TimbukTOO Team Room

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by Poprow » April 22nd, 2016, 8:39 am

Congratulations to Ray W for reaching 3 Million Meters!
Congratulations to George M for reaching 2 Million Meters!

Mission accomplished! Excellent work!

19 were working hard over Wednesday/Thursday and many of you passed targets
Heather R 55,000
Jim C 27,000
Stephen M 26,033
Neil Q 20,000
George  M 18,926
Ray W 17,682
Bobbie Z 16,000
Mark S 15,042
Capn Izzy 14,425
Josh O 12,375
John S 11,122
Gary W 10,000
Bill M 9,479
Greg H 7,000
Jack F 6,280
JD 6,000
Bob 6,000
Bob A 5,000
John B 2,088

285,452 team meters - WOW!
44,656,333 total team meters this season

Bobbie Z passed 2.55k
Capn Izzy passed 800k
George  M passed 2M
Heather R passed 5.05M
Jack F passed 1.35M
Jim C passed 2.7M
Ray W passed 3M

meters until next target
Stephen M 668 m to 1,100,000
Mark S 9,717 m to 350,000

Heather R 15,500 m to 5,100,000
Bob 16,000 m to 1,800,000
Gary W 17,346 m to 1,150,000

John S 23,268 m to 1,200,000
Josh O 28,145 m to 200,000
Neil Q 30,000 m to 2,050,000
Bill M 33,040 m to 850,000
Jim C 33,500 m to 2,750,000
Bob A 36,230 m to 550,000
Greg H 39,140 m to 350,000
John B 40,806 m to 1,300,000
Bobbie Z 41,000 m to 2,600,000
JD 42,190 m to 1,200,000
Ray W 43,856 m to 3,050,000
George  M 45,920 m to 2,050,000
Capn Izzy 47,046 m to 850,000
Jack F 49,492 m to 1,400,000

Some fast and furious rowing these last 2 days!

9 days left in the season including today
Get those meters in now - we all go back to 0 on May 1

Jim and Jack, thanks for your notes. One fewer thing to be stressed about makes me feel better. I appreciate it!
Heather, thanks for the recommendation - I'm going to try a pair of NewGrips. Btw, 5MM is fantastic!

We can track season goals if anyone is interested.
Stephen M had mentioned a calendar year goal - I may be able to track that too though if you joined the team after 1/1 and you had meters during 5/1-12/31/2015, your cal ytd goal will be out of whack. Or if you can figure out your 1/1-4/30 meters from your logbook history, i can update my records. Things to consider.

Pesach sameach!! to all that celebrate
Happy Earth Day to all of us!
-Angela P

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by Poprow » April 25th, 2016, 8:49 am

Happy Monday!

Some of you were busy on the erg these last few days.
I wasn't consistent about the time of day of my extracts - sorry!

8 ended the work week with a row on Friday
Jim C 13,500
Bobbie Z 10,500
Bill M 10,142 - didn't join the team to just coast
Neil Q 10,000
Gary W 7,030
Jack F 4,255
Mark S 4,196
Vince M 1,100 - I see you putting those meters in

8 kept our boat moving on Saturday
Bel C 30,000
Bobbie Z 12,000
Mark S 10,045
Bill M 9,420
Gary W 7,022
George  M 6,503
Tom W 6,358
Adam M 3,000

6 did not just sit around on Sunday
Ray W 10,199
Gary D 10,000 - welcome back!
George  M 5,604
Jack F 5,060
Mark S 5,004
Greg H 5,000

60,723 team meters on Friday
84,348 team meters on Saturday
40,867 team meters on Sunday
44,842,271 total team meters this season

I have to give you all props - my meters for this period=0

Bel C passed 500k - phenomenal
Mark S passed 350k - has the rowing fever

meters until next target
Tom W 1,912 m to 300,000
Gary W 3,294 m to 1,150,000

Bill M 13,478 m to 850,000
Vince M 14,700 m to 25,000
Bobbie Z 18,500 m to 2,600,000
Jim C 20,000 m to 2,750,000
Neil Q 20,000 m to 2,050,000

