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Just finished my 15000m session made up of a 10K PB (more on that in a minute) and a 5K cool down.<br><br>Now back to that PB, this is one of my longest outstanding PBs as it is nearly 2 years old and was (previously) one of the toughest of my PBs.<br><br>I figured today might be a good day for a PB as I'd done no rowing yesterday and only did a 5K on Friday so felt fresh. I started off comfortably and settled into a 1:56 rate for pretty much the first 3000m, it then started feeling less comfortable so I slowed it down to a 1:57/1:58 rate. As I had the display on avg pace, I knew the slowing down would not have that much of a detrimental effect so carried on at this pace. I thought I might be able to get under 39 minutes so was happy for the avg pace to creep up to the 1:57 mark and then figured I'd try and settle into a 1:56/1:57 pace . The 1:57 avg pace was reached with 4,096m to go and at this stage I didn't feel I had it in me to speed things up (if anything I was looking for my famour rest period!). As you can see from the splits below, I didn't respond with any faster pace and at this stage I changed my goal to just (?!) getting a new PB (let the sub 39minute row come some other time!). Finished with a final burst in a time of <span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'><span style='color:red'>39:06.4</span></span> beating my previous PB by 11 seconds. <br>Now for the splits:<br><span style='font-family:Courier'><span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%'><br>1:55.7 (27spm)<br>1:56.7 (27)<br>1:56.2 (27)<br>1:56.0 (27)<br>1:56.4 (27)<br>1:56.3 (27)<br>1:56.8 (28)<br>1:57.1 (28)<br>1:57.6 (28)<br>1:58.7 (27)<br>1:57.8 (27)<br>1:58.3 (27)<br>1:58.1 (28)<br>1:58.8 (27)<br>1:59.8 (27)<br>1:59.6 (27)<br>1:58.3 (28)<br>1:57.7 (28)<br>1:59.8 (27)<br>1:50.6 (30)<br></span></span> <br>I should also add that during this 10K PB, I also managed new <span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'><span style='color:red'>PBs for 6K (23:22.4) and 30 minutes (7,666m)</span></span> so that has added 24 Nonathlon points to get me that much closer to Carla!<br><br>Just hope I managed to recover enough to do another 15K tonight as we're just over 1 million metres behind MIT (and I bet they're worried!!).
Attention Taff Attackers!<br><br>I'm developing a Taff Attack team web site, and as part of that I'd like to have a "Profiles" section containing information about members. It's obviously voluntary and opt-in in terms of any information placed on the Web, and no personal information will be posted that isn't OK'd by the member in question.<br><br>So, if you'd like to have an entry on the Team Profile page, please email me with the following (leave blank any fields that you wouldn't want published):<br><br>Real name:<br>Nickname/forum handle:<br>Location: (e.g. town/state/country or just county etc.)<br>Occupation:<br>DOB or Approx Age:<br>M/F:<br>Category: HWT/LWT<br>Biog/About You: (a few words or as long as you like about you or your rowing history. Whatever you'd like)<br><br>All fields optional as I've said. If you also have a photo you'd like to use, please also email me that. An "action shot" would be good if you have one. Size doesn't matter.<br><br>No email addresses will be put on the site unless you want to have a contact address available. Let me know about that. As I control the server I'm hosting the site on, I can set up email accounts or forwarding easily. For example, my normal email address is dc _at_, but I can also set up daren _at_ to forward to that. So only the email address need be published, keeping my private email address, um, private.<br><br>Other sections will include stuff like the Taff Attack history (once I've got the founders to write it ), competition entries and results, the member Interviews that have been done (once I've got permission to use them ) and any other stuff members suggest. <br><br>So, email me (daren _at_ with your profile entries and any ideas or suggestions.
