The world plateau ?? Once you get pretty fit, every second becomes hard work. If an experienced rower improves 1 second per av on a 2k in one season he has done great. In PP words thats 12 months plateau ing.G-dub wrote:If my experience with misinterpreting Jack tells me anything, he is saying to NOT stop and to dig in and keep going all the way through to the races. I personally think this notion of "plateau" is a little tricky to apply here with us weekend warriors. All of us continue to make gains when we let our minds lets us. Yes, some have been sick, some needed a mental break, some had life interruptions etc, but all of us made progress when we were stuck into it and all of us continue to make progress even now. Let's keep going!
And no one person pulls the plug on the thread. It ends when everyone is through.
The big problem is, pete planners are almost always inexperienced ergers, relative not fit, not well trained, with not much experience is pacing and stuff. Like most beginners they start out very enthusiastic, improve rapidly, but are digging deep in their reserves. The group pressure makes it worse. Once people start Hd sessions, they are at the point of overreaching and its only a matter of little time and they fall off the wagon.
A liniar program like PP is build to get to faillier. There is no endgoal, enddate. Thats a big weakness. This is by the way a weakness for most in training.
The point is, once you beyond the beginners stage, mindset should change, you have had you early fast gains. Now you should be more looking to keep you gains, and see what you need/want to do to keep on improving.
The term plateau is really wrong. Its being beyond the beginners stage.