TimbukTOO Team Room

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by Poprow » May 28th, 2016, 10:53 am

TimbukTOO welcomes back Gary G and Vince M!
Team TimbukTOO now has 36 active members.

17! posted meters on Tuesday
Jim C 11,000
Bill M 10,996
Gary G 10,340
Gary W 10,016
Neil Q 10,000
Adam M 9,000
Bobbie Z 8,061
George  M 6,500
Ken C 6,352
Jack F 6,131
Ray W 5,335
Heman B 5,325
Angela P 5,033
Greg H 5,000
Josh O 4,006
Mark S 2,562
John B 2,220

8 were here to row on Wednesday
John S 13,614
George  M 12,848
Gary W 12,147
Jim C 11,000
Bobbie Z 8,277
John B 5,583
Ray W 5,308
Bob A 5,000

13 were back at it on Thursday
Neil Q 20,000
Jim C 11,000
Bobbie Z 10,038
Gary W 10,000
Bill M 8,875
Ken C 6,319
Jack F 6,151
Kristin C 6,033
Ray W 5,361
Angela P 5,106
Greg H 5,000
Mark S 5,000
Vince M 1,000

7 closed out the week for us on Friday (or Saturday morning, I took a late extract)
Gary W 21,097 - HM
Angela P 10,200
Jim C 10,000
Mark S 6,652
Ken C 6,528
George  M 6,204
Adam M 2,000

117,877 team meters on Tuesday
73,777 team meters on Wednesday
99,883 team meters on Thursday
62,681 team meters on Friday
2,556,711 total team meters this season

Adam M passed 25k
Angela P passed 100k
Bill M passed 150k
Gary G passed 5k, 10k
Gary W passed 300k
George  M passed 150k
Jim C passed 200k
John S passed 50k
Ken C passed 100k
Neil Q passed 150k

meters until next target
Scott W 774 m to 5,000
Jeffrey R 1,238 m to 10,000
Barbara B 1,531 m to 10,000
Kyle J 3,088 m to 10,000
Ulla D 3,230 m to 10,000
Vince M 4,000 m to 5,000
Stephen M 4,239 m to 75,000
Jamie B 4,261 m to 10,000
Carl R 5,000 m to 25,000
John B 5,406 m to 50,000
Army Padre 5,783 m to 75,000
Ray W 8,628 m to 150,000

Heman B 12,996 m to 50,000
Mark S 13,330 m to 150,000
Gary G 14,660 m to 25,000
Warren F 15,000 m to 50,000
Bob A 15,000 m to 25,000
Gary D 15,000 m to 25,000
Bel C 15,087 m to 100,000
Bobbie Z 15,910 m to 200,000
David W 16,853 m to 50,000
Capn Izzy 17,351 m to 75,000
Kristin C 17,974 m to 75,000
Greg H 18,030 m to 75,000
Jack F 19,204 m to 75,000

Josh O 20,851 m to 50,000
Bob 21,000 m to 75,000
John S 21,029 m to 75,000
Adam M 22,500 m to 50,000
Gary W 28,152 m to 350,000
Jim C 30,000 m to 250,000
Bill M 30,198 m to 200,000
Neil Q 40,000 m to 200,000
George  M 41,595 m to 200,000
Angela P 46,228 m to 150,000
Ken C 48,163 m to 150,000

Many targets passed, still many in the red zone - keep going!

