so good to hear from you :]andreacs wrote:Belated HAPPY NEW YEAR and best wishes of health and happiness to all Lunies!
You are all amazing and energizing, though some achievements, like Ed's, leave me floored...
Missed the Forum for some time, though worked hard to get to the 200k meters needed for the antler lights during the last minutes alloted for te challenge.
Hope to qualify for the paddle in the Virtual Team Challenge.
Happy rowing!
LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.
Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.
All In A Day's ERG: Team Progress Thru 1.10.17
Another canoe quietly slides into the virtual waters of Moon River. The ArMOONda forces are gathering!
Speaking of forces gathering...the coyotes are marching down the berm as duos and trios...apparently it's mating season from January - March. Lovely.
MILESTONES...Bragging Rights...Celebrations:
6.35 MM Ed
1.4 MM Minnie
1.3 MM bg
1.2 MM Patrick Hsr
1.2 MM Ron
1.2 MM Andrew
650 K Ross
550 K David W
300 K Chip
Thanks, everyone, for rowing and ski-erging with us...!
Julian 1,000 m
Tony 1,111 m ...a palindrome!
Steve W 2,000 m
Jeff M 3,005 m
Kevin 3,500 m
Melissa 5,000 m
Peter G 5,000 m
William H 5,000 m
Steve G 5,202 m
Tom M 5,808 m
Noel 6,060 m
Tim K 6,229 m
Ross 6,272 m
David W 6,540 m
Tim M 7,519 m
David T 9,500 m
Patrick Hsr 9,638 m
Dennis 10,000 m
Janice 10,000 m
Matthew R 10,000 m
Rick 10,000 m
Dan O' 10,233 m
Holger 11,123 m
Howard 11,275 m
K2 11,660 m
Louis 11,964 m
David A 12,589 m
Andrea 12,642 m
Minnie 13,131 m ...a lucky 13 palindrome!
Norma 14,141 m ...a palindrome! Probably lucky, too.
Will S 15,000 m
bg 15,785 m
Ron 16,861 m ...a palindrome!
Chip 20,000 m
Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.
Hey Master EdShabana wrote:What? This is a number well beyond my comprehension, years of butt pain that I dream of being able to survive just one month !Edscapade wrote:
. I rowed the entire game and a little extra to get enough meters in to surpass 37 million lifetime meters. The towel still works - but that much sitting I was hurting some.
Ed, you are a true LUNATIC!!!
I think I missed this before. 37 million. wow man. Wasn't it just 4 days ago you hit the 36 million? haha. Keep on rock'n!
37 Million Lifetime Meters!
Whoop, whoop and way to put the meter on fast spin! Congratulations, Ed, on achieving yet ANOTHER million lifetime meters! We wish you many, MANY more!
All In A Day's ERG: Team Progress Thru 1.11.17
We have ANOTHER canoe in the virtual waters of Moon River!
Ken G
I listen to books when I'm rowing, and a recent one is by a guy named Shawn Achor. It's a business book called The Happiness Advantage. (Don't get thrown off by the title - I was drawn to listening to it because I'm an optimist, and look for ways to introduce more happy into my world.) His bottom line is that happier people are more successful...not success brings happiness. He's a young Harvard guy, a positive psychology researcher now turned consultant. And since I know that this is not enough of a hook for most of you due either to time constraints or interests, I'm including a link to a synopsis...and the more important TED talk (this guy talks fast but is SO entertaining). What's a TED talk? From TED website: TED is a nonprofit devoted to spreading ideas, usually in the form of short, powerful talks (18 minutes or less). TED began in 1984 as a conference where Technology, Entertainment and Design converged, and today covers almost all topics — from science to business to global issues — in more than 100 languages. Shawn Achor's talk is one of the top 20 TED talks.
In any given day, there are SO many things and bits of info that try to wrestle your psyche into the minus column. Some jobs/careers reward those who are good at figuring out what could go wrong, and showcase how important it is to look for mistakes..or fix them. Thing is, that mindset can flip into the rest of your life, too. I had lots of roles that required critical thinking. And so it is that I look for the happiness boosters, things that counterbalance. Turns out that using your signature character strengths (we have those?!) is one way to give happiness a boost. The nonprofit that came up with a way to identify these 24 character strengths is called VIA Character, and they offer up a well-vetted free survey to show what your character strengths are. Everyone wants to know more about themselves. It takes about ten minutes - try it during a break. Then, armed with more info about things you're GOOD at, you can see what happens when you incorporate using one of your top five signature strengths into your day.
By the way...exercise is one of those happiness boosters! Keep smiling!