Gary D 29,500 m to 250,000
Ray W 33,657 m to 3,050,000
George  M 33,813 m to 2,050,000
Greg H 34,140 m to 350,000
Jack F 40,177 m to 1,400,000
Bel C 40,381 m to 550,000
Mark S 40,472 m to 400,000
Adam M 45,442 m to 350,000

Here are your Season to Date meters
Adam M 304,558
Bel C 509,619
Bill M 836,522
Bobbie Z 2,581,500
Gary D 220,500
Gary W 1,146,706
George  M 2,016,187
Greg H 315,860
Jack F 1,359,823
Jim C 2,730,000
Mark S 359,528
Neil Q 2,030,000
Ray W 3,016,343
Tom W 298,088
Vince M 10,300

Here are the # of days 4/16-4/22
22 of 82 posting meters this week - 26%
I think this is really out of 5 days - I took a late extract 1 day and I missed a day
Bobbie Z 5 - you 5ers are just about perfect this week!
Gary W 5
Mark S 5
Bill M 4
Jim C 4
Neil Q 4

Angela P 3
Bill M 4
Bob 2
Bob A 1
Bobbie Z 5
Capn Izzy 2
Gary W 5
George  M 3
Greg H 2
Heather R 1
Jack F 3
JD S 3
Jim C 4
John B 3
John S 1
Josh O 3
Kerim 1
Mark S 5
Neil Q 4
Ray W 3
Stephen M 2
Vince M 2

Month to Date
2,517,541 team meters
38 of 82 - 46%

Gary W 285,423
Ray W 229,227
Jim C 215,000
Bobbie Z 199,500
Bill M 146,574
Mark S 141,348
George  M 131,464
Angela P 103,591
Izzy 91,729
Neil Q 90,000
Stephen M 78,333
Jack F 75,904
Heather R 75,000
JD S 70,730
John B 70,367
Bob A 47,642
Bel C 40,000
Warren F 40,000
Greg H 39,130
John S 36,059
Bob 36,000
Josh O 34,402
Ken C 34,151
Jamie B 28,796
Adam M 25,500
Barbara B 25,341
Bob L 20,086
Kristin C 16,221
Noah C 16,012
Kerim 14,424
Army Padre 11,920
Tom W 11,111
Gary D 10,000
Jeffrey R 9,348
Daniel R 6,565
Andreas M 4,016
Scott W 3,427
Vince M 3,200

Last week of the season
6 days left
My goals are slipping away from me - I have to get moving.

Why not start this week with a row?
-Angela P

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by CONLEJM » April 26th, 2016, 4:10 pm

I only need 7,500 more meters to hit my goal of 7,500m/day for the season! I'm on vacation this week, but should be able to squeeze that in. I started off slow this season, so there was a lot of catch-up in the latter half, and it became a real chore.

Next season I hope to incorporate some weight-lifting, so I am going to pare back the rowing a bit to maybe 50,000m per week. Maybe 52,500m/week and hit the 7,500m/day again. I'll see how it goes. If I can start off early enough it shouldn't be a chore.

Good luck to all in achieving your season goals!

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by Poprow » April 30th, 2016, 9:00 am

Team TimbukTOO has passed 45MM!
That was a few days ago.
I am just so sorry - this was a much longer absence than I was expecting during this final week of the season.

Many of you showed up to work! Awesome!!
The dates you rowed may be inconsistent with my post.
I am back at my desk and hoping to start my morning routine again.