Yesterday I was only able to complete 8k. Not very good on "million metre weekend", so today I wanted to do something a bit more in keeping with the theme. With the New York Marathon on the telly, featuring Paula Radcliffe's return to racing, I thought I'd put out some marathon feelers. It's a PB of sorts, too. <br><br>Previous longest session on the machine 1h 43m, when completing my first half marathon which is also the furthest distance I've gone in one sitting (21097m). <br><br>Today's feeler was <b>30,011m</b> in 2h 13m. That works out at about 2:12.7 pace. Not blazingly fast, but a good increase of almost 9km on my previous best distance, and it puts the full marathon within striking distance. <br><br>It was a very comfortable row, in terms of percieved effort. My stroke rate was around 29/30, and my heart rate was around 140 for most of it, and didn't go about 144 at any point. Obviously I could have gone faster, but as a marker for a full marathon I think it was a decent pace for me. <br><br>The only problems were 1) the normal backside ache, and 2) my knees ached after 90 minutes or so. I didn't feel any pain or other discomfort anywhere (arms, shoulders, calves, thighs, feet) and my breathing was fine. <br><br>So, all in all, I'm pleased with that. I think the next feeler may stretch out to 35km, or if I'm feeling good I might just sqeeze out the full 42k. <br><br>Well won, Paula.<br><br>I'll try to haul out another 12k later if I can, to bring the weekend's total closer to the 50k I was hoping for. <br>
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- Joined: March 18th, 2006, 10:32 pm
Well done taff's, noticed we were less then a million shy of MIT so far. Speedy 2 1/2 hour marathon you are a god.<br>I just finished my marathon today. Picked up 14 nonathon spots. thought I give you guys a peek at my prep and race so I can get better <br>saturday I warmed up with a 16K row, followed by bagging 86 55gallon bags of leaves, I carbo loaded with pizza and Mudslides ( a frozen alcoholic drink to relax the muscles and make ugly women/ men look better <br><br>Started the Marathon row an hour prior to NYC Marathon, Rooting for Paula as she comes from Loughborough, and my nice ex inlaws live there <br>60 Min nice pace no problems,<br>90 min. what was I thinking, I could be watching this race from the couch not the erg.<br>2 hours 30 min, speedy was done by now I am a total wimp, can't go on, will never finish.<br>3 hours, It is amazing that all of my known muscles and even a few unknown muscles can all sing out in pain in a nice harmony<br>3 hr.27 min.34.1 secs. It took four minutes to get off erg, is it possible to stand for the rest of your life with out ever sitting again?<br>Next time mudslides instead of water breaks.<br>Mike
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- Joined: March 18th, 2006, 10:32 pm
Mens Results NYM<br><br>1 Hendrik Ramaala 2:09:28 SOUTH AFRICA <br>2 Meb Keflezighi 2:09:53 CA<br>3 Timothy Cherigat 2:10:00 KENYA<br><br>Well done Mikez on your great effort <br><br>Sir Pirate
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- Joined: March 18th, 2006, 10:32 pm
<!--QuoteBegin-Mikez+Nov 7 2004, 08:06 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td class='genmed'><span class='genmed'><b>QUOTE</b></span> (Mikez @ Nov 7 2004, 08:06 PM)</td></tr><tr><td class='quote'><!--QuoteEBegin-->I just finished my marathon today.<!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><br>You make us proud. I had to change the graph, but you deserve to be on it.
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- Joined: March 18th, 2006, 10:32 pm
Hi Taffs,<br><br>GREAT marathons Mike and Speedy. You both set out to achieve certain goals and both succeeded Congrats all round. Thanks for bringing yours to life Mike with that poignant description - I felt every agonising stage as the row got tougher and tougher ! You must have an amazing underlying resilience to erg for 3 and a half hours in one hit for the first time and still be able to retain a sense of humour when recounting the epic ! Truly an auspicious weekend for the "Taffs".<br><br>Like Daren, I thought this weekend a good time to start some serious Marathon 'preliminaries'. Unlike Daren though, who managed an excellently controlled 30K, making his Marathon 'there for the taking', I started with a conservative 22K just to see how :-<br><br>: The body pulled up holding 2:00 Ave Pace - OK but tiring in last 2K.<br><br>: The hands fared putting Vasoline on them to stop them sweating (blisters) - worked pretty well, hardly any blisters for the HM distance unlike recent rows. Couple of cloth strips wrapped around handles help here too.<br><br>: Stopping to drink every 6K worked - great mentally, lost on Ave Pace alarmingly at first (1 sec), less impact as distance covered increased and guzzle technique improved.<br><br>: Gym crowd reacted - mild amusement mainly !<br><br>Following Rick Bayko's (Rick, if you are reading this - any connection with the Bayko that created the Bayko Building Sets I played with in the 1950's ??) excellent advice in a previous post, next steps are to do a 27K then a 32K in the same manner.<br><br>So Daren, maybe we'll do ours on the same weekend in Dec ?<br><br>Niall, terrific PBs so soon after a heavy cold, well done indeed mate Sub 39 min is there when you want it. Don't forget though that BIRC is 2K not 10K <br><br>Chris/Chippy - when's the big showdown at the Risca Corral ?? Chippy's really come out with all guns blazing with that 1:21 150m Chris - what's the counter ?!<br><br>Great Kms everyone, MIT now nicely in sight.<br><br>Martin <br><br>PS Just back from the gym - total of 41K for the weekend - IOU Taffs 9K Hope the concert went really well Carla, need you back on the erg pushing me, though Bernie Snr is pretty inspirational too - keeps pumping out those 10K'ers. He really is after you Chippy !