Here are the # of days 5/21-5/27
24 of 36 posting meters this week - 66%
Gary W 6
George  M 6
Jim C 5
Ken C 5
Ray W 5
Angela P 4
Bobbie Z 4
Greg H 4
Adam M 3
Bill M 3
Heman B 3
Jack F 3
Mark S 3
Neil Q 3
John B 2
John S 2
Kristin C 2
Bob A 1
Gary G 1
Army Padre 1
Josh O 1
Bob 1
Stephen M 1
Vince M 1

Season/Month to Date
2,556,711 team meters
36 of 36 - 100%

Gary W 321,848
Jim C 220,000
Bobbie Z 184,090
Bill M 169,802
Neil Q 160,000
George  M 158,405
Ray W 141,372
Mark S 136,670
Angela P 103,772
Ken C 101,837
Bel C 84,913
Stephen M 70,761
Army Padre 69,217
Capn Izzy 57,649
Kristin C 57,026
Greg H 56,970
Jack F 55,796
Bob 54,000
John S 53,971
John B 44,594
Heman B 37,004
Warren F 35,000
David W 33,147
Josh O 29,149
Adam M 27,500
Carl R 20,000
Gary G 10,340
Bob A 10,000
Gary D 10,000
Jeffrey R 8,762
Barbara B 8,469
Kyle J 6,912
Ulla D 6,770
Jamie B 5,739
Scott W 4,226
Vince M 1,000

Congratulations to Jim C on passing 15MM!! Astonishing!

Happy unofficial start of Summer!
If you can, get a row in. I know that the outdoors beckon when the weather is beautiful.
Have a great weekend!
-Angela P

Posts: 45
Joined: March 4th, 2013, 6:34 am

Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by hangtree » May 28th, 2016, 8:57 pm

CONLEJM wrote:A pat on my own back: I just reached 15 million meters. It only took me 4.5 years and 1,030,800 calories :lol:

I think some few people actually row 15 million in a single season :shock:
Congratulations, it will take me a lot longer than 4.5 years.

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by Poprow » June 2nd, 2016, 9:11 am

TimbukTOO welcomes back Bernie J!
Team TimbukTOO now has 37 active members.

7 spent some down time on the erg on Saturday
Stephen M 15,000
Angela P 10,064
Mark S 9,274
Jack F 7,221
George  M 7,004
Ken C 6,523
Kristin C 6,017

Ken and Ulla rowed on Sunday - a big THANK YOU! to you both for keeping us moving
Ken C 6,522
Ulla D 3,095

14 gave a big push on Monday
Bobbie Z 21,394
Angela P 15,001
Stephen M 15,000
George  M 12,508
Mark S 10,030
Gary W 10,000
Adam M 9,000
Jim C 7,500
Ken C 6,526
Jack F 6,134
Kristin C 6,115
Ulla D 3,210
Bernie J 2,602
Greg H 2,000

61,103 team meters on Saturday
9,617 team meters on Sunday
127,020 team meters on Monday

2,754,451 total team meters this season

Bobbie Z passed 200k
Mark Spassed 150k
Stephen M passed 75k, 100k
Ulla D passed 10k

meters until next target
Scott W 774 m to 5,000
Jeffrey R 1,238 m to 10,000
Barbara B 1,531 m to 10,000
Bernie J 2,398 m to 5,000
Kyle J 3,088 m to 10,000
Vince M 4,000 m to 5,000
Jamie B 4,261 m to 10,000
Carl R 5,000 m to 25,000
John B 5,406 m to 50,000
Army Padre 5,783 m to 75,000
Kristin C 5,842 m to 75,000
Jack F 5,849 m to 75,000
Ray W 8,628 m to 150,000
Ulla D 11,925 m to 25,000
Heman B 12,996 m to 50,000
Adam M 13,500 m to 50,000
Gary G 14,660 m to 25,000
Warren F 15,000 m to 50,000
Bob A 15,000 m to 25,000
Gary D 15,000 m to 25,000
Bel C 15,087 m to 100,000
Greg H 16,030 m to 75,000
David W 16,853 m to 50,000
Capn Izzy 17,351 m to 75,000
Gary W 18,152 m to 350,000

Josh O 20,851 m to 50,000
Bob 21,000 m to 75,000
John S 21,029 m to 75,000
Angela P 21,163 m to 150,000
George  M 22,083 m to 200,000
Jim C 22,500 m to 250,000
Ken C 28,592 m to 150,000
Bill M 30,198 m to 200,000
Neil Q 40,000 m to 200,000
Mark S 44,026 m to 200,000
Bobbie Z 44,516 m to 250,000
Stephen M 49,239 m to 150,000

That there is some great rowing!
I had started this but not posted it...sorry...