10 had kicked off the week with a row on Monday
Capn Izzy 15,420
Bill M 12,648
Neil Q 10,000
Gary D 10,000
Stephen M 10,000
Bobbie Z 8,000
Jim C 7,500
Gary W 7,215
George  M 5,605
Bob 5,531

14 kept us moving on Tuesday
Mark S 21,549
Ray W 15,308
Kyle J 11,947
Gary W 10,530
Angela P 10,112 - I realized that I needed to get moving
Neil Q 10,000
Gary D 10,000
Bobbie Z 8,329
John B 6,478
Bob 6,000
George  M 5,400
Jack F 5,110
Greg H 4,701
Josh O 1,017

15 pushed and pulled us over on Wednesday
Angela P 20,455 - this is 2 days. if I'm going to row over 15k it's going to be an HM
Neil Q 20,000
Capn Izzy 15,420
Bel C 15,000
Jamie B 14,381
Bobbie Z 13,671
Mark S 12,324
Bill M 11,301
Gary D 9,500
Noah C 9,102
Gary W 7,125
George  M 5,607
Ray W 5,017
Bob A 5,000
Greg H 3,000

16 steered us to the weekend on Thursday and/or Friday and maybe even Saturday
Gary W 33,271
Angela P 21,475 - this includes today. I am done for this season
Bill M 21,230
Stephen M 14,018
John B 13,808
Neil Q 10,000
Bobbie Z 10,000
Adam M 9,000
Jim C 7,500 - I'm so happy that you were able to get this row in - I wasn't sure last week if you remembered that it was a leap year
Bob 6,000
George  M 5,804
Ray W 5,286
Jack F 4,216
Mark S 3,950
Jeffrey R 2,347
Greg H 1,715

91,919 team meters on Monday

126,481 team meters on Tuesday
166,903 team meters on Wednesday
169,620 team meters on Thursday/Friday and maybe Saturday
45,397,194 total team meters this season

Over half a million since my last post!
You guys are super!

Bill M passed 850k
Bob passed 1.8M
Bobbie Z passed 2.6M
Gary D reached 250k
Gary W passed 1.2M

meters until next target
Angela P 2,462 m to 1,850,000
Noah C 2,491 m to 50,000
Mark S 2,649 m to 400,000
Jim C 5,000 m to 2,750,000
Ray W 8,046 m to 3,050,000

George  M 11,397 m to 2,050,000
Capn Izzy 16,206 m to 850,000
Kyle J 18,034 m to 50,000
Bill M 18,299 m to 900,000
Neil Q 20,000 m to 2,100,000

John B 20,520 m to 1,300,000
Jamie B 23,961 m to 650,000
Greg H 24,724 m to 350,000
Bel C 25,381 m to 550,000
Stephen M 26,650 m to 1,150,000
Josh O 27,128 m to 200,000
Bobbie Z 28,500 m to 2,650,000
Jack F 30,851 m to 1,400,000
Bob A 31,230 m to 550,000
Adam M 36,442 m to 350,000
Jeffrey R 44,065 m to 150,000
Gary W 45,153 m to 1,250,000
Bob 48,469 m to 1,850,000
Gary D 50,000 m to 300,000

Some can still hit another target!
I will not.

Here are the # of days 4/23-4/29
25 of 82 posting meters this week - 30%

This is out of 6

George  M 6 - always at it
Bobbie Z 5
Gary W 5
Mark S 5
Bill M 4
Gary D 4
Greg H 4
Neil Q 4
Ray W 4

Adam M 2
Angela P 3
Bel C 2
Bill M 4
Bob 3
Bob A 1
Bobbie Z 5
Capn Izzy 2
Gary D 4
Gary W 5
George  M 6
Greg H 4
Jack F 3
Jamie B 1
Jeffrey R 1
Jim C 2
John B 2
Josh O 1
Kyle J 1
Mark S 5
Neil Q 4
Noah C 1
Ray W 4
Stephen M 2
Tom W 1

April to Date - just in case you are interested
3,072,464 team meters
39 of 82 - 47%

