not sure where to send back any feedback. email of course works.
But I thought posting here would get more attention and possibly a little frre advertisement for yourself.
Device EDGE 1000
BikerMonkey 2.x
C2 setup:
ModelD PM5
Firmware V22
As per instructions - no problems, straight forward
Connect to PM5
again no problems, straight forward, just follow the instructions.
Normal use (from PM5)
simple rows:
takes all the data, saves as advertises. screenshots see below
From RowPro:
installed the 5.2 beta of rowpro (otherwise problems with online rowing)
setup an offline row (Half Marathon).
The PM5 takes the start signal from the RP software. Erg Software records row as it should
I was a bit worried that the row wouldnt "finish" at HM distance but just carry on.
shouldn't have worried, everything worked as it should.
1) Either I misssed the "save ride" screen, or it skipped it.
2) The EDGE1000 had wlan activated and was connected to the house network at the time of rowing, and the row was uploaded instantly.
3) weird unicode character on the temperature data
4) distance field (not the IQ distance) is set to 0 - is it possible to overwrite it with the IQ distance field ?
Looks very good, saves all the stats I like to look at.
Great work!