Mike - Only 4 hours sleep/20 hours straight, awake - sounds like one of those vacations from which you only get to fully rest after you return home and go back to work. Running outdoors at a relaxed pace is the only running I ever enjoyed. Running indoors on a treadmill - yeah, there’s plenty to hate about it.

I’m surprised, that the Concept 2 Indoor Rower Finder doesn’t include Mexico among the countries in its listing … but the C2 rankings show very few entries logged from Mexico. Fun and inspiring to read about your workouts while you’re on vacation.
Sanz- I hope you have a good trip.
Lindsay - Impressive 6x750 r4:00. The only split for which you didn’t go faster than previous was the 5th split. I’m trying to stretch out the Pete Plan for more cycles (and don’t have races scheduled, like you do) so I’m aiming for the same pace from split to split until the very last. If you hadn’t “felt the legs on this one” you’d have been holding back. What is Terry’s age? You must have mentioned it once, weeks ago, but all I remember is that he’s in his 70s. (The reason I learned how to display images in this forum of reports & charts for my Pete Plan sessions is because Mike asked me to, for the benefit of your friend Terry, so I assume Terry reads some of what is in the forum, even though he’s not posting.) It will be greatly inspiring, if you can post links to your race results. If any videos are posted of the races in Australia, those would be fun to watch… seeing somebody from this forum in the video!
Luke - Wow, I can only try to imagine what it felt like to do that. After the 3K and 2.5K, your 2K was over 11 seconds faster than my current 2K SB which was preceded by only a mild warmup. And your overall average for all 7,500m of intervals was 1:52.6… which is faster than the most recent time I was left huffing and puffing after that 2K SB. You won’t have any problem at all, when you want to crash through and make a sub 7 2K. It should be very sub 7 by that day. Fast progress you are making. And you wrote that it wasn't too long ago, when you couldn't even do one pushup? Amazing progress in your rowing work since then.
Glenn - From what I recently read in the book about the two New Zealand rowers (The Kiwi Pair), I suspect that the one season where they did a tremendous load of daily long distance work was a significant factor in them being able to hold their amazing paces on the real deals of the 2Ks they won so many medals for. You’ve got a very good PB on the HM. If you could bring that HM PB time down by another 4 minutes, I bet you’d feel turbocharged on the real deal 2K. Just a point of view, wide open for opinions. You’re not happy, I guess with your 5x800 R4:30, but 1:45.5 is a heck of a pace from my perspective. Its a learning process for the body, with the mind sometimes pushing too hard or not demanding enough. Very tricky to find the right push for any distance and I’ve never, ever come close to knowing what it feels like to do so. But some here who have seriously raced a lot, like Lindsay and others, have been there to tell about it. But anyway - I’m impressed even if you’re disappointed that when you opened that particular “package” the contents weren’t exactly what you anticipated.
Ben- If the stock market averages are any indication, then yes - the big round numbers are huge psychological hurdles. More meters in your foundation. Nice 10K work.
Rohan - Sizzling work on the 5x1500 R5:00! Pete Plan is working really great for you, with the improvement you are noting. As for my 8x500 - yes, I’m keeping the pace of all but the very last of any Pete Plan intervals as near as possible to the overall average pace of its previous cycle, instead of pushing a little more, so as to keep as slow as possible the approach to the limits toward which successive Pete Plan cycles inexorably push us.
Nick - solid 7X500 and 8K. Eventually, your legs will complain less and thank you for all the rowing you’re doing. The BPP (and PP) aren’t carved in stone, so as long as a person’s conscience doesn’t bother him, it should be perfectly ok to switch things around when it appeals to you. The indoor rower finder on concept2.com works well for finding machines when you are traveling.
Tim- “Couch to 10K in 147 days” is a great C2 endorsement! Couldn’t have happened without your persistence. Nice 10K. You turned loose with more, in the last split. Building up your VO2max.
Street - Energetic 10K you did, with a good push in the last 2K! I wonder - if you don’t want to pause or try Luke’s method of breaking it up into shorter pieces, would one of those Camelbak hydration packs be worth trying? Some runners and bicyclists use them, so they can drink on the go. Personally, I just keep a bottle of water on a windowsill within arm’s reach.
Oct 31. Cycle 2 Week 1 Day 2
10K steady distance recovery

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