Gary W 343,564
Ray W 254,838
Bobbie Z 239,500
Jim C 230,000
Bill M 191,753
Mark S 179,171
Angela P 155,633
George  M 153,880
Neil Q 140,000
Izzy 122,569
Stephen M 102,351
John B 90,653
Jack F 85,230
Heather R 75,000
JD S 70,730
Bel C 55,000
Bob 53,531
Bob A 52,642
Greg H 48,546
Jamie B 43,177
Warren F 40,000
Gary D 39,500
John S 36,059
Josh O 35419
Adam M 34,500
Ken C 34,151
Barbara B 25,341
Noah C 25,114
Bob L 20,086
Kristin C 16,221
Kerim 14,424
Kyle J 11,947
Army Padre 11,920
Jeffrey R 11,695
Tom W 11,111
Daniel R 6,565
Andreas M 4,016
Scott W 3,427
Vince M 3,200

Season to Date meters
Heather R 5,084,500
Ray W 3,041,954
Jim C 2,745,000
Bobbie Z 2,621,500
Neil Q 2,080,000
George  M 2,038,603
Angela P 1,847,538
Bob 1,801,531
Jack F 1,369,149
John B 1,279,480
Keir P 1,229,945
Gary W 1,204,847
Army Padre 1,194,079
John S 1,176,732
JD 1,157,810
Stephen M 1,123,350
Andreas M 888,074
Bill M 881,701
Capn Izzy 833,794
Marcel D 736,509
Mike E 647,365
David W 628,081
Jamie B 626039
Johnny M 534,095
Bel C 524,619
Bob A 518,770
Kevin K 408,239
Mark S 397,351
Randy F 390,000
Barbara B 358,493
Matthew R 331,943
Greg H 325,276
Adam M 313,558
Matt H 308,559
Tom W 298,088
Alan D 291,144
Ken C 269,858
Daniel R 263,987
Kristin C 254,153
Gary D 250,000
Gary G 247,037
Glenn Yan 235,996
Joshua B 220,995
Mark E 193,990
Warren F 190,829
Bob G 183,955
Elisa H 181512
Josh O 172,872
Jeff T 168,925
Jeff H 138,325
Pat M 128,853
Susan K 128,104
Jeffrey R 105,935
Kerim 85,846
Carl R 80,000
Linnea F 78,884
Fred J 48,489
Noah C 47,509
Janice I 45500
Bob L 45,156
Scott W 44,912
Destin H 41,358
Rachel B 40,600
James C 35,123
Raymond W 34,216
Kyle J 31,966
Kelly M 23,575
Brent C 21,698
Yolanda W 17,525
Adrianne D 15,026
Pamela H 14,000
Dale C 13,980
Michael M 12,014
Vince M 10,300
Sheryl M 8,095
Joey W 6,886
Fred B 6871
Chuck A 5,000
Katie S 3,755
Ulla D 3,000
Bernie J 2,568
Grace A 300

Today is the last day of the season. You can still get a row in.

I was able to meet 2 of my goals for this season
- average 5k/day
- hit 4M lifetime meters
I'm still not a lightweight rower so that goal will have to move to next season.

Finish this season strong and start thinking of goals for the next season ahead.
Keep it going!
-Angela P

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by johnb » May 1st, 2016, 8:59 pm

Great season all! I am happy with my results. I passed 1.2 million meters, averaging over 100k per month. The final 5 months I passed 100k every month after a slow start to the year and I also passed 4 million lifetime meters. Looking forward to 5 million. I didn't do any real long rows this year but I was pretty consistent averaging over 3500 meters a day for the year and over 5500 meters on days when I rowed. Great leadership Angela! Three cheers for you! And looking forward the new season ahead. I put in a quick 2000 meters today just to start the year off on a good note! Go TimbukToo! On to the 2017 season! Our team did quite well too in the alliance standings.

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by Poprow » May 2nd, 2016, 7:54 am

Team TimbukTOO ended the 2015/2016 season in 15th (or 16th) place!
The team averaged 553,745 meters per member.

One team member has fallen overboard.
Here's hoping that he'll swim over to another boat and continue on his journey.
Team TimbukTOO finished the season with 81 or 82 active members.

9 steered us to the end of the 2015/2016 season on Saturday
David W 253,170
Bel C 16,995
Army Padre 16,200
Carl R 15,000
Capn Izzy 14,743
Bobbie Z 11,000
John B 10,632
Mark S 3,632
Warren F 2,858

344,230 team meters - WOW!
45,741,424 total team meters this season

Well done!

