by Kona2 » September 1st, 2016, 6:11 pm
Whoooooooosh! That's the sound of you and your erg flying through ANOTHER month!
Can't believe it's September 1st already...but here we are...getting ready for the Fall Team Challenge! Sign on...sign on....sign on! It's the orange season, and leaves are starting to change.
Meanwhile, I've gotten calls from several neighbors today warning of the presence of Pepe Le Pew. Or maybe it is Pepita, as apparently this skunk is really big and folks think it might be a pregnant one. Stuff I read says mating season is February and March for these stinkos, so I bet it's just a well fed one. That's just what else I needed...snort. It's always something, isn't it??? Please don't let this story play out like it might....
MILESTONES...Bragging Rights...Celebrations:
1.25 MM Thor
650 K danwho
600 K Ken G
550 K bg
450 K Norma
350 K Kevin
150 K Patrick H
Thanks, everyone, for rowing and ski-erging with us!
Dan O 4,058 m
Ian 4,506 m
Taylor 4,550 m
Ross 4,610 m
Patrick H 5,108 m
Norma 5,555 m ...a high five palindrome!
Collin 6,020 m
Tom M 6,331 m
Janice 6,461 m
Patrick H (NJ) 7,110 m
Danno 7,257 m
Tombeur 7,317 m
David W 8,000 m
Ron 8,998 m ...a palindrome from the man in Vermont!
Laurie 9,980 m
Kevin 10,000 m
Mike C 10,000 m
David A 10,026 m
danwho 11,011 m ...a double aught double palindrome!
Thor 15,499 m
Louis 16,411 m
bg 17,445 m
Derric 21,097 m
Bill 22,408 m
Ed 30,000 m
Ken G 75,000