Congratulations to Ray W and Steve I for reaching 1 Million Meters!
Three cheers to the 2 of you!
Hip hip hooray!
Hip hip hooray!
(Was that 3 cheers 2 times or only 2 cheers??)
Team TimbukTOO has passed 28MM!!
I'm confused about the number of cheers - Yay for us!
TimbukTWO - we made it through the Virtual Team Challenge!!
Actually, almost 6MM and finishing 24th of 578 teams is better than making it through the challenge!
Well done, everybody!
Pushing and pulling to the end (* passed their target with these meters)
Gary W 57,377 *
John M 45,832 *
Daniel H 26,214 *
John S 25,099 *
Riyad E 25,000 *
Fred M 22,994 *
Stephen M 22,014 *
Michael N 20,500
Steve I 20,345 *
Keith J 20,000 *
Margaret W 19,680 *
Bobbie Z 17,000
Mark O 16,000
Josh O 14,879 *
Kyle J 14,036
Bill M 13,897 *
George M 12,509
Ray W 10,766 *
Angela P 10,272 *
Izzy 10,053
Jim D 10,037
David R 10,000
Mark S 9,145
Erik W 9,055
John B 8,219 *
Dave G 7,220
Jack F 6,609 *
Ken C 6,157 *
John W 5,627
Warren F 5,000
David H 3,516
Fred J 1,491
506,543 team meters
Total meters in the VTC - Incredible!!!!
Gary W 489,502
John S 415,286
John M 405,964
Fred M 318,774
Mark O 273,658
Steve I 252,428
Michael N 236,100
Keith J 202,000
Josh O 200,220
Riyad E 200,000
George M 181,663
Mark S 181,000
Bobbie Z 173,000
John W 165,386
Erik W 147,839
David R 135,000
Jim D 133,481
David H 125,307
Ray W 108,799
Margaret W 100,863
John B 100,716
Dave G 95,000
Izzy 93,225
Kyle J 90,161
Warren F 88,623
Angela P 83,209
Stephen M 82,236
Abe D 81,649
Tom W 77,926
Matthew R 67,881
Adam M 61,500
Army Padre 58,249
Lee W 56,566
Jack F 50,891
Fred J 48,285
Bob L 47,644
Kristin C 47,378
Cliff R 41,191
Glenn Y 36,421
JD 30,930
Ken C 28,883
Daniel H 26,214
Bill M 22,830
Jamie B 22,385
Jim C 20,000
Jennifer C 17,500
Patrick P 12,000
Douglas D 10,883
Bob S 10,055
Heather R 5,000
Joey W 4,514
Tim J 3,059
Mary H 1,000
Jeffrey R 625
5,970,899 total Team TimbukTWO meters in the VTC
I had asked - how close will we get to 6MM?
That was pretty darn close!!
Thanks for rowing as part of Team TimbukTWO!!
If you'd like to row with Team TimbukTOO year round, please choose TimbukTOO as your affiliation in your Logbook Profile.
Otherwise, Team TimbukTWO will re-form for the World Erg Challenge in March and we hope to see you then.
Wondering how the heck TimbukTOO has gone past 28MM?
A lot of work!
Total meters this season - WOWZA!!!
Gary W 2,415,379
Bobbie Z 1,495,840
George M 1,480,437
Jim C 1,460,000
Neil Q 1,450,000
Riyad E 1,201,676
Angela P 1,125,870
Steve I 1,047,926
Ray W 1,016,143
Mark S 990,140
John S 967,156
Army Padre 885,402
Capn Izzy 883,229
Ken C 845,416
Heather R 801,700
Stephen M 771,921
John B 769,922
Warren F 682,466
Jamie B 645,432
Jack F 636,808
Kristin C 614,745
Gabi H 541,510
Bob 523,000
Bill M 470,297
Josh O 419,357
Kyle J 408,678
Joseph M 367,160
Greg H 356,800
Adam M 337,500
JD 298,460
Bel C 298,076
Glenn Y 259,562
Keith J 226,000
Marcel D 208,173
Tom W 201,171
Kevin K 134,712
Matthew R 118,830
Barbara B 118,157
Bob A 116,508
Dale C 92,930
Daniel R 83,064
Ulla D 72,370
Robert R 54,879
Bob L 52,666
Sheryl M 50,351
Fred J 48,285
Jeffrey R 47,407
Kerim 41,891
Heman B 41,014
Everett B 40,613
David W 39,570
Bernie J 31,530
Gary D 27,500
Joey W 22,067
Aditya P 20,000
Carl R 20,000
Pam S 14,222
Marco S 13,113
Vince M 12,350
Alan D 12,194
Erik B 10,547
Gary G 10,340
Scott W 7,464
Ted P 6,927
Linnea F 1,912
Noah C 1,822
Rachel B 1,000
28,469,587 total team meters this season
meters since our last post (and through this morning)
Gary W 57,377
Steve I 53,370
Stephen M 52,046
John S 51,457
Neil Q 50,000
Keith J 44,000
Angela P 30,722
John B 29,506
Bill M 27,222
Josh O 26,879
Riyad E 25,000
George M 24,520
Bobbie Z 22,840
Ray W 21,525
Kyle J 21,036
Capn Izzy 20,053
Everett B 17,113
Mark S 14,145
Ken C 12,422
Warren F 11,479
Adam M 10,500
Kristin C 8,022
Jack F 6,609
Bob A 5,000
Fred J 1,491
Jeffrey R 1,000
645,334 team meters
Some of us have the erging bug! (not me, but I'm trying to get back to it)
Targets passed
Bill M passed 450k
Everett B passed 25k
Gary W passed 2.4M
John B passed 750k
John S passed 950k
Josh O passed 400k
Keith J passed 200k
Kyle J passed 400k
Neil Q reached 1.45M
Ray W passed 1M
Riyad E passed 1.2M
Stephen M passed 750k
Steve I passed 1M
meters until next target
JD 1,540 m to 300,000
Fred J 1,715 m to 50,000
Bel C 1,924 m to 300,000
Steve I 2,074 m to 1,050,000
Scott W 2,536 m to 10,000
Jeffrey R 2,593 m to 50,000
Ulla D 2,630 m to 75,000
Joey W 2,933 m to 25,000
Ted P 3,073 m to 10,000
Linnea F 3,088 m to 5,000
Noah C 3,178 m to 5,000
Rachel B 4,000 m to 5,000
Bobbie Z 4,160 m to 1,500,000
Jamie B 4,568 m to 650,000
Ken C 4,584 m to 850,000
Aditya P 5,000 m to 25,000