Here's a link to a synopsis of The Happiness Advantage by Shawn Achor and his TED talk: ... awn-achor/
MILESTONES...Bragging Rights...Celebrations:
6.4 MM Ed
2.75 MM Tombeur
2.25 MM Ken G
1.45 MM Doug G
1.3 MM Norma
1.25 MM Andrew
450 K Dennis
350 K William C
200 K Paul B
Thanks, everyone, for rowing and ski-erging with us!
Tony 1,111 m ....a palindrome!
Steve W 2,000 m
Dan O' 3,125 m
Chuck E 5,000 m
Kevin 5,000 m
Melissa 5,000 m
Steve G 5,272 m
Ross 5,627 m
David T 6,000 m
Louis 6,000 m
Ian 6,004 m
Noel 6,048 m
Tim K 6,257 m
Jane 6,556 m ...a palindrome with some high fives built in!
William C 6,875 m
Norma 7,777 m ....ither version of Casino Royale, lucky 7 palindrome!
Dennis 10,000 m
Janice 10,000 m
Rick 10,000 m
Greg H 10,004 m
Chip 10,018 m
Minnie 11,011 m..a double aught double palindrome!
Howard 11,211 m ..a double two double palindrome!
Stuart 11,211 m ...a double three double palindrome!
Will S 12,507 m
Tombeur 13,127 m
Doug G 14,322 m
Mikkel 15,000 m
David A 15,111 m
Ron 16,761 m ...a palindrome!
bg 17,460 m
K2 24,654 m
Ed 33,333 m ...a threesie palindrome!
Andrew 34,543 m ...a palindrome of epic proportions!
Paul 37,308 m ...great update!
Ken G 162,813 m ...emptied the personal meter vault!
Hooyah! Canoe paddle in hand !
Two More Canoes !
Two more canoes in the water! Whoop! Whoop!
All In A Day's ERG: Team Progress Thru 1.12.17
There sure are a lot of other teams out there..of many sizes! At this writing, there are 532 teams .... awesome that we are number 9 in the postings!
Friday the 13th....a lucky day for Ed, sailing around as the first member of the Bathtub Brigade as he reaches 500K in the Challenge!
Ed Church
And, ANOTHER canoe! That makes 18 boats in the virtual waters!
Patrick Heiser (I've asked AJ for a caricature!)
Here's a link to individual contributors:
Top 10 percent need to have accumulated greater than 108,700 m....
MILESTONES...Bragging Rights...Celebrations:
6.45 MM Ed
2.55 MM David A
1.3 MM Andrew
1.1 MM K2
950 K Stuart
950 K Janice
900 K Kevin
850 K Danno
700 K Howard
650 K Rick
550 K Matthew R
Thanks, everyone, for rowing and ski-erging with us!
Tony 1,111 m ...a palindrome!
Tim M 3,282 m
Tom M 4,413 m
Chuck E 5,000 m
Melissa 5,000 m
Ross 5,174 m
Will S 6,001 m
Noel 6,077 m
Dan O' 7,018 m
William C 7,060 m
Tombeur 7,523 m
Andrea 9,913 m
Chip 10,000 m
Janice 10,000 m
Matthew R 10,000 m
Peter G 10,000 m
Rick 10,000 m
David T 10,500 m
Jonathan 11,003 m
Kevin 11,091 m
Howard 11,411 m ...a palindrome!
David A 11,418 m
Dennis 13,431 m ...a palindrome!
Ron 16,761 m ... a palindrome!
K2 17,208 m
Patrick Hsr 19,401 m
Danno 21,008 m
Andrew 53,135 m ....a palindrome !
Ed 75,528 m ....wowzer...even for you, Ed...that's a lotta meters.
Re: All In A Day's ERG: Team Progress Thru 1.12.17
Kona2 wrote:Slippage, but still good!
There sure are a lot of other teams out there..of many sizes! At this writing, there are 532 teams .... awesome that we are number 9 in the postings!
Friday the 13th....a lucky day for Ed, sailing around as the first member of the Bathtub Brigade as he reaches 500K in the Challenge!
Love my bathtub!!! That was two days Kona... loving the no back end talking to me. Thx again Thor!
Happy Rowing,
Ed Church
And, ANOTHER canoe! That makes 18 boats in the virtual waters!
Patrick Heiser (I've asked AJ for a caricature!)
Here's a link to individual contributors:
Top 10 percent need to have accumulated greater than 108,700 m....
MILESTONES...Bragging Rights...Celebrations:
6.45 MM Ed
2.55 MM David A
1.3 MM Andrew
1.1 MM K2
950 K Stuart
950 K Janice
900 K Kevin
850 K Danno
700 K Howard
650 K Rick
550 K Matthew R
Thanks, everyone, for rowing and ski-erging with us!
