Pete Plan Group - Startup Aug 20th thru 22nd

General discussion on Training. How to get better on your erg, how to use your erg to get better at another sport, or anything else about improving your abilities.
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Re: Pete Plan Group - Startup Aug 20th thru 22nd

Post by jackarabit » September 6th, 2016, 11:18 am

Solid 4x1 after the holiday wkend, Sanz.

Wk3: SS#2

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Re: Pete Plan Group - Startup Aug 20th thru 22nd

Post by G-dub » September 6th, 2016, 12:45 pm

Good going S-man.
Glenn Walters: 5'-8" X 192 lbs. Bday 01/09/1962

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Re: Pete Plan Group - Startup Aug 20th thru 22nd

Post by mdpfirrman » September 6th, 2016, 1:41 pm

Nice work Sanz!

Solid SS Jack!

Was a bit worried today for the Waterfall. Woke up last night at 2AM with a nasty headache - wondered whether I was coming down with something. Felt OK today so went with it.

Target was PB 5K (1:57.3) + 1 second = 1:58.3

11:45.8 / 3000 / 1:57.6 / 26
9:44.2 / 2500 / 1:56.8 / 26
7:40.4 / 2000 / 1:55.1 / 27
Avg Actual 1:56.6 / 26

Bit aggressive I suppose based on my actual 5K times but I set that 5K PB directly after a heavy lifting session (and my times have been indicating I should be able to do a 19:20 or so 5K, maybe even a 19:10, so I figured if I could hang on the first two near or below 1:57, I'd go with it (instead of letting up). Worked out fine. Felt drained but strong.

Mike Pfirrman
53 Yrs old, 5' 10" / 185 lbs (177cm/84kg)

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Re: Pete Plan Group - Startup Aug 20th thru 22nd

Post by Bloodbuzz Corio » September 6th, 2016, 2:22 pm

Very nice stuff there Mike - great waterfall!

PP Cycle 1, Week 3, Day 4 - SS - 8,000m, average pace 2:11.3.

I was really happy with my waterfall yesterday (thanks for the comments Glenn) - but did think it was a hard workout so was only ever planning for 8k today. The HRV app I've been using a bit also gave me a very low score today (recommending an easier session) - so well aligned there.

PE on this was very low - felt just as easy as all my other recent SS sessions, but HR was a bit higher - max of 160 and 6:37 >= 154 (which I've been using as the lower bound of UT1), however average still only 144 which is actually below UT2 - so don't think I overdid it. I changed one of the older data series in the chart below to blue just to show today's was not completely outside the bounds of recent efforts (co-incidentally the series in blue was also the day after a waterfall).


(Obv an error on chart - last series should be 06 Sep)
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Re: Pete Plan Group - Startup Aug 20th thru 22nd

Post by Phxrow » September 6th, 2016, 2:28 pm

Out sick today. I was sick yesterday and didn't know it until the evening, then WAM! I'm so disappointed. Hopefully I will only be out a day. Good luck to everyone today!

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Re: Pete Plan Group - Startup Aug 20th thru 22nd

Post by mudgeg » September 6th, 2016, 2:38 pm

Pete Plan Beginners Week 2 Day 2

Dreaded intervals - 750m x 4 with 2 min rest

1. 1.55.1
2. 1.59.9
3. 2.00.9
4. 1.59.5

Target was to go for average pace from the 6 x 500m intervals last week, which for me was 1:54.0. So I didn't make that which was a little disappointing but pleased that three intervals were under the 2.00/split for a distance that was 50% further. But it was hard and I could really feel the lactic acid building up in my legs on intervals 3 and 4.
Gordon, 67, 6', 205lbs

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Re: Pete Plan Group - Startup Aug 20th thru 22nd

Post by G-dub » September 6th, 2016, 2:54 pm

Gordon, it was hard to explain the difference between 500 and 750 without also spooking you! Good go at it, though. Next time you will be better prepared for it for sure. 2:00 rest is pretty tough for a 750 I would think - I've usually done them on 3:00 or 3:30.
Glenn Walters: 5'-8" X 192 lbs. Bday 01/09/1962

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Re: Pete Plan Group - Startup Aug 20th thru 22nd

Post by mudgeg » September 6th, 2016, 3:16 pm

Thanks Glenn. Yes, that was no walk in the park. It is the pacing that I expect most of us beginners need to work on. I held that first split for the whole 750m, you more experienced guys would know better how to pace it. I expect I could have motored along at 2:00 or a shade more for maybe half/two thirds of the piece and picked it up at the end but I just hit it all the way through and paid the price.


PS: Joseph, sorry to hear you were sick today. Even though you have youth on your side compared to me it's a tough session and you need to be well to beat it - I thought I was going to see my old friend Hughie at one point! As I said above, pace is the key, I think.
Gordon, 67, 6', 205lbs

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Re: Pete Plan Group - Startup Aug 20th thru 22nd

Post by G-dub » September 6th, 2016, 5:42 pm

Morning: 30' easy run
Evening: 8K SS,
Tried to see what my HR would be at 2:05 r22/23, which is at top of UT2 (60% 2K power). Its supposed to be 149 at top of UT2 (70% HRR) according to Interactive Plan. Pretty close to it! Makes me think I might be getting in shape!
Glenn Walters: 5'-8" X 192 lbs. Bday 01/09/1962

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Re: Pete Plan Group - Startup Aug 20th thru 22nd

Post by jackarabit » September 6th, 2016, 7:50 pm

Gordon, instruction for pacing goal of wk 2 BPP 4x750 is pace average for previous wk's 6x500. I think that average pace has to be taken as an initial target for the first rep of 750, not for the entire session. If you fall short of producing the pace target on the first, you pace the subsequent reps to match or slightly excede if possible the pace actually produced in the first. In essence Pete merely moves the old goalpost onto a larger field.