Targets were passed on the final day of the season!
Army Padre passed 1.2M
David W passed all of the targets through 850k
Mark S passed 400k

Here are the 2015/2016 season meters: I'll check back in a few days to see if anyone finds some meters under the cushions of their couch
Heather R 5,084,500
Ray W 3,041,954
Jim C 2,745,000
Bobbie Z 2,632,500
Neil Q 2,080,000
George  M 2,038,603
Angela P 1,847,538
Bob 1,801,531
Jack F 1,369,149
John B 1,290,112
Keir P 1,229,945
Army Padre 1,210,279
Gary W 1,204,847
John S 1,176,732
JD 1,157,810
Stephen M 1,123,350
Andreas M 888,074
Bill M 881,701
David W 881,251
Capn Izzy 848,537
Marcel D 736,509
Mike E 647,365
Jamie B 626,039
Bel C 541,614
Johnny M 534,095
Bob A 518,770
Kevin K 408,239
Mark S 400,983
Randy F 390,000
Barbara B 358,493
Matthew R 331,943
Greg H 325,276
Adam M 313,558
Matt H 308,559
Tom W 298,088
Alan D 291,144
Ken C 269,858
Daniel R 263,987
Kristin C 254,153
Gary D 250,000
Gary G 247,037
Glenn Yan 235,996
Joshua B 220,995
Mark E 193,990
Warren F 193,687
Bob G 183,955
Elisa H 181,512
Josh O 172,872
Jeff T 168,925
Jeff H 138,325
Pat M 128,853
Susan K 128,104
Jeffrey R 105,935
Carl R 95,000
Kerim 85,846
Linnea F 78,884
Fred J 48,489
Noah C 47,509
Janice I 45,500
Bob L 45,156
Scott W 44,912
Destin H 41,358
Rachel B 40,600
James C 35,123
Raymond W 34,216
Kyle J 31,966
Kelly M 23,575
Brent C 21,698
Yolanda W 17,525
Adrianne D 15,026
Pamela H 14,000
Dale C 13,980
Michael M 12,014
Vince M 10,300
Sheryl M 8,095
Joey W 6,886
Fred B 6,871
Chuck A 5,000
Katie S 3,755
Ulla D 3,000
Bernie J 2,568
Grace A 300

Pats on the back all around!
A lot of hard work went into that 45MM.
We should all be proud.

The 2016/2017 season has begun!
All of our meter totals start at 0 again (and I start a new spreadsheet)
I'm going to add lower level targets to start us off

6 energized team members kicked off 2016/2017 on Sunday
Gary W 21,097
Barbara B 8,469
Jamie B 5,739
Bobbie Z 5,000
Carl R 5,000
John B 2,019

47,324 team meters
47,324 total team meters this season

Barbara B passed 5k
Bobbie Z reached 5k
Carl R reached 5k
Gary W 5k, 10k, 20k? targets
Jamie B 5k

I haven't completely thought through the new targets (like the next ones coming up - I'll get back to you about it)
Thanks for getting us on the board (we really weren't on the board at 0k)

John B was the first to post this season - let's get to 5MM! I am starting the season off at exactly 4M so you must be ahead of me.

Weave started off the season with an HM, completing the Half Marathon Challenge of the Global Marathon Challenge that is going on now through May 15.
There are 2 levels in the Global Marathon Challenge -
Full Marathon Challenge: Row or ski a full marathon (exactly 42,195 meters) in one workout during the first two weeks of May and enter it in your online logbook.
Half Marathon Challenge: Row or ski a half marathon (exactly 21,097 meters) in one workout during the first two weeks of May and enter it in your online logbook.
Meter amounts must exactly match the full or half marathon distances (42,195 and 21,097, respectively) to be counted for the challenge.
Indoor rower or SkiErg meters only
I'm sorry that I hadn't mentioned this sooner.