12 rowed on Tuesday or Wednesday
Gary W 20,104
Bobbie Z 18,052
John S 13,689
George  M 12,503
Bill M 12,115
Ray W 7,686
Ken C 6,543
Mark S 6,443
Kristin C 6,322
Jim C 5,000
Barbara B 4,822
Greg H 2,000

115,279 team meters
2,869,730 total team meters this season

Barbara B passed 10k
Gary W passed 350k
Kristin C passed 75k

meters until next target
Scott W 774 m to 5,000
Ray W 942 m to 150,000
Jeffrey R 1,238 m to 10,000
Bernie J 2,398 m to 5,000
Kyle J 3,088 m to 10,000
Vince M 4,000 m to 5,000
Jamie B 4,261 m to 10,000
Carl R 5,000 m to 25,000
John B 5,406 m to 50,000
Army Padre 5,783 m to 75,000
Jack F 5,849 m to 75,000
John S 7,340 m to 75,000
George  M 9,580 m to 200,000

Barbara B 11,709 m to 25,000
Ulla D 11,925 m to 25,000
Heman B 12,996 m to 50,000
Adam M 13,500 m to 50,000
Greg H 14,030 m to 75,000
Gary G 14,660 m to 25,000
Warren F 15,000 m to 50,000
Bob A 15,000 m to 25,000
Gary D 15,000 m to 25,000
Bel C 15,087 m to 100,000
David W 16,853 m to 50,000
Capn Izzy 17,351 m to 75,000
Jim C 17,500 m to 250,000
Bill M 18,083 m to 200,000

Josh O 20,851 m to 50,000
Bob 21,000 m to 75,000
Angela P 21,163 m to 150,000
Ken C 22,049 m to 150,000
Kristin C 24,520 m to 100,000
Bobbie Z 26,464 m to 250,000
Mark S 37,583 m to 200,000
Neil Q 40,000 m to 200,000
Gary W 48,048 m to 400,000
Stephen M 49,239 m to 150,000

May Meters
2,754,451 team meters - I forgot to take an extract yesterday. If you would like me to update my workbook with your true May meters, check your logbook and send me your final count. Sorry!
37 of 37 - 100% - Can we keep this going in June? Get at least one row in.

Gary W 331,848
Jim C 227,500
Bobbie Z 205,484
George  M 177,917
Bill M 169,802
Neil Q 160,000
Mark S 155,974
Ray W 141,372
Angela P 128,837
Ken C 121,408
Stephen M 100,761
Bel C 84,913
Army Padre 69,217
Kristin C 69,158
Jack F 69,151
Greg H 58,970
Capn Izzy 57,649
Bob 54,000
John S 53,971
John B 44,594
Heman B 37,004
Adam M 36,500
Warren F 35,000
David W 33,147
Josh O 29,149
Carl R 20,000
Ulla D 13,075
Gary G 10,340
Bob A 10,000
Gary D 10,000
Jeffrey R 8,762
Barbara B 8,469
Kyle J 6,912
Jamie B 5,739
Scott W 4,226
Bernie J 2,602
Vince M 1,000

Great job on getting your season started!
Let's keep it going in June. Row strong!
-Angela P

Thanks to everyone who posts! Spread the cheer.

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by Poprow » June 3rd, 2016, 8:06 am

Happy Friday!

