by Poprow » November 8th, 2016, 1:56 am
Team TimbukTOO has passed 17MM!
And is less than a .5MM from 18MM...
TimbukTOO welcomes back Glenn Y!
Team TimbukTOO now has 58 active members.
In Challenge news...
Team TimbukTWO finished the FTC with 4,857,624m
17th of 395 teams!
Woo hoo!!
Gary W 500,707
Mark A 465,000
Riyad E 351,442
David H 301,242
Jim C 245,000
Bobbie Z 211,000
Gabi H 211,000
Army Padre 190,192
George M 176,025
Izzy 152,264
Lee W 131,572
Mark O 116,000
Ken C 115,891
Warren F 114,167
Stephen M 110,099
John W 109,296
Angela P 107,922
Kristin C 102,862
Bob 102,000
Mark S 101,778
Fred M 101,289
Richard W 100,960
Michael N 92,500
Bill M 82,680
Jack F 80,236
John B 72,671
Kevin K 62,144
Ray W 56,211
Chuck H 50,074
John S 41,181
Kyle J 40,000
Douglas D 37,279
Barbara B 32,993
Josh O 32,820
Adam M 25,500
Tom W 19,392
Hannah H 11,601
Pam S 2,634
Goals met
Riyad E
Gary W
Gabi H
Jim C
Warren F
Stephen M
Bobbie Z
Angela P
Mark S
Thanks for rowing as part of Team TimbukTWO. I'm sorry that I was not a good first mate.
The Holiday Challenge is in a few weeks. I hope you join us again.
Skeleton Crew Challenge Honor Board - a great week of rowing!
Bob A
Jamie B
Kristin C
Ken C
Jim C
Riyad E
George M
Angela P
Army Padre
Mark S
Gary W
40-4-40 Challenge Honor Board - 5 for the 40!
Ken C
Riyad E - completed a pre-Challenge in addition to the Challenge
Warren F
Gabi H
Angela P
Seasonal team news -
Here are the meter updates since 10/29
Marcel D 90,074
Riyad E 55,000
Army Padre 52,426
George M 51,257
Warren F 43,476
Jim C 42,000
Bobbie Z 39,087
Ray W 32,853
Capn Izzy 28,711
Mark S 28,050
Angela P 27,578
Stephen M 25,566
Daniel R 23,476
Gabi H 23,000
Jamie B 22,819
Bob A 21,007
Ken C 20,906
Jack F 20,037
Adam M 19,500
Bob 15,000
John B 13,273
JD 12,660
Kristin C 7,018
Glenn Y 7,000
David W 6,423
Gary W 3,654
731,851 team meters
17,630,436 total team meters this season
Targets passed
Army Padre passed 700k
Bob A passed 50k
Bobbie Z passed 1.15M
Capn Izzy passed 500k
Daniel R passed 75k
Gabi H passed 300k
George M passed 900k - on the way to 1MM!
Glenn Y passed 5k
Jack F passed 500k
JD passed 150k
Jim C passed 1.2M
John B passed 450k
Marcel D passed 100k,150k
Riyad E passed 650k
Warren F passed 350k
meters until next target
Adam M 500 m to 200,000
Kristin C 716 m to 450,000
Pam S 2,366 m to 5,000
Mark S 2,402 m to 600,000
Scott W 2,536 m to 10,000
Ulla D 2,630 m to 75,000
Glenn Y 3,000 m to 10,000
Kerim 3,000 m to 5,000
Linnea F 3,088 m to 5,000
Noah C 3,178 m to 5,000
Bernie J 3,286 m to 25,000
Tom W 3,693 m to 75,000
Rachel B 4,000 m to 5,000
Matthew R 4,051 m to 50,000
Stephen M 4,256 m to 550,000
Ray W 4,901 m to 600,000
Bob L 4,978 m to 10,000
Aditya P 5,000 m to 25,000
Carl R 5,000 m to 25,000
Jamie B 6,106 m to 250,000
Jeffrey R 7,218 m to 50,000
Bob A 8,516 m to 75,000
Dale C 8,518 m to 100,000
Barbara B 8,937 m to 100,000
Heman B 8,986 m to 50,000
Jim C 10,000 m to 1,250,000
David W 10,430 m to 50,000
Josh O 11,614 m to 100,000
George M 13,486 m to 950,000
Vince M 14,150 m to 25,000
Erik B 14,453 m to 25,000
Gary G 14,660 m to 25,000
Warren F 15,833 m to 400,000
Daniel R 16,936 m to 100,000
Kevin K 19,288 m to 150,000
Bel C 20,467 m to 200,000
Heather R 21,000 m to 500,000
Army Padre 21,101 m to 750,000
Kyle J 21,127 m to 75,000
Riyad E 21,345 m to 700,000
Greg H 21,889 m to 350,000
Gary D 22,500 m to 50,000
Ken C 23,698 m to 650,000
Capn Izzy 24,771 m to 550,000
Marcel D 27,437 m to 200,000
Bill M 28,036 m to 450,000
John S 29,301 m to 300,000
Adrianne D 29,549 m to 200,000
Neil Q 30,000 m to 1,050,000
Bob 31,000 m to 450,000
Gary W 32,016 m to 1,650,000
Joseph M 32,840 m to 400,000
Bobbie Z 33,646 m to 1,200,000
Jack F 34,242 m to 550,000
John B 37,533 m to 500,000
JD 38,946 m to 200,000
Gabi H 40,490 m to 350,000
Angela P 49,918 m to 800,000 - I have the furthest to go!
Month to Date - October
3,126,016 team meters
36 of 57 - 63%
Gary W 270,232
Riyad E 255,000
Jim C 210,000
Joseph M 197,287
George M 185,645
Neil Q 170,000
Bobbie Z 133,000
Adrianne D 128,128
Army Padre 112,709
Warren F 108,667
Mark S 103,947
Angela P 97,790
Bob 97,000
Ken C 96,434
Capn Izzy 94,560
Marcel D 90,074
Kristin C 86,380
Gabi H 85,000
Jack F 79,889
Stephen M 68,532
John B 66,499
Ray W 63,251
Bill M 56,677
JD 47,800
Jamie B 44,720
Bob A 41,484
Josh O 30,267
Greg H 25,713
Adam M 22,000
Daniel R 15,424
Kevin K 14,000
John S 13,738
Bob L 5,022
Bernie J 4,289
Scott W 3,238
Pam S 1,620
What an effort the team has been putting forth!
Keep rowing and stay healthy!!
-Angela P