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I like the goal that Mike has set. 1M meters for the Taff's as a whole in one day.<br><br>Daren has a good point however. We currently have 25 members. That's 40k per person. Realistically, not everyone will do 40k.<br><br>It's still a good goal to have though. If we all shoot for the million, we'll get that much closer to MIT. Whether we make the goal or not.<br><br>Speedy
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Count me out for long rows this week - the flu has caught me - or did I get it ?
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I think the most I could do is probably 30K, but not with this cold. I'd probably not want to attempt this before BIRC (don't ask me for an explanation as to why not, it just seems to make sense that's all! )
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Hi all,<br><br>Having just tried to do 31K at once and not making it (3K short) I know I can't do 50K in one day. Well, <i>maybe</i> if I go really slow and break it up into 10Ks? <br><br>Pick a day after 11/7 (concert) and I'll do my best. <br>Carla
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Besides having a grandfather on maternal side with a Welsh surname (Edwards—that’s Welsh, not English according to my references), I just checked my genealogy program. Dafydd ap Owanin Gwynedd, Prince of Gwynedd, was my third cousin, 29 times removed. He married Emma Plantagenet who was his half 7th cousin once removed. I am half 22nd great-grandnephew of Emma Plantagenet. <br><br>In addition, Bryn Terfel is one of my favorite singers. When I do music while erging, I’ll listen to Bryn. Close enough?<br><br>I’m supposed to get my C2 tomorrow. I haven’t erged for many, many years. I’ve been doing lots of cycling and rowing on wheels in the meantime. <br><br>Byron<br>
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Sounds to me like you're Welsh royalty Byron. <br><br>It'll be good to get some (Welsh) blue blood in the team so count yourself in I say!
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- Joined: March 18th, 2006, 10:32 pm
WOW Byron, with that pedigree you are almost overqualified Welcome aboard (I assume that eloquent dissertation was an application to join !). As Chippy would no doubt say if he wasn't fast asleep at the moment - get that shiny new C2 unpacked asap man and start erging !! Ah, the smell of a brand new erg, nothing like it .... <br><br>Lovely account of the goings-on at Auntie C's Carole, brought the occasion to life for me. I was wondering how many ergs were involved - must have been quite a sight with all 4 whirring away at once. No wonder it was hot inside with all that combined energy release. Sub 1:50's after tending to the meal bodes well for BIRC - that formal training program under Coach X starting to pay dividends already ? Daren did us Taffs proud even though the Oarsomes tried to sabotage his effort by telling him to go faster (hoping he would 'blow up' - a Taff's too smart for that old ploy) <br><br>Sorry to hear a number of Taffs have succumbed to the Flu. Lovely and warm/sunny today down here - ideal recuperating weather lads.<br><br>Good luck with that 50K day everyone - I've teed up "honorary Taff for the day" Ironwoman-in-training Venessa to do the lion's share of mine <br><br>Martin
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Hi Godfried,<br><br>Another update for the Taff-o-Graffs. Just back from the gym with a HM PB :-<br><br><span style='color:red'>1:21:48.4 at Ave Pace 1:56.3 </span>. DF 117, SPM jumped around a bit between 25 and 28. Boy, was that tough. Wanted to hold sub 1:20 pace (1:53.7) for as long as I could but not today Josephine - after 6K pace started sliding out and I ended up hanging in at 2:00 pace in the 3rd 5K. Ave Pace creeping up was a bit of a demotivator so switched the monitor to ETA with 4K to go but that seems to bounce around all over the place ! Used Actual time in the end to get me home.<br><br>Am I stuffed Carla - know how you must have felt at the end of that 28K'er.<br><br>Hey Chris/Chippy, Debra's pedalling as hard as she can to catch up. What's it going to be - gentlemanly pause or 'take no prisoners' approach <br><br>Cheers all<br><br>Martin
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<span style='color:red'>WOW MARTIN! </span>How can you hold a sub 2:00 pace for an HM! How many more Nonathlon points did that get you? It must have moved you up the N. rankings considerably.<br><br>Your performance today is to blame for my 6K PB today. I didn't want to row at all when I got home from rehearsal at 10 PM. You hadn't rowed yet so I almost decided to bag it, especially when I found out I had no clean shorts. But then I checked later and you had done your great HM PB. So I put on some dirty shorts and cleaned up my 6K. I'm not sure if it's a PB or not but it's an SB anyway by almost a minute--24:33.6 and got me another 20 something N. points. Now my Taff-o-graph should look a little more respectable.<br><br> Hope you all feel better soon! <br><br>Carla
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Hey Debra!<br><br>You've been doing tons of meters lately! Have you been doing HMs or what? You're almost caught up to Chris & Chippy. Go Deb!<br><br>Carla
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What a great battle it is between Carla and Martin! Not only are they repeatedly putting in the metres to get out in front but they're also pulling in some great PBs/SBs!<br><br>Well done to both of you, it's great to see such focus.<br><br>Now if I can just overtake Bernard today....
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well done Carla that 6k beats me ............ I am so tired .... just got in off nights .. did 10k yesterday afternoon and then my special training programme at 0200hrs in the morning ... I am really doo lally tap.... right time for bed ...................nite all
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Wow, Carole! That certainly sounds like dedication to me (cue Roy Castle's Record Breakers theme tune!). It certainly demonstrates great focus and determination to maintain a strict training programme round shift work; you've obviously got some Welsh ancestry lurking in your geneology! And, no, that's not a sly pitch for your membership into TA as I know how proud you are to be in the Team Oarsome crew!<br><br>
<!--QuoteBegin-AussieTaff+Nov 2 2004, 04:47 AM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td class='genmed'><span class='genmed'><b>QUOTE</b></span> (AussieTaff @ Nov 2 2004, 04:47 AM)</td></tr><tr><td class='quote'><!--QuoteEBegin--> <span style='color:red'>1:21:48.4 at Ave Pace 1:56.3 </span> <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><br> Wow, Martin, fantastic going! Well done indeed.
<!--QuoteBegin-seat5+Nov 2 2004, 06:42 AM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td class='genmed'><span class='genmed'><b>QUOTE</b></span> (seat5 @ Nov 2 2004, 06:42 AM)</td></tr><tr><td class='quote'><!--QuoteEBegin--> 6K PB today [...] by almost a minute--24:33.6 <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><br> Great stuff, Carla. In dirty shorts, too! I bet you were spurred on by the thought of getting them off and back into the washing basket ASAP. =)