Tony 1,111 m ...a palindrome!
Tim M 3,282 m
Tom M 4,413 m
Chuck E 5,000 m
Melissa 5,000 m
Ross 5,174 m
Will S 6,001 m
Noel 6,077 m
Dan O' 7,018 m
William C 7,060 m
Tombeur 7,523 m
Andrea 9,913 m
Chip 10,000 m
Janice 10,000 m
Matthew R 10,000 m
Peter G 10,000 m
Rick 10,000 m
David T 10,500 m
Jonathan 11,003 m
Kevin 11,091 m
Howard 11,411 m ...a palindrome!
David A 11,418 m
Dennis 13,431 m ...a palindrome!
Ron 16,761 m ... a palindrome!
K2 17,208 m
Patrick Hsr 19,401 m
Danno 21,008 m
Stuart 21,097 m ...he moons us!
Norma 25,252 m ....a palindrome of epic proportions...includes a half moon in there!
Andrew 53,135 m ....a palindrome !
Ed 75,528 m ....wowzer...even for you, Ed...that's a lotta meters.
Re: All In A Day's ERG: Team Progress Thru 1.12.17
Love my bathtub!!! That was two days Kona... loving the no back end talking to me. Thx again Thor!
Happy Rowing,
Happy Tush makes a happy Ed. haha. Glad to have helped.
Will the Mighty Thor be back?
I currently plan to join the team with some meters on Monday if all goes well. I have no idea how many I will do but I will do what I will do and that's true.
Keep on rock'n folks.
Happy Rowing,
Happy Tush makes a happy Ed. haha. Glad to have helped.
Will the Mighty Thor be back?
I currently plan to join the team with some meters on Monday if all goes well. I have no idea how many I will do but I will do what I will do and that's true.
Keep on rock'n folks.
Another Paddler!
Whoop, whoop and hooyah! Another paddler in the virtual waters!
Will S
Will S
All In A Day's ERG: Team Progress Thru 1.13.17
Hooboy! The ArMOONda is surely growing! Our fleet numbers 21 at this time, with more canoes poised on the edge of Moon River ! Today we've got a bathtub (Andrew!), a paddle (Ron), and three new canoes (Janice, Angelo, Tim V). AJ also gave Patrick Heiser a caricature so I've put the newly minted Patrick H into his canoe. Great work AJ!
Patrick Heiser
Tim V (New to Challenge team)
Ron MacBruce
MILESTONES...Bragging Rights...Celebrations:
1.65 MM Angelo - great update!
1.25 MM RZon
1.2 MM Will S
500 K Tom M ... a cool half million!
350 K Jonas
50 K Tim K
Thanks, everyone, for rowing and ski-erging and sailing in the ArMOONda with us!
Tony 1,111 m ...a palindrome!
William C 3,508 m
Jean 5,548 m
Tim K 6,380 m
Dan O' 6,519 m
Jonas 6,578 m
Danno 7,000 m
Tom M 7,053 m
William H 7,147 m
Tombeur 7,714 m ....fibonacci sequence!
Louis 9,313 m
Chip 10,032 m
K2 10,359 m
David A 10,480 m
Steve W 11,028 m
Howard 11,241 m
Minnie 12,121 m ...a palindrome! Hula hula!
Janice 12,504 m
bg 15,170 m
Norma 16,161 m ...a wavy palindrome
Stuart 16,161 m ..the same wavy palindrome
Ron 16,761 m ....a different frequency wavy palindrome....
Will S 32,129 m...whopper number!
Andrew 34,543 m ...a palindrome!
Angelo 157,033 m ...emptied the meter vault!
Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.
Weird. RowPro says it's uploaded my rows, yet they aren't in my logbook. I was wondering why mine didn't show up on Kona's list this week.
Guess I'll have to go through the settings to make sure something didn't get messed up.
Guess I'll have to go through the settings to make sure something didn't get messed up.
Wim (attempting to get back into rowing shape).
Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.
It might be worth a phone call to Concept2 on Tuesday....Rumping wrote:Weird. RowPro says it's uploaded my rows, yet they aren't in my logbook. I was wondering why mine didn't show up on Kona's list this week.
Guess I'll have to go through the settings to make sure something didn't get messed up.
Bathtubs and canoes...oh my....
AJ has worked more magic! Here's Andrew's caricature specific bathtub....
Andrew S
And here's Tim V's caricature specific canoe!
Tim V (New to Challenge team)
Andrew S
And here's Tim V's caricature specific canoe!
Tim V (New to Challenge team)