Enroute pacing is mostly about avoiding redlining and seizing: fastest you can sustain AND fnish the task. Picking a number (pace or watts) and making that number appear repeatedly on the monitor is a common strategy resorted to by many who know how easy it is to allow pace to wander, alternately overspeeding and slowing. The best pace for efficient use of energy is a steady or flat pace, "warming to the task" and "seeing the barn" effects notwithstanding. Pace adjustment is common sense you use every day. You might sometime hear yourself thinking something like "If I try to sprint up the steps to the platform, I definitely won't make my train but if I walk and jog a bit, I have at least a chance of making it." We make such on the fly calculations every day and there is no good reason we should lose that native ability in the presence of an erg.
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Re: Pete Plan Group - Startup Aug 20th thru 22nd

Post by Goldenbarry » September 6th, 2016, 8:17 pm

Phxrow wrote:Out sick today. I was sick yesterday and didn't know it until the evening, then WAM! I'm so disappointed. Hopefully I will only be out a day. Good luck to everyone today!
Same thing going on with me. I thought I was just totally wiped out by my workout last night but I was up most of the night with a sore throat, aches...
I live in Phoenix, I'm guessing you do too. Must be something going around.

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Re: Pete Plan Group - Startup Aug 20th thru 22nd

Post by G-dub » September 6th, 2016, 8:58 pm

So there are a few sick people in this thread, which could mean folks are going too hard at it to not getting enough recovery. I don't care what Pete or anyone else says, we all need proper recovery between hard efforts even if that means not getting it all done in a week. And if you are sick, It would make sense to back off until you are well. I was down for a month trying to stay with the plan while sick. It didn't work too good to keep trying to keep up.
Glenn Walters: 5'-8" X 192 lbs. Bday 01/09/1962

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Re: Pete Plan Group - Startup Aug 20th thru 22nd

Post by Kxthor911 » September 6th, 2016, 10:49 pm

image.jpeg (31.75 KiB) Viewed 7044 times
Exceeded my goal of 2:10.5 today, I felt really good through the entire session today, like I could have done a whole additional interval. I held back though, knowing that would not be good for my overal progress. Oh well another 12 hour day of work and then rowing down, two more days of this and I'm off for a week (can't wait.) working long hours sucks but the time off is awesome.
Nick Nunez 5-10 178 lbs
PB - will be determined after BPP

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Re: Pete Plan Group - Startup Aug 20th thru 22nd

Post by Kxthor911 » September 6th, 2016, 10:53 pm

G-dub wrote:So there are a few sick people in this thread, which could mean folks are going too hard at it to not getting enough recovery. I don't care what Pete or anyone else says, we all need proper recovery between hard efforts even if that means not getting it all done in a week. And if you are sick, It would make sense to back off until you are well. I was down for a month trying to stay with the plan while sick. It didn't work too good to keep trying to keep up.
I agree, I started rowing in May and got pretty sick in July from over exertion (I ended up taking 10 days off. I over did it the first couple of months but I think as your body adjusts you get used to the extra workload. I'm rowing harder with this plan with fewer meters, and till this point (knock on wood) I don't feel sick.
Nick Nunez 5-10 178 lbs
PB - will be determined after BPP

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Re: Pete Plan Group - Startup Aug 20th thru 22

Post by Kxthor911 » September 6th, 2016, 10:59 pm

paul45 wrote:
Kxthor911 wrote:
I'm still trying to figure out what my pacing should be. I'm also trying to follow Paul's advice and cut a few seconds off. I'm trying to work on pacing as well. A lot going into my sessions but I feel like I'm learning. My goal for today was 2:20 (I have been up since 4:30 am so quiet tired already.) I managed to make my goal but my spm is all over the place, I'm really trying to stabilize that. I looked down halfway through the session and found my machine on level 5 and I have been trying to work on 4. I changed that and it helped me stabilize my spm a little. I will look first from now on. Thanks for the advice guys.

Easy fix looking at your monitor. Look at that last split, 2:20 pace to a 2:16 pace is huge, now
look at your mid section on your monitor 2:22.

A steady has no fast finish, your intervals will have in plan in a few weeks "do last rep as fast as you can",
that's were you want the fast finish not on a steady the next day.

Steady means same pace with no increase in pace, on the days were plan asks you to that's
when you do it, build the fitness first then increase pace, forget about ave/pace for the
first 2 months.

On the first row of every week 5500, 6000 etc row at 2:22 pace straight through with no
fast finish, you will feel like doing so but don't, keep that for the next day, then after
the hard session say 4 x 750/2'r the next steady same again 2:22 pace straight through.
I guess I was more tired than I thought yesterday. I was trying to keep the pacing the same all the way through. I think that I can do a 2:20 split all the way through, I looked down and the rower was on level 5 not level 4. I plan on staying on level 4 (df 117, level 5 df is 123.) I changed it middle row, I knew I shouldn't, but at that point it was stuck in my head that I needed to and I was giving out.
Nick Nunez 5-10 178 lbs
PB - will be determined after BPP
