need to do a test 2km just to see how i am going to pace the BIRC race, haven't done a 2km since March<br><br>Might schedule one on RowPro
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Taffs,<br>That million meter weekend challenge did wonders. We're about 700k away from MIT now. Everyone up for another one? Let's say the first weekend in December eh?<br><br>Speedy
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<!--QuoteBegin-Bore Da!+Jul 15 2004, 10:33 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td class='genmed'><span class='genmed'><b>QUOTE</b></span> (Bore Da! @ Jul 15 2004, 10:33 PM)</td></tr><tr><td class='quote'><!--QuoteEBegin-->As for my part, I swear before you now, that I will beat my closest rival (and biggest motivator) Robert Redmond to 1,000,000 meters.<!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><br><!--QuoteBegin-chippy+Jul 16 2004, 12:08 AM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td class='genmed'><span class='genmed'><b>QUOTE</b></span> (chippy @ Jul 16 2004, 12:08 AM)</td></tr><tr><td class='quote'><!--QuoteEBegin-->Chris Good friend and enemy, I accept the challenge... Pistols at 20 paces.<!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><br>Robert 1219m to go - Chris 9583m to go.<br><br>Waiting for the smoke to fade away. <br><br>Who will be the first to claim success?