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- Joined: March 18th, 2006, 10:32 pm
<!--QuoteBegin-Daren C+Nov 7 2004, 06:39 AM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td class='genmed'><span class='genmed'><b>QUOTE</b></span> (Daren C @ Nov 7 2004, 06:39 AM)</td></tr><tr><td class='quote'><!--QuoteEBegin--> So, if you'd like to have an entry on the Team Profile page, please email me with the following (leave blank any fields that you wouldn't want published):<br><br>Real name:<br>Nickname/forum handle:<br>Location: (e.g. town/state/country or just county etc.)<br>Occupation:<br>DOB or Approx Age:<br>M/F:<br>Category: HWT/LWT<br>Biog/About You: (a few words or as long as you like about you or your rowing history. Whatever you'd like)<br><br>All fields optional as I've said. If you also have a photo you'd like to use, please also email me that. An "action shot" would be good if you have one. Size doesn't matter.<br><br>Daren <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><br>Hi Daren, great idea. Thanks for making this happen.<br><br>Virtually all the info can be found in my profile, so use whatever you wish from there along with :-<br><br>Nickname : Marty or Woodie (everyone/everything in Aussieland gets a 'y' or 'ie' suffix sooner or later !!)<br><br>Occupation - 25 years Banking (mainly IT) then 10 years self employed - Vending, now an amateur stockmarket player.<br><br>DOB - 14.7.49<br><br>Photo will follow when I figure that bit out !<br><br>Cheers,<br><br>Martin
I finished my Sunday off with another 12k as dinner cooked. In the end my total for the day was 42,227m, so I did a marathon of sorts yesterday. Total elaspsed time was about 7 hours (roughly 3pm until roughly 10pm) with a 4 hour rest. =) Total actual erg time was about 3hours 5min. As noted before, the 30k was a "PB" for total distance rowed in one session, as was 2h15m. Leading on from that, the 42k was also a "PB" for metres in a single day. Adding the measly 8k from Saturday I did my total of 50k (actually, I think I had 60k in mind on Friday, so I owe 10k). =)<br><br>Given that my 30k pace didn't see my heart rate rise about 144, I think I'd be disappointed if I weren't able to hold 2:15 or below for the whole marathon. I'm therefore aiming at 3h 10m, but drink breaks may eat into that a little. <br><br>I had three drink breaks in the 30k; once every half hour, but I ran out of drink on the third stop. Not brilliant planning, there. =)<br><br>Picking a weekend in December sounds like a plan, Martin. Not the weekend of December 4th though, as that's the office Xmas party, and I'll be knackered. How about Sunday 26th - The Big Boxing Day Binge Burn-off Marathon.
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- Joined: March 18th, 2006, 10:32 pm
Hi all<br><br><br><br>Great work all on the pbs and efforts over the weekend. I could only manage 3 sets of 10k intervals over the weekend. I'm at the horrible catarrh stage with the virus so it's nearly all over.<br><br><br>Bernard
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- Joined: March 18th, 2006, 10:32 pm
Nightmare busy week just gone, hopefully quiter this week. Couple of apologies:<br><br>Ricky, Sorry I missed the game,<br>Taffs, Sorry I missed the marathon w/end (although probably couldn't have contributed anyway)<br><br>Speedy - top job mate - i could probably have helped you along for about 3k, but then i would have had to lie down on your floor, really urgently. Great effort.<br><br>Martin<br><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td class='genmed'><span class='genmed'><b>QUOTE</b></span> </td></tr><tr><td class='quote'><!--QuoteEBegin-->Chris/Chippy - when's the big showdown at the Risca Corral ?? Chippy's really come out with all guns blazing with that 1:21 150m Chris - what's the counter ?!<!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><br><br>It looks like its wednesday at chippy's, coz he always comes here. Shall we do it head to head, or side by side?<br><br>Head to head will make for interesting tactics, while side by side will be a first class ticket to the emergency room!!!
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- Joined: March 18th, 2006, 10:32 pm
wow you lot are really packing the metres in .... I don't intend to do another marathon til after Eirc... <br><br>Daren i think you will go faster than 3hrs 10 for your marathon I have only done one and I did that in 3hrs 17 and I am pretty sure I could do one now less than 3hrs 10.. bet you will be nearer 3hrs.<br><br>Mike you dafty but great for our Paula and how is your butt today <br><br>Where's me mate Carla ??? she needs to knock some of these pretenders off our top spots in the rankings lol