Trans Canada Row

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[old] MikefromCanmore
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Post by [old] MikefromCanmore » November 30th, 2005, 12:31 am

I got 2k Nov. 29th.<br /><br />So far I've got 11,000 meters, only 39,000 to go for the Holiday Challenge.<br /><br />Zeb

[old] Calgary Rob
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Post by [old] Calgary Rob » November 30th, 2005, 1:58 am

Hi everyone,<br /><br />A perfect evening for indoor rowing in Cowtown, -12c + wind-chill.<br /><br />Nov 29th - 11km (1km warm-up, 10km @ 2:04/500 pace, 22 spm, 70% of MHR)<br /><br />Holiday challenge: 56,000m rowed, 144,000m to go.<br /><br />John: 65.5Km, is there no daylight in the Yukon now? <br /><br />Zeb: Good work!

[old] jetwbt
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Post by [old] jetwbt » November 30th, 2005, 2:38 am

November 30th 18K -1:04:32 -1:46.7splits. I know no one wants to hear this, but we're having a little heat wave hereand the temperatures are around 28. I've had to turn the A/C on again while I'mrowing. <br /><br />November was my personal best for distance at 583310.<br /><br />Cheers,<br /><br />Brian

[old] jetwbt
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Post by [old] jetwbt » December 1st, 2005, 10:31 am

December 1st -17053 - 1 hour -1:45.5 splits.<br /><br />Brian

[old] Calgary Rob
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Post by [old] Calgary Rob » December 1st, 2005, 11:39 am

Nov 30th (the forum was down last night)<br /><br />6km total. 1km warm-up and 5km @ 2:04/500m pace<br /><br />Holiday Challenge total = 62,000m (138,000 to go)

[old] ulu
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Post by [old] ulu » December 1st, 2005, 1:49 pm

Great rowin' hosers! <br />Sorry to get behind on the website but it is current up to Brian's December 1st row now.<br /><br />November was quite a month. We did <b><span style='color:blue'>2002.2 kilometers. </span></b>Just to put it in perspective, back on Oct 31, we were still in Saskatchewan.<br /><br />I have been to see the orthopod about my back. He recommends waiting things out. I have also been to physio. They think I should avoid rowing because of the flexion of the lumbar spine. We will have to see about that one.<br /><br />My son is also trying to discourage me from the erg. He is at Brentwood, where of course most of the students spend a lot of their time in the boats and on the ergs. He tells me 4 or 5 of the kids have had to give up the erg because of back pain.<br /><br />I think I am just going to try and do what I can and ignore the advice of the professionals and my son <br /><br />Keep on rowin'!<br /><br />Jim

[old] Yukon John
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Post by [old] Yukon John » December 1st, 2005, 2:34 pm

Sorry to get behind on the log here Jim, but they were upgrading our internet service for the Yukon yesterday and there wasn't enough broadband to get on the forum. Anyway I did 46k yesterday. Hope your back fares OK Jim, please be careful, we'd all hate to see you have long term troubles with this . John.

[old] Bill Slater
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Post by [old] Bill Slater » December 1st, 2005, 5:50 pm

10000 meters for me on 11/30/05. For some reason I could not access the forum that night!! Let me know when we are above Northern NY!!<br /><br />Bill

[old] Carol
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Post by [old] Carol » December 1st, 2005, 7:23 pm

Impressive results for November, Eh!Team. Let's see if we can beat it this month. Should be able to with the Holiday Challenge in full swing.<br /><br />Add a few more for me:<br />Nov. 30th - 10,000m<br />Dec. 1 - 10,000m<br /><br />Holiday Challenge: 50,000m (150,000 to go)<br />Carol

[old] Bill Slater
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Post by [old] Bill Slater » December 1st, 2005, 7:47 pm

7000Meters for me today.......

[old] Yukon John
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Post by [old] Yukon John » December 1st, 2005, 11:19 pm

49.5 k today. I should probably jump on the erg and do that last .5 to get 50, but I've had the biscuit for the day. Good idea Carol on going for a new month high in December!!!

[old] MikefromCanmore
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Post by [old] MikefromCanmore » December 1st, 2005, 11:21 pm

2k for today and 2k yesterday. Zeb.

[old] jetwbt
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Post by [old] jetwbt » December 2nd, 2005, 2:17 am

December 2nd - 25K <br /><br />Brian

[old] Rowgirl
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Post by [old] Rowgirl » December 2nd, 2005, 11:13 am

Good morning -- Clocked 6,000m this morning to add to the mix. <br /><br />Jim - seems like you are getting the same advice I am on the back and that you are just as stubborn as me!! Back slowly improving though. I just sit really really straight as i row -- ask Carol. Brentwood? I have good friend working there. <br /><br /> Cheers to all.<br /><br />Jill

[old] ulu
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Post by [old] ulu » December 2nd, 2005, 1:45 pm

Well hosers, we are paddling along the North Channel now. We are onto Lake Huron and kissed Lake Superior goodbye back at the Soo. We stopped in for coffee in <a href='' target='_blank'>Blind River</a> with Paul Bunyan.<br /><img src='' border='0' alt='user posted image' /><br />So much for Husky the Musky, Max the Moose, and the Wawa goose!<br /><br /><span style='color:blue'>In answer to Bill Slater's query about when we will above New York -- that will happen in the next few days. It will occur between Sudbury and North Bay.</span><br /><br /><span style='color:orange'>Thanx for the tips on the back, rowgirl. I am going to try and pull the chain a bit today. There have been many anectodal posts on these forums about rowers and LBP, but I think I am going to try and post the related scientific research. There is actually quite little. Who is your friend at Brentwood?<br />The picture of the boat that comes up when you download our file is one of the Brentwood boats</span><br /><br />Bye the way, our corrected distance for November is <b><span style='font-family:Impact'>2058.2!</span></b><br /><br />Keep on rowin', hosers.<br /><br />Jim