Carl R 5,000 m to 25,000
Dale C 7,070 m to 100,000
Kerim 8,109 m to 50,000
Gabi H 8,490 m to 550,000
Heman B 8,986 m to 50,000
Everett B 9,387 m to 50,000
Mark S 9,860 m to 1,000,000
David W 10,430 m to 50,000
Pam S 10,778 25,000
Marco S 11,887 m to 25,000
Adam M 12,500 m to 350,000
Vince M 12,650 m to 25,000
Alan D 12,806 m to 25,000
Jack F 13,192 m to 650,000
Erik B 14,453 m to 25,000
Army Padre 14,598 m to 900,000
Gary G 14,660 m to 25,000
Kevin K 15,288 m to 150,000
Capn Izzy 16,771 m to 900,000
Daniel R 16,936 m to 100,000
Warren F 17,534 m to 700,000
Bernie J 18,470 m to 50,000
George M 19,563 m to 1,500,000
Robert R 20,121 m to 75,000
Bob L 22,334 m to 75,000
Gary D 22,500 m to 50,000
Keith J 24,000 m to 250,000
Angela P 24,130 m to 1,150,000
Sheryl M 24,649 m to 75,000
Bob 27,000 m to 550,000
Stephen M 28,079 m to 800,000
Bill M 29,703 m to 500,000
John B 30,078 m to 800,000
Josh O 30,643 m to 450,000
Matthew R 31,170 m to 150,000
Barbara B 31,843 m to 150,000
Joseph M 32,840 m to 400,000
John S 32,844 m to 1,000,000
Bob A 33,492 m to 150,000
Ray W 33,857 m to 1,050,000
Gary W 34,621 m to 2,450,000
Kristin C 35,255 m to 650,000
Jim C 40,000 m to 1,500,000
Glenn Y 40,438 m to 300,000
Kyle J 41,322 m to 450,000
Marcel D 41,827 m to 250,000
Greg H 43,200 m to 400,000
Heather R 48,300 m to 850,000
Riyad E 48,324 m to 1,250,000
Tom W 48,829 m to 250,000
Neil Q 50,000 m to 1,500,000
2 approaching 1MM, 23 in the red zone - Almost there! Keep going!!
I am so behind in posting!
February brings us 2 month long Challenges: The Military Challenge and the Tour De SkiErg Challenge
Military Challenge
February 1–28
The Details
Row and/or ski as many meters as you can from February 1 to February 28.
Set your Online Logbook to your military affiliation (more info below) and log your meters in your logbook.
Indoor rower and SkiErg meters only (no on water/on snow meters please). You can combine meters from each machine.
Open to all able-bodied and adaptive athletes who are or have been in the military (no civilians please).
Deadline for entering meters: March 3.
How To Participate
You must have an online logbook at (it's FREE!) and all of your meters must be entered into your online logbook. If you don't already have one, visit the Online Logbook home page, click Register under New User and follow the directions.
Once you have your online logbook, set your affiliation. In your online logbook, go to Profile > Edit Profile and set your affiliation to the military branch and organization of your choice. If you don't see yours listed, email the name of the branch and organization to, and we will add it to our database. Participation is open to anyone who is or has been affiliated with a particular military branch and organization (worldwide).
After you row/ski, record your meters in your online logbook, then watch the Military Challenge Standings to see how your branch and organization stack up to the other military affiliations.
Visit the Challenges page in your online logbook. This page automatically recognizes your participation and displays instructions for claiming your rewards.
Tour de SkiErg
The Tour de SkiErg runs from February 1–28 and features a different event each week.
The Details
Using the Concept2 SkiErg, complete each of the following four events during the timeframes indicated and log them in your online logbook:
Week 1, Feb. 1–7: 5000 meters
Week 2, Feb. 8–14: 500 meters
Week 3, Feb. 15–21: 2000 meters
Week 4, Feb. 22–28: 10,000 meters
This is an individual challenge. (You do not need to belong to a team to participate.)
Meters must be entered online.
SkiErg meters only (no on snow, indoor rower, or on water meters please).
I quickly skimmed through the lists for the TimbukTOO affiliation but I didn't see anyone. If I missed you and you are participating, let us know so that we can cheer you on!!
Also coming up The Valentine Challenge, February 9–14
The Details
The goal is to row and/or ski a total of 14,000 meters between February 09 and midnight on Valentine's Day, February 14.
This is an individual challenge. (You do not need to belong to a team to participate.)
Meters must be entered online.
Indoor rower and SkiErg meters only (no on water/on snow meters please). You can combine meters from each machine to reach 14,000 meters.
We can do this!!
Mud Season Madness, which I often mistakenly think of as March Mudness, follows soon after.
I'm hoping to be back in shape for this one. Details to follow later in February or check out the Challenges tab of your Logbook.
That's enough information to drop on you for now.
Get some meters in tomorrow before the Super Bowl!!
Keep rowing strong team! You are amazing!
-Angela P