12 were back at it again on Thursday
Jim C 15,000
Neil Q 10,000
Bobbie Z 8,238
Kristin C 7,030
Mark S 7,021
Gary W 6,831
Ken C 6,530
Jack F 6,218
George  M 6,104
Bill M 6,091
Ray W 5,365
Greg H 5,098

89,526 team meters
2,959,256 total team meters this season

Jack F passed 75k
Ray W passed 150k

meters until next target
Jim C 2,500 m to 250,000
George  M 3,476 m to 200,000
Greg H 8,932 m to 75,000

Bill M 11,992 m to 200,000
Ken C 15,519 m to 150,000
Kristin C 17,490 m to 100,000
Bobbie Z 18,226 m to 250,000

Jack F 24,631 m to 100,000
Neil Q 30,000 m to 200,000
Mark S 30,562 m to 200,000
Gary W 41,217 m to 400,000
Ray W 45,577 m to 200,000

That's the way to do it.
Keep those meters coming in! We should pass 3MM this weekend.
-Angela P

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by Poprow » June 4th, 2016, 10:10 am

Team TimbukTOO has passed 3MM!
Way to go, team!

8 took us over the 3MM mark on Friday (and maybe part of this morning)
Jim C 15,000
Stephen M 15,000
Gary W 11,015
Bobbie Z 8,331
Ken C 6,118
John B 5,595
Mark S 4,426
Josh O 2,110

67,595 team meters
3,026,851 total team meters this season

Jim C passed 250k
John B passed 50k

meters until next target
Scott W 774 m to 5,000
Jeffrey R 1,238 m to 10,000
Bernie J 2,398 m to 5,000
Kyle J 3,088 m to 10,000
George  M 3,476 m to 200,000
Vince M 4,000 m to 5,000
Jamie B 4,261 m to 10,000
Carl R 5,000 m to 25,000
Army Padre 5,783 m to 75,000
John S 7,340 m to 75,000
Greg H 8,932 m to 75,000
Ken C 9,401 m to 150,000
Bobbie Z 9,895 m to 250,000

Barbara B 11,709 m to 25,000
Ulla D 11,925 m to 25,000
Bill M 11,992 m to 200,000
Heman B 12,996 m to 50,000
Adam M 13,500 m to 50,000
Gary G 14,660 m to 25,000
Bob A 15,000 m to 25,000
Gary D 15,000 m to 25,000
Warren F 15,000 m to 50,000
Bel C 15,087 m to 100,000
David W 16,853 m to 50,000
Capn Izzy 17,351 m to 75,000
Kristin C 17,490 m to 100,000
Josh O 18,741 m to 50,000

Bob 21,000 m to 75,000
Angela P 21,163 m to 150,000
Jack F 24,631 m to 100,000
John B 24,811 m to 75,000
Mark S 26,136 m to 200,000
Neil Q 30,000 m to 200,000
Gary W 30,202 m to 400,000
Stephen M 34,239 m to 150,000
Jim C 37,500 m to 300,000
Ray W 45,577 m to 200,000

Here are the # of days 5/28-6/3
21 of 37 posting meters this week - 56%
1 day combined - i'll try to do a better job of taking the extracts at the same time of day
Ken C 6
Mark S 5
Bobbie Z 4
Gary W 4
George  M 4
Jim C 4
Kristin C 4
Greg H 3
Jack F 3
Stephen M 3
Angela P 2
Bill M 2
Ray W 2
Ulla D 2
Adam M 1
Barbara B 1
Bernie J 1
John B 1
John S 1
Josh O 1
Neil Q 1

Hope you are having a beautiful June day/night wherever you are.
Enjoy the weekend!
-Angela P

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by Poprow » June 5th, 2016, 10:32 am

Happy Sunday!

9 rowed and posted on Saturday - keeping it going in June!
Bel C 49,834
Bobbie Z 12,071
Angela P 9,975
Kristin C 7,524
Jack F 7,278
Ken C 6,562
Greg H 6,223
Mark S 5,541
Adam M 5,500