If anyone would like to set any season goals, please let me know and I will track them and give periodic updates.
My goal for this season is 2MM which I should make but i don't know if my move will interfere.
I may be able to track lifetime meters if anyone wants to share their lifetime meters with the team.

Wishing everyone a fun, healthy and happy 2016/2017 season!
- Angela P

Stop by and say Hi! once in a while.

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by smillsy » May 2nd, 2016, 2:44 pm

Angela - thanks for all the posts, put me down for 1m again this season (doing 100k for every month seems a bit too much for me - have to have a holiday at some point!) - Stephen M

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by Weave » May 2nd, 2016, 5:04 pm

I'd love to hit 3 million this season and row 1 full marathon(maybe in the next 2 weeks?).
Thanks again the group keeps me going.

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by markman » May 3rd, 2016, 8:20 am


I just wanted to say thanks for posting everyone's progress. It is a definite motivator to me. I'm making a new commitment to rowing so I'm hoping to be much more consistent this season. I'm going to set a season goal of 1 million meters. It's definitely a stretch for me but I think I should be able to make it barring injury or a change in work schedules.

59 M 6' 1" 165#
Concept2 Model D w/PM5 Upgrade

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by Poprow » May 3rd, 2016, 11:38 am

20 of us have returned to Team TimbukTOO!

14 jumped back on board on Monday (with Bobbie Z, Gary W and John B posting another day of meters)
David W 33,147
George  M 17,010
Gary W 16,085
Capn Izzy 15,636
Stephen M 15,517
Jim C 15,000
Bobbie Z 8,000
Mark S 7,929
Angela P 6,538
Josh O 6,000
Adam M 5,500
Ray W 5,200
Bill M 5,125
Vince M 5,000
John B 4,122
Jeffrey R 3,345
Scott W 2,064

171,218 team meters
218,542 total team meters this season
17th of 597 teams

Adam M passed 5k
Bill M passed 5k
Bobbie Z passed 10k
David W passed 5k, 10k, 25k
George M passed 5k, 10k
Gary W passed 25k
Capn Izzy passed 5k, 10k
Jim C passed 5k, 10k
Josh O passed 5k
Mark S passed 5k
Ray W passed 5k
Stephen M passed 5k, 10k
Vince M reached 5k

Way to go, team!

I'm hoping to have 'meters until next target' set tomorrow - sorry!
Keep sending your season goals in.

Markman, thanks for posting!
Wishing you and the rest of the team - good health, free time to row and access to an erg this season!

Let's keep this going!
- Angela P

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by johnb » May 3rd, 2016, 8:16 pm

Hey Angela, thanks for all your efforts in keeping the team motivated. I cross train too much for any big goals, but I will commit to 1.25 million meters in the coming season. Hopefully I can over deliver.

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by Poprow » May 4th, 2016, 8:57 am

May the Fourth be with you!

Team TimbukTOO is up to 24 active members.
Welcome back to 4 more team members.

Apologies to Warren F!
I made a mistake in my spreadsheet yesterday.
Warren F posted 5k on 5/2.
Sorry about that!

14 pushed us through Tuesday
Bel C 26,754
Gary W 12,888
Bill M 12,593
Ray W 12,058
Neil Q 10,000
Bobbie Z 8,000
Angela P 7,788
Jim C 7,500
Mark S 6,660
Bob 6,000
John B 5,315
Ken C 5,016
Warren F 5,000
Jeffrey R 3,364

128,936 team meters
347,478 total team meters this season

Bel C passed 5k, 10k, 25k
Bill M passed 10k
Bob passed 5k
Gary W passed 50k
John B passed 10k
Ken C passed 5k
Mark S passed 10k
Neil Q passed 5k, reached 10k
Ray W passed 10k
Warren F passed 5k, reached 10k

meters until next target
Barbara B 1,531 m to 10,000
Jim C 2,500 m to 25,000
Scott W 2,936 m to 5,000
Jeffrey R 3,291 m to 10,000
Bobbie Z 4,000 m to 25,000
Bob 4,000 m to 10,000
Josh O 4,000 m to 10,000
Jamie B 4,261 m to 10,000
Adam M 4,500 m to 10,000
Ken C 4,984 m to 10,000
Carl R 5,000 m to 10,000
Bill M 7,282 m to 25,000
Ray W 7,742 m to 25,000
George  M 7,990 m to 25,000
Capn Izzy 9,364 m to 25,000
Stephen M 9,483 m to 25,000

