1k easy wu row- then on to target the 40+ American 500m record (1:17.7)- felt I could do it at 35 spm (was hoping to go around 1:17.2 today)
So managed to take record with a fairly decent effort row with not too bad pacing, using max drag and a fairly long stroke (which seems to suit me well)- pleased to get this record (from 2002 held by John Stenard at age 40) I'm 49.5)- also I'll point out I don't nor never have used any drugs or hormone replacement as this is becoming more of an issue unfortunately- Also I'll point out I did this on a low carb high fat diet and this was done after about 18 hours of fasting and so the dogma that carbs are essential for high intensity glycolitic performance is in my mind questionable- also fro a training standpoint I did basically zero steady state work over last several months and so the common advice to do ample steady state work I also question (especially for the 500m row)- I'm going to keep going the rest of the summer in this vein and see where it leads.
Finished up with a few easy "low rate" 100m sprints- again using long powerful stroke- pleased to hit a 1:10 and effort felt quite easy
Tonight going to play 2hr of touch rugby with a bunch of old guys out here in California- haven't touched a rugby ball in over 20 years (when I used to play Semi-professionally in New Zealand) - should be fun and hopefully no stupid injuries