110,508 team meters - an over 100k day
3,137,359 total team meters this season

Bel C passed 100k
Bobbie Z passed 250k

meters until next target
Scott W 774 m to 5,000
Jeffrey R 1,238 m to 10,000
Bernie J 2,398 m to 5,000
Greg H 2,709 m to 75,000
Ken C 2,839 m to 150,000
Kyle J 3,088 m to 10,000
George  M 3,476 m to 200,000
Vince M 4,000 m to 5,000
Jamie B 4,261 m to 10,000
Carl R 5,000 m to 25,000
Army Padre 5,783 m to 75,000
John S 7,340 m to 75,000
Adam M 8,000 m to 50,000
Kristin C 9,966 m to 100,000

Angela P 11,188 m to 150,000
Barbara B 11,709 m to 25,000
Ulla D 11,925 m to 25,000
Bill M 11,992 m to 200,000
Heman B 12,996 m to 50,000
Gary G 14,660 m to 25,000
Warren F 15,000 m to 50,000
Bob A 15,000 m to 25,000
Gary D 15,000 m to 25,000
Bel C 15,253 m to 150,000
David W 16,853 m to 50,000
Capn Izzy 17,351 m to 75,000
Jack F 17,353 m to 100,000
Josh O 18,741 m to 50,000

Mark S 20,595 m to 200,000
Bob 21,000 m to 75,000
John B 24,811 m to 75,000
Neil Q 30,000 m to 200,000
Gary W 30,202 m to 400,000
Stephen M 34,239 m to 150,000
Jim C 37,500 m to 300,000
Ray W 45,577 m to 200,000
Bobbie Z 47,824 m to 300,000

Season to Date
3,137,359 team meters
37 active member
21st of 1181

Gary W 369,798
Jim C 262,500
Bobbie Z 252,176
George  M 196,524
Bill M 188,008
Mark S 179,405
Neil Q 170,000
Ray W 154,423
Ken C 147,161
Angela P 138,812
Bel C 134,747
Stephen M 115,761
Kristin C 90,034
Jack F 82,647
Greg H 72,291
Army Padre 69,217
John S 67,660
Capn Izzy 57,649
Bob 54,000
John B 50,189
Adam M 42,000
Heman B 37,004
Warren F 35,000
David W 33,147
Josh O 31,259
Carl R 20,000
Barbara B 13,291
Ulla D 13,075
Gary G 10,340
Bob A 10,000
Gary D 10,000
Jeffrey R 8,762
Kyle J 6,912
Jamie B 5,739
Scott W 4,226
Bernie J 2,602
Vince M 1,000

Season Goals
35 days completed, 330 days to go

meters completed, goal, percent completed
Angela P 138,812 2,000,000 7% - what was I thinking?
Gary W 369,798 3,000,000 12%
Jim C 262,500 2,737,500 10% - on target with the stretch goal
John B 50,189 1,250,000 4%
Mark S 179,405 1,000,000 18%
Stephen M 115,761 1,000,000 12%

If anyone else would like to share their season goal, let us know so we can track and cheer.

Take a rest then keep rowing - or just keep rowing!
-Angela P

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by Poprow » June 6th, 2016, 7:25 am

Happy Monday!

8 kept the boat moving on Monday
John S 13,693
Bobbie Z 10,188
Capn Izzy 10,000
Ken C 6,730
George  M 6,104
Ulla D 3,745
Gary W 3,249
Mark S 3,111

56,820 team meters
3,194,179 total team meters this season

George M passed 200k
John S passed 75k
Ken C passed 150k

meters until next target
Capn Izzy 7,351 m to 75,000
Ulla D 8,180 m to 25,000

Mark S 17,484 m to 200,000
John S 18,647 m to 100,000

Gary W 26,953 m to 400,000
Bobbie Z 37,636 m to 300,000
Ken C 46,109 m to 200,000
George  M 47,372 m to 250,000

Nice work!
Let's kick off this week with a row.
-Angela P

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by Poprow » June 7th, 2016, 8:04 am

TimbukTOO welcomes back Daniel R!
Team TimbukTOO now has 38 active members.

