jackarabit wrote:Hey John. Thought you'd gone to ground there. Good to hear from you.
I don't remember seeing those abbreviations elsewhere, not in O'Neill & Skelton or Flood & Simpson indoor rowing guides. Hard to calculate percentage of the unquantifiable! Could pressure equate to force on the rower handle? ErgData has optional readouts of peak force and average force in kg.or lbs. 3/4 pressure could mean a WAG but 80-85% suggests precision in determnation.
Thanks Jack,
I had to stop doing the Pete Plan for a while and couldn't do any rowing at all for 3 days, after lower back pain suddenly occurred one cold morning when I was doing 500 meter intervals. Had difficulty standing up straight. But after 3 days the pain subsided and I was able to row again, very slowly. When the pain completely disappeared, I decided to try one of the RowPro-generated training plans instead of Pete Plan. I like it, but the main thing is that it lays out what to do every day.
Saw you in a nice video on youtube of recent CRASH-B sprints. It looked like a lot of fun for everyone there. You've probably seen that video (the screen shot below is from that video). Toward the last part of the video, it also showed the finish of Lindsay Hay's 2K in which he was 2nd behind a California rower. I look at CRASH-B videos for inspiration...
Yes - those two codes in the training plan leave a bit to be desired. It may be vague on purpose. The HR zones it puts on the screen all seem too low, also and there's no way to adjust them by manually entering key data such as a person's actual, known HRmax.
On the digitalrowing.com website where they talk about the RowPro training "templates" they say this: "These plans are created by training guru Jon Ackland of Performance lab International. Jon’s a world expert in remote training, i.e. without the trainer being there..."
I looked on Amazon and found a few books by probably the same guy, Jon Ackland. So I ordered one this morning which he wrote on the topic of endurance training. Hopefully, it will throw some relevant light on the subject of what those two codes mean in the training program.