Mark S 10,411 m to 25,000
Angela P 10,674 m to 10,000
John B 13,544 m to 25,000
Neil Q 15,000 m to 25,000
Warren F 15,000 m to 25,000
David W 16,853 m to 50,000

Bel C 23,246 m to 50,000
Gary W 24,930 m to 75,000

We are moving at a nice clip!
Keep it going!
-Angela P

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by Bobbie_Zee » May 4th, 2016, 10:03 am

Happy New (Rowing) Year, everyone! We had a great ending, and what promises to be a spectacular new year for TimbukTOO! I'm setting a number of monthly and annual goals, have my new Excel spreadsheet set up. Nothing like a fresh spanking new year to get energized!

Row strong, my friends.

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by CONLEJM » May 5th, 2016, 7:20 am

I am also planning out my season. I hope to average 7,500 meters per day, or 2,737,500 meters. But if I land at 2,600,000 meters (50,000m per week) I will be fine with that.

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by Poprow » May 6th, 2016, 8:30 am

Team TimbukTOO has passed .5MM!

14 still going on Wednesday
Jim C 15,000
Bel C 11,812
George  M 11,634
Gary W 11,408
Ray W 10,329
Neil Q 10,000
Angela P 7,974
Mark S 6,674
Ken C 6,023
Bob 6,000
John B 5,580
Josh O 5,100
Bobbie Z 5,000
Warren F 5,000

13 moving us ahead on Thursday
Ray W 22,687
Capn Izzy 16,272
Jim C 15,000
Mark S 13,621
Bill M 9,294
Josh O 8,013
Bobbie Z 8,000
Angela P 7,599
George  M 5,900
Warren F 5,000
Carl R 5,000
John B 3,262
Jeffrey R 2,053

117,534 team meters on Wednesday
121,701 team meters on Thursday
586,713 total team meters this season

Bill M passed 25k
Bob passed 10k
Bobbie Z passed 25k
Carl R reached 10k
George  M passed 25k
Izzy passed 25k
Jeffrey R passed 5k - a few days ago - sorry about that!
Jim C passed 25k, 50k
Josh O passed 10k
Ken C passed 10k
Mark S passed 25k
Ray W passed 25k, 50k

meters until next target
Jeffrey R 1,238 m to 10,000
Barbara B 1,531 m to 10,000
Scott W 2,936 m to 5,000
Jamie B 4,261 m to 10,000
Adam M 4,500 m to 10,000
John B 4,702 m to 25,000
Warren F 5,000 m to 25,000
Neil Q 5,000 m to 25,000
Josh O 5,887 m to 25,000
Stephen M 9,483 m to 25,000

Bel C 11,434 m to 50,000
Bob 13,000 m to 25,000
Gary W 13,522 m to 75,000
Ken C 13,961 m to 25,000
Carl R 15,000 m to 25,000
Mark S 15,116 m to 50,000
George  M 15,456 m to 50,000
Bobbie Z 16,000 m to 50,000
David W 16,853 m to 50,000
Capn Izzy 18,092 m to 50,000

Angela P 20,101 m to 50,000
Jim C 22,500 m to 75,000
Bill M 22,988 m to 50,000
Ray W 24,726 m to 75,000

Here are the season goals that I have collected so far
Angela P 2,000,000
Gary W 3,000,000
Jim C 2,600,000 - though it looks like you are going for that higher goal
John B 1,250,000
Mark S 1,000,000
Stephen M 1,000,000

Keep 'em coming!

Bobbie Z, I think you are right - we are starting the season with a lot of energy.

Happy Friday!
Take us to the weekend!
-Angela P

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