Looking for team, from slow to fast, from couch to banana

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Looking for team, from slow to fast, from couch to banana

Post by ChengXirie » December 21st, 2016, 1:28 am

hi guys, Alex here,24yo, from Ertingen, Germany. I'm ready.
Where I browsed through a whole list of teams, where do I know if this are active???!!!
So I ask you who should I?

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Re: Looking for team, from slow to fast, from couch to banan

Post by bisqeet » December 21st, 2016, 6:12 am

if you check the c2ctc website, you can see which teams are active there...

i think there was a german team, but not a lot of member there. I'm not at all sure if they are still active
if you plan on being more active here - there are a few that post and have team pages here.
facebook has a few there too...
of course - sub7 is the best, though ;)
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Re: Looking for team, from slow to fast, from couch to banan

Post by ChengXirie » December 21st, 2016, 7:21 am

And I thought sub7 was your nickname hh.
I think I wish I could change my nationality from German to Britman ( British + German).
This evening I check the page. So you're with the team, is that right?

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Re: Looking for team, from slow to fast, from couch to banan

Post by lindsayh » December 21st, 2016, 7:46 am

ChengXirie wrote:hi guys, Alex here,24yo, from Ertingen, Germany. I'm ready.
Where I browsed through a whole list of teams, where do I know if this are active???!!!
So I ask you who should I?
The Forum Flyers are an active international team too of course - see below in the team thread - the mighty Dirk Moller is with us though he lives in Norway (a Bayern Munich man!) you would be welcome too of course.
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Re: Looking for team, from slow to fast, from couch to banan

Post by ChengXirie » December 21st, 2016, 9:48 am

that was this flyer. I forgot.

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Re: Looking for team, from slow to fast, from couch to banan

Post by bisqeet » December 21st, 2016, 11:43 am

ChengXirie wrote:And I thought sub7 was your nickname hh.
I think I wish I could change my nationality from German to Britman ( British + German).
This evening I check the page. So you're with the team, is that right?

yes, I row with/for sub7. they moved to faceborg instead of using a classic bb.
They don't seem to be very active here as a club. Just the odd individuals that post here.
Its one of the more "active" clubs with great depth, a couple of olympians, and also moritz wolff, the 16yr old berlin guy that just smashed the junior world record (5:59,x for the 2k)
But we also have the not so serious as well, a sub7 is not required for membership :P
a couple of guys run some 2k programs (casey clark) - that have had some great success.
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