Highschool Rowers?

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[old] gorow9
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Post by [old] gorow9 » February 4th, 2005, 2:26 pm

Just curious if there are any other highschool crew members here or if I'm the only one, thought it would be kinda cool to have this thread for just us- if there's anybody else.<br /><br />~Sara~<br />"Life's short... row hard"<br />"row till you die, then POWER 10"

[old] blue87
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Post by [old] blue87 » February 6th, 2005, 8:45 am

HEy! im a high school rower from GBR. I think this new thread is a good idea! <br /><br />Martin

[old] sian
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Post by [old] sian » February 8th, 2005, 1:44 am

hey guys, yes u r not alone! <br /><br />im a 17yr old female student from new zealand, and am currently in the competition phase of my second season and i love it! i guess i could be accused of becoming absessed with rowing but i swear i used to have other hobbies until rowing took over my life...sound familiar? <br /><br />idea to start the thread...will be interesting to see how many of us there are floating round this site!<br /><br /><>sian<>

[old] gorow9
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Post by [old] gorow9 » February 8th, 2005, 6:10 pm

Hey cool,<br /><br />Sian, I definatly know what you're talking abou with the hobbies thing... it frustrates my friends when they want to hang out and I have practice... or before a competetion when you're not able to pay attention to anything so everybody has to ask you questions 4 or 5 times... <br /><br />Anyway, how long have ya'll been rowing? I'm a sophmore and I started rowing when I was 10yrs old, I rowed for about four or three years then the program went away- I took a "break" and got a call this past summer "Sara we have a program, you have to come row!" of course I signed up right away since I had been nagging my parents for a few years to get in touch with the boatclub to see what the deal was... so I've been rowing for about four years or so on and off.<br /><br />~Sara~

[old] Cassiopeia
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Post by [old] Cassiopeia » February 12th, 2005, 7:22 pm

I'm 14 yo, and fall 2004 was my first season. It hasn't taken long for it to take over, however! I'