Wow... thanks very much everyone for all the kind words. (Today i am very happy)
Henry, i like what you have to say, you really do know your stuff for sure. Next time i do a test (which will be maybe early next year) i will dial in a sprintstroke for the last maybe 200m. That was the furthest thing from my mind today doing this!! As Gammmmo pointed out, You know when you've tried go to sprint and it's barely any quicker. This could very possibly have been the case for me today, had i employed a sprintstroke in the last 300m as you suggested, Henry.
But i am still very new to rowing (started june 9th) so lots to learn about all this stuff, and tests etc!! But what i will say is, i am really happy with the direction my training and fitness is going

I also think, getting more of those speed pyramid sessions under my belt will bring me on leaps and bounds eventually. But can't forget the long steady low rate stuff as this is most important as well.
Yessir, Mark. This was definitely needed... so now i know exactly where i need to be with my pacing. Thanks dude, as i wouldn't have even done this 2k test today had it not been for you and our convo yesterday