Pete Plan Group - Startup Aug 20th thru 22nd

General discussion on Training. How to get better on your erg, how to use your erg to get better at another sport, or anything else about improving your abilities.
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Re: Pete Plan Group - Startup Aug 20th thru 22nd

Post by JohnAd » October 24th, 2016, 2:01 pm

mdpfirrman wrote:John A - your interval work is amazing.
I need to turn it into 2k times though :(
mdpfirrman wrote:Does a bar crawl count for exercise?? :twisted: I am looking forward to it
I hope so, certainly my drinking arm will have plenty of training. Have a really great holiday, look forward to seeing you rejuvenated and raring to go in a couple of weeks.

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Re: Pete Plan Group - Startup Aug 20th thru 22nd

Post by jackarabit » October 24th, 2016, 2:18 pm

I'm posting in Sir P's omnibus training thread this week. I like Luke's taper & test protocol without the endurance intervals. After this week, I may take that exit ramp from da plan and report results which I hope won't include defibrillators or the psych ward. Or I may merge onto the BPP expressway and explore the pleasures beyond week 8 (far as I ever got). Maybe both.
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Re: Pete Plan Group - Startup Aug 20th thru 22nd

Post by Litewait » October 24th, 2016, 6:02 pm

BPP Week 10.1 9500m DF113

43:11.5 9,500m 2:16.3 138 774 21
8:39.9 1,900m 2:16.8 137 771 21
8:38.5 3,800m 2:16.4 138 774 20
8:40.6 5,700m 2:17.0 136 767 21
8:40.3 7,600m 2:16.9 136 767 22
8:32.1 9,500m 2:14.7 143 791 25

Tried to rate down a bit but my lack of drive makes me have rate up/high UT2 to keep the same pace in the second half. For SS I think I have to stay at 23 for a while.

This is milestone for me 507,000m in the 5 months since I bought this godforsaken machine. If anyone had told me I would have started rowing and even cleared 9,500m in a row or that I would have committed to this for this long, I would have never believed them. I was in pretty dark place mentally and physically when I started, so I am going celebrate with a couple of ice cold ones tonight.

@all - your advice and camaraderie, it has been much appreciated.

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Re: Pete Plan Group - Startup Aug 20th thru 22nd

Post by Bloodbuzz Corio » October 24th, 2016, 6:10 pm

So much to catch up on since I posted last!

Apologies for not calling out all the individual achievements - as my nearest partners in crime from a timing point of view I will say Glenn good to hear you'll be back soon, John A the 8x500 was smoking and a great bounce back from the 2k TT attempt - hope you have a great holiday, and Luke nice 4x2k.

Mike good to hear you're firing on all cylinders again - hope you have a great break too.

Piers a great 8x500m from you - nice last interval.

John N welcome to the thread - look forward to your continued contributions.

Paul - I did spot your 7k a couple of pages back with the strong final split and very positive feedback from you on it - seems like a good mix of achievement to date and promise of more to come.

Lindsay - nice effort on your first hard session back - a sensible approach which does not require you to be faster on every workout to be satisfied is something I think a few of the rest of us could learn from.

Tim - nice stuff on the 9500m and the 500k.

Jack - whatever direction you find your erg pointing going forward sincerely hope you'll still drop into the thread for some posting.

First workout back from travel for me today - did 2x5000m with a couple of minutes rest in between - first at 2:12, second at 2:10 - great to be back on the erg.

Not sure what I'll do for the rest of this week - still have some jet lag, but with just under 5 weeks till my first race I'm definitely planning a few more weeks of PP starting with some sprint intervals this Saturday with a suitably conservative target. Thought I may do a bit of a pick and mix - for example maybe leave out the pyramid this time through and just alternate 8x500 and 4x1000 for the sprint intervals, but certainly hoping to be around for some encouragement, entertainment and charts!
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Re: Pete Plan Group - Startup Aug 20th thru 22nd

Post by G-dub » October 24th, 2016, 6:46 pm

8 x 500 3:30R
Told myself 1:43.7 (or 1 second off my last one at 1:42.7) would be fine. Managed a little better than that at 1:42.9. A little out of rhythm at the beginning - strokes were too wispy. Happy for the finish and here we go again.
Glenn Walters: 5'-8" X 192 lbs. Bday 01/09/1962

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Re: Pete Plan Group - Startup Aug 20th thru 22nd

Post by G-dub » October 24th, 2016, 7:02 pm

Blood, I'm thinking of 8x500, 6x750, 4x1k if the committee will allow it.
Glenn Walters: 5'-8" X 192 lbs. Bday 01/09/1962

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Re: Pete Plan Group - Startup Aug 20th thru 22nd

Post by jackarabit » October 24th, 2016, 8:16 pm

6x750 on 3:30R is buttah. 8x750 on 1' is like swallowing ground glass! Anyone doing single effort ~1700 to 1850m in the runup to tookay test?
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Re: Pete Plan Group - Startup Aug 20th thru 22nd

Post by aussieluke » October 24th, 2016, 8:19 pm

G-dub wrote:Blood, I'm thinking of 8x500, 6x750, 4x1k if the committee will allow it.
Yeah I might be inclined to do two hard sessions a week with at least a couple of days between - I really like the 8x500 and 4 x 1000 ...and then as much genuinely easy long work as possible

As I'm sur everyone knows by now i don't really like the endurance intervals! They're no doubt very beneficial, I just don't like em!
Male, 35, 5'10", 78kg
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500m 1:33.2
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Re: Pete Plan Group - Startup Aug 20th thru 22nd

Post by aussieluke » October 24th, 2016, 8:20 pm

And nice 500's, Glenn!
Male, 35, 5'10", 78kg
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Re: Pete Plan Group - Startup Aug 20th thru 22nd

Post by mdpfirrman » October 24th, 2016, 8:58 pm

Nice work Glenn. Really strong session.

Mike Pfirrman
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Re: Pete Plan Group - Startup Aug 20th thru 22nd

Post by john_n » October 24th, 2016, 9:12 pm

@aussieluke Luke- Thanks again Luke. Into the second day and no problems. Will test for results in a week or two and when it shows improvement, will add something else, like either pull-up or a KB movement every hour along with it. It’s working, because I’m doing it. And a little of anything, including rowing, is infinitely better than nothing.

@mdpfirrman Mike - thanks for the caution re strength training. Newbies can’t be too cautious with that… all the guys I heard from at work who injured themselves working out in gyms and health clubs got their serious injuries by doing too much too soon. Regarding the 4x1K - since it is the first cycle of PP, and the target pace for the first three intervals was so very conservative, the main goal was to do the 4th interval, standalone, as a new season best 1K.

One very happy result of the forum participation and trying the Pete Plan, is that the accumulative effect of what I’ve been sharing about it with my wife has influenced her to supplement her daily walking with some time on the rowing machine. I’m extremely happy about that. Her perspective and viewpoint of using the C2 is worlds different from mine, so I’m happy that she is using it in any way, to any degree.

@lindsayh Lindsay- Impressive pace for 4x1K. Much more so, because it was a “cautious” pace! I’m curious why you chose to do the first 1K at the fastest pace and then each subsequent 1K at a slightly slower pace, instead of your choice of one “cautious” pace for all of the first 3 and then doing the last interval as fast as you (cautiously) could? No mention of it bothering your back, so I guess it was 100% success in that important regard!

@paul45 Paul- Another day of good progress to check off in your PP5KT.

@jackarabit Jack- On my PP Cycle 1 Wk3 Day1, the HR display never dropped out on either the PM3 or on the PM “twin” computer monitor for RowPro, so I think that where the chart for those first 3 intervals shows HR going straight down to zero, it’s the RowPro software losing HR in transition/shifting from the 1K distance interval to its following 5 minute time interval. The previous, years older version of Windows version RowPro which I used before this brand new version of RowPro 5 for the Mac would not allow me to combine distance intervals with timed rest periods… With the older Windows version, if an interval was distance, the rest had to be distance also and.. if the interval was time, the rest had to be time also.

But with RowPro 5 for the Mac, I can mix distance intervals with timed rests or vice versa if I wish. It still has a few bugs though, and I think that where the graph showed HR going to zero at those two intermissions was evidence of a minor bug. Another thing that I noticed in the way of bugs was that after I finished the third 1K interval and RowPro made transition from that distance interval to the timed rest following it, the display on the computer monitor continued to show a pace of about 1:56 instead of the actual pace during the final timed rest, which was about 3:00. The PM3 showed actual pace during the rest. RowPro didn’t show actual pace during the 3rd rest period until just before the end of the rest period, when it finally agreed with the PM3 and showed a pace of 3:05. I took a screenshot of that and displayed it on my blog but didn’t think it was relevant to the Pete Plan and so didn’t put that image in the forum post.

I’ve had fairly consistent success with the PM3 and its receiver, but have gone through 3 different heart straps and finally stopped wearing a shirt while rowing, which seems to get the best results with HR display. I’ve read a few others saying that with some HR straps, the shirt can cause intermittent problems by causing false signals the receiver/software algorithm can’t make sense of.

HR still drops out sometimes, no matter what the session, intervals or not. I think there are many different causes, sometimes software, sometimes hardware, sometimes fleshware (irregular HR due to excessive caffeine, dehydration, or other reasons I’ve encountered over the years that make the ticker hiccup). And of course, weak batteries…which I don’t replace until the problem gets more and more chronic or HR totally disappears and I test the battery to find that it is 10% or lower.

@mdpfhirrman Mike-maybe there will be rental rowboats available where you are vacationing! OTW meters!

@aussieluke Luke- Nice GTG hour (3x20’ r22) Luke. By breaking it into 3 chunks, it looks like you might also be raising the pace over what you’d do in a 1-piece hour.

@JohnAd John-Thanks for comment on 4th 1K pace graph. It was the plan and the only thing missing was I didn’t know what the best pace should be for the settled portion but am happy to have erred on slow side instead of crashing into and then sliding down a wall before the finish. Always feels good to have some gas left in the tank. You did a nice set of 8x500s, John! Looks like you were eager to turn loose and “chomping on the bit”, in the 7th interval.

@bisqeet Dean- with all those HMs you are having for snacks, is there an ocean-rowing voyage in your future plans? As for how many rotations this guy is doing - I’m on 3rd week of first cycle and trying to be very conservative with pace target for each of the speed/endurance intervals, so I should be in for at least two more cycles for a total of 3 before I start to feel the squeeze and ponder that question in the more stark light of what reality turns out to be.

@jackarabit Jack- Speaking of defibrillators and psych wards, my wife has more than once suggested investing in a defibrillator. Of course I don’t think she is serious but it has always been in connection with me mentioning that I’m going to join in some kind of a race. Your comment led to the thought: since a defibrillator functions by administering a dose of high voltage in a targeted manner, I wonder - could it double as a device for administering psych ward shock therapy? If so, then a defibrillator would offer the best of both worlds, quick recovery so a guy could jump right back on to the C2 and psych ward indoctrination, if his wife turns out to be right and his attention to rowing is certifiably crazy. But… I think defibrillators are very expensive and if we were going to spend that much money, I’d rather get a new C2. Then wifey and I could both row at the same time. I’d give her a generous head start whenever we would race…

Once a Pete Planner always a Pete Planner, Jack - I hope that whether you next choose the BPP or anything else, you keep posting in this thread.

@Litewait. Tim- nicely done 9,500 meter steady. Godforsaken? I think the rowing machine is more like a gift from God. But some OTW rowers refer to the erg as “an instrument of torture,” among other comparable terms. However, many OTW rowers have changed their minds and even go so far as to allow rowing machines into their homes. :)
Yes... beer tastes best after you’ve done each rowing contest.

@Bloodbuzz Corio Rohan-Thanks for the welcome. Looking forward to your race results and tale of the toil and travail.

@G-Dub Glen- Impressive 8x500. Looks like you had a good amount of gas left in the tank for the last split. What was your DF?

Oct 24 PP Cycle 1 Week 3 Day 2
no warmup
15K steady
previous average pace for this piece in previous cycle: N/A
1. Rating 22
2. HR anything less than 75% max, the lower the better.
3. Pace: the slower the better
Straps loose
DF 120
no warm down
15K report, charts:

my desktop wallpaper:
Blogged it at: ... k-3-day-2/
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Re: Pete Plan Group - Startup Aug 20th thru 22nd

Post by G-dub » October 24th, 2016, 9:38 pm

jackarabit wrote:6x750 on 3:30R is buttah. 8x750 on 1' is like swallowing ground glass! Anyone doing single effort ~1700 to 1850m in the runup to tookay test?
I don't understand why 6 x 75 doesn't have 4:15 rest since it is equal between the 500's and 1K and also slightly longer. But alas.
Glenn Walters: 5'-8" X 192 lbs. Bday 01/09/1962

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Re: Pete Plan Group - Startup Aug 20th thru 22nd

Post by jackarabit » October 25th, 2016, 12:24 am

2k+50" John? Ain't seen that before! So far south of UT2 power and HR at the end that I'd call that an all-in-one. Above 45% of 2kW for 5.5k but the remainder is the mother of all cooldowns! :shock:
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Re: Pete Plan Group - Startup Aug 20th thru 22nd

Post by john_n » October 25th, 2016, 1:28 am

jackarabit wrote:2k+50" John? Ain't seen that before! So far south of UT2 power and HR at the end that I'd call that an all-in-one. Above 45% of 2kW for 5.5k but the remainder is the mother of all cooldowns! :shock:
:) Yes, that 15K was an odd one, compared to what everyone else does and what I’ve been “normally” doing in the 15K recoveries. :)

I felt a wee bit tired. Its good because it means the training plan is drawing on what had been surplus energy and is using it to do what a training plan is supposed to do besides make a person feel tired.

It’s also good, because I’m sleeping more deeply and soundly and the alarm is actually waking me, instead of me waking first before dawn and shutting off the alarm before it can start beeping, like had been usually the case before I started Pete’s wonderful training Plan. Sometimes, I'd wake as much as 2 hours before the alarm.

But feeling tired is also a sign that if the session is a recovery session, … it should be perfectly okay to put more emphasis on the recovery part and so I did that in spades today.

I maxed out on relaxing while erging.

I wrote about it in my blog but - to redundantly say it another way - I decided to relax and take it especially easy on this recovery day.

For the past 31 years, I’ve been telling wife and kids that my age is 39. (Remember Jack Benny, of the 1950s TV show? I always thought it was hilarious, when I was a kid, that he always reported his age as 39).

While doing today’s 15K I felt a bit older than 39. Maybe 39 1/8.
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Re: Pete Plan Group - Startup Aug 20th thru 22nd

Post by lindsayh » October 25th, 2016, 4:26 am

PP 2.3.2
12k @2:07.7
df128 sr23 MHR145 168w
@lindsayh Lindsay- Impressive pace for 4x1K. Much more so, because it was a “cautious” pace! I’m curious why you chose to do the first 1K at the fastest pace and then each subsequent 1K at a slightly slower pace, instead of your choice of one “cautious” pace for all of the first 3 and then doing the last interval as fast as you (cautiously) could? No mention of it bothering your back, so I guess it was 100% success in that important regard!
thanks John - no real plan I guess just got a little more cautious as I went along - started at the average from last time and went with the feel.
Pulled up well afterwards so pretty happy overall.
73yo 93kg
Sydney Australia
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PBs (65y+) 1 min 349m, 500m 1:29.8, 1k 3:11.7 2k 6:47.4, 5km 18:07.9, 30' 7928m, 10k 37:57.2, 60' 15368m
