Pie Man wrote: John, I have enjoyed reading your blog, it's going to be very interesting how your times change over the coming weeks.
Did my 4x1k yesterday, went pretty well.
Last time I averaged 1:51.8 @ 33, so was going to aim for 3:43 (1:51.7) forgot to double check my target time before I started which meant I aimed for 3:41 instead of 3:43.
This was probably as well as my 1:51.8 was 5 seconds slower than my last pyramid.
3:41.0 1:50.5 32 153HR
3:40.7 1:50.3 33 157HR
3:39.5 1:49.7 33 160HR
3:34.8 1:47.4 35 163HR
Av 1:49.5 @33, this was a tough session, but rewarding, last rep managed to pull 1:49's to 500 then pick up the pace, finishing the last 200 around 1:42's I did make the woman on the erg next to me jump when I exhaled explosively at the end, but I had enough breath to apologise and explain I was probably trying a bit too hard.
10k SS today, strapless @ 2:11.3 Av HR 117 (low UT2 for me)
Piers, thanks. And - I can picture the woman on the erg next to you being startled by your victory exhalation after finishing the 4th 1K.
It might take me as long to get used to being part of the forum on a daily basis as it will to begin showing any progress on the Pete Plan. Almost two more weeks before the first cycle is over and I can start again, plugging upwardly revised pace targets into the speed and endurance intervals.
And it might take two weeks to feel comfortable in the forum as a participant, but I feel like I know almost everyone already, having read 100% of the posts from the beginning.
I told an online rowing acquaintance who recently got involved with a different training plan about this forum after he asked about the Pete Plan and he said, "I find the forum threads chaotic, I can not really see who is reacting to who and there are 132 pages, wow!" ... I understand what he means and I've mostly stayed away from the C2 forum in the past for more or less the same reason as he tried to express. But I see that there are a lot of guys here who are getting something very good relating to their rowing by participating in the forum to even a small degree, so I will persist.
With regard to including images of PMs or RowPro session reports or other rowing software graphs etc, I'm still working on figuring out how to do that.
Your times in the 1K are impressive and when I get more familiar with looking at the spreadsheet, I'll be able to make more sense and have more appreciation for the progress of everyone who is putting their results there. (Lindsay supplied me with a link to view it)
My wife is amazed that there are more people like me who actually enjoy rowing and communicating about it. She can understand interest in her hobbies, but so far she hasn't yet embraced rowing except as something to be distracted from while doing it.
Best regards to everyone.