15 attacked Monday with a row
Jim C 12,500
Gary W 11,041
Ray W 10,663
Neil Q 10,000
Bill M 7,187
Ken C 7,080
Daniel R 6,584
John B 6,566
Bobbie Z 6,060
John S 5,225
Angela P 5,076
Mark S 4,435
Greg H 3,636
Jeffrey R 3,040
Ulla D 2,094

101,187 team meters
3,295,366 total team meters this season

Daniel R passed 5k
Greg H passed 75k
Jeffrey R passed 10k

meters until next target
Daniel R 3,416 m to 10,000
Bill M 4,805 m to 200,000
Ulla D 6,086 m to 25,000
Angela P 6,112 m to 150,000

Mark S 13,049 m to 200,000
Jeffrey R 13,198 m to 25,000
John S 13,422 m to 100,000
Gary W 15,912 m to 400,000
John B 18,245 m to 75,000
Neil Q 20,000 m to 200,000

Greg H 24,073 m to 100,000
Jim C 25,000 m to 300,000
Bobbie Z 31,576 m to 300,000
Ray W 34,914 m to 200,000
Ken C 39,029 m to 200,000

Take that Monday!
What do you think - a Tuesday row?
-Angela P

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by Poprow » June 8th, 2016, 8:15 am

TimbukTOO welcomes Dale C!
Team TimbukTOO now has 39 active members.

14 kept us moving through Tuesday
Gary W 12,020
Jim C 10,000
Neil Q 10,000
Gary D 10,000
Kristin C 6,318
Ken C 6,245
John S 6,185
Bill M 6,138
Bob 6,000
Ray W 5,357
John B 5,287
Angela P 5,147
Dale C 5,014
Jeffrey R 1,000

94,711 team meters
3,390,077 total team meters this season

Bill M passed 200k
Dale C passed 5k

meters until next target
Angela P 965 m to 150,000
Kristin C 3,648 m to 100,000
Gary W 3,892 m to 400,000
Dale C 4,986 m to 10,000
Gary D 5,000 m to 25,000
John S 7,237 m to 100,000
Neil Q 10,000 m to 200,000

Jeffrey R 12,198 m to 25,000
John B 12,958 m to 75,000
Jim C 15,000 m to 300,000
Bob 15,000 m to 75,000

Ray W 29,557 m to 200,000
Ken C 32,784 m to 200,000
Bill M 48,667 m to 250,000

Well done!
We're hanging in at 21st (of 1197 teams).

Month to Date
635,626 team meters
27 of 39 - 69%

Gary W 64,260
Bobbie Z 62,940
Jim C 57,500
Bel C 49,834
Ken C 45,808
John S 38,792
Bill M 31,531
Mark S 30,977
Neil Q 30,000
Ray W 29,071
Kristin C 27,194
George  M 24,711
Angela P 20,198
John B 17,448
Greg H 16,957
Stephen M 15,000
Jack F 13,496
Gary D 10,000
Capn Izzy 10,000
Daniel R 6,584
Bob 6,000
Ulla D 5,839
Adam M 5,500
Dale C 5,014
Barbara B 4,822
Jeffrey R 4,040
Josh O 2,110

If you haven't gotten a row in yet this month, give it a try. We're at 69% this month - can we make it to 85%?
Row strong!
-Angela P

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Posts: 501
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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by Poprow » June 9th, 2016, 8:24 am

Happy Thursday!

10 were aboard on Wednesday
Jim C 10,000
Neil Q 10,000
Gary D 7,500
Kristin C 6,519
Greg H 6,260
George  M 6,004
Ray W 5,366
Angela P 5,019
Gary W 3,526
Josh O 2,000

62,194 team meters
3,452,271 total team meters this season

Gary D passed 25k
Kristin C passed 100k
Neil Q reached 200k

meters until next target
Gary W 366 m to 400,000
Jim C 5,000 m to 300,000

Josh O 16,741 m to 50,000
Greg H 17,813 m to 100,000

Gary D 22,500 m to 50,000
Ray W 24,191 m to 200,000
George  M 41,368 m to 250,000
Angela P 45,946 m to 200,000
Kristin C 47,129 m to 150,000
Neil Q 50,000 m to 250,000

Great job getting that workout in! Keep it going!
-Angela P

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Posts: 501
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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by Poprow » June 10th, 2016, 7:49 am

TimbukTOO welcomes back Rachel B!
Team TimbukTOO now has 40 active members.

13 hit the rower on Thursday
Gary W 17,244
Jim C 10,000
Neil Q 10,000
Bobbie Z 8,576
Bill M 7,120
John B 6,507
Ken C 6,384
Bernie J 6,038
Ray W 5,332
Angela P 5,110
Bob A 5,000
Greg H 4,483
Rachel B 1,000

92,794 team meters
3,545,065 total team meters this season

Bernie J passed 5k
Gary W passed 400k
Jim C passed 300k

meters until next target
Bernie J 1,360 m to 10,000
Rachel B 4,000 m to 5,000
John B 6,451 m to 75,000
Bob A 10,000 m to 25,000
Greg H 13,330 m to 100,000
Ray W 18,859 m to 200,000
Bobbie Z 23,000 m to 300,000
Ken C 26,400 m to 200,000
Gary W 33,122 m to 450,000
Neil Q 40,000 m to 250,000
Angela P 40,836 m to 200,000
Bill M 41,547 m to 250,000
Jim C 45,000 m to 350,000

Well done!
Friday is finally here - take a rest or keep rowing!
-Angela P

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by Poprow » June 10th, 2016, 7:50 am

That post was totally lacking in color - sorry about that!

TimbukTOO welcomes back Rachel B!
Team TimbukTOO now has 40 active members.

13 hit the rower on Thursday
Gary W 17,244
Jim C 10,000
Neil Q 10,000
Bobbie Z 8,576
Bill M 7,120
John B 6,507
Ken C 6,384
Bernie J 6,038
Ray W 5,332
Angela P 5,110
Bob A 5,000
Greg H 4,483
Rachel B 1,000

92,794 team meters
3,545,065 total team meters this season

Bernie J passed 5k
Gary W passed 400k
Jim C passed 300k

meters until next target
Bernie J 1,360 m to 10,000
Rachel B 4,000 m to 5,000
John B 6,451 m to 75,000
Bob A 10,000 m to 25,000

Greg H 13,330 m to 100,000
Ray W 18,859 m to 200,000

Bobbie Z 23,000 m to 300,000
Ken C 26,400 m to 200,000
Gary W 33,122 m to 450,000
Neil Q 40,000 m to 250,000
Angela P 40,836 m to 200,000
Bill M 41,547 m to 250,000
Jim C 45,000 m to 350,000

Well done!
Friday is finally here - take a rest or keep rowing!
-Angela P

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Joined: December 12th, 2011, 8:15 pm

Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by CONLEJM » June 10th, 2016, 7:37 pm

Last season I took it easy. I went a little slower, probably because I discovered Netflix and started binge-watching shows. I can't concentrate on rowing fast and at the same time focus on some of the finer plot points of a show like "Breaking Bad" ... :lol:

So a few weeks ago I got a FitBit that can measure my heart rate. When I first put it on it determined my resting heart rate was about 56 bpm. When I rowed with it, and watched Nextflix, it determined that I was only getting my heart rate into the "Fat Burn Zone" (50% -69% max HR), and not the "Cardio Zone" (70% - 84% max HR). So for the past couple of weeks, I stopped watching Netflix and really focused on speeding things up, and getting my heart rate into the Cardio Zone.

Well, my resting heart rate dropped to 50 and has stayed there. Amazing what a little intensity can do. Now I might even try to rank some of my rows, because I am getting speedy again.
HR.jpg (54.68 KiB) Viewed 6805 times

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by Poprow » June 11th, 2016, 9:38 am

Happy Saturday!

9 took us through Friday
Gary W 15,010
Jim C 10,000
Bobbie Z 8,132
Kristin C 6,528
Greg H 6,208
Bob 6,000
Angela P 5,924
Adam M 2,500
George  M 2,204

62,506 team meters
3,607,571 total team meters this season

No targets were met but we had a strong showing and we are close to targets:
Scott W 774 m to 5,000
Bernie J 1,360 m to 10,000
Kyle J 3,088 m to 10,000
Daniel R 3,416 m to 10,000
Rachel B 4,000 m to 5,000
Vince M 4,000 m to 5,000
Jamie B 4,261 m to 10,000
Dale C 4,986 m to 10,000
Carl R 5,000 m to 25,000
Adam M 5,500 m to 50,000
Army Padre 5,783 m to 75,000
Ulla D 6,086 m to 25,000
John B 6,451 m to 75,000
Greg H 7,122 m to 100,000
John S 7,237 m to 100,000
Capn Izzy 7,351 m to 75,000
Bob 9,000 m to 75,000
Bob A 10,000 m to 25,000

Barbara B 11,709 m to 25,000
Jeffrey R 12,198 m to 25,000
Heman B 12,996 m to 50,000
Mark S 13,049 m to 200,000
Gary G 14,660 m to 25,000
Bobbie Z 14,868 m to 300,000
Warren F 15,000 m to 50,000
Bel C 15,253 m to 150,000
Josh O 16,741 m to 50,000
David W 16,853 m to 50,000
Jack F 17,353 m to 100,000
Gary W 18,112 m to 450,000
Ray W 18,859 m to 200,000

Gary D 22,500 m to 50,000
Ken C 26,400 m to 200,000
Stephen M 34,239 m to 150,000
Angela P 34,912 m to 200,000
Jim C 35,000 m to 350,000
George  M 39,164 m to 250,000
Neil Q 40,000 m to 250,000
Kristin C 40,601 m to 150,000
Bill M 41,547 m to 250,000

Here are the # of days 6/4-6/10
28 of 40 posting meters this week - 70%

Angela P 6 - ?I don't remember rowing that much?
Gary W 6
Bobbie Z 5
Greg H 5
Jim C 5
Ken C 5
Kristin C 4
Neil Q 4
Ray W 4
Bill M 3
George  M 3
John B 3
John S 3
Mark S 3
Adam M 2
Gary D 2
Jeffrey R 2
Bob 2
Ulla D 2
Bel C 1
Bernie J 1
Bob A 1
Dale C 1
Daniel R 1
Jack F 1
Josh O 1
Rachel B 1
Capn Izzy 1

Monday, 6/20 is the Summer Solstice Challenge
Row or ski 21,000 meters on June 20.
Meters can be rowed/skied all at once in one workout or over several workouts throughout the day.
If you add 97 meters to row/ski 21,097 meters, or a half-marathon, it needs to be rowed/skied all at once in order to qualify to be a ranked piece.

I think I may try to break it up over the day. I was in much better shape last season. Sigh...

Jim C - so funny that you mentioned that just now. Today I rowed to Spotify rather than watching TV and my pace dropped by about 10 seconds. I was going to ask if people row in front of the tv or listen to music.
I can't row without some sort of distraction - I need to drown out the thoughts 'stop already', 'that's enough'.
So, team, do you row in front of the tv or listen to music?

Hope you have a great weekend!
-Angela P

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Posts: 501
Joined: August 9th, 2014, 9:47 am

Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by Poprow » June 12th, 2016, 2:08 pm

Happy Sunday.

5 remained aboard on Saturday
Bobbie Z 11,267
Ken C 6,404
Gary W 6,184
Angela P 5,418
Heman B 2,010

31,283 team meters
3,638,854 total team meters this season

meters until next target
Bobbie Z 3,601 m to 300,000
Heman B 10,986 m to 50,000
Gary W 11,928 m to 450,000
Ken C 19,996 m to 200,000

Angela P 29,494 m to 200,000

Maybe everyone is outside enjoying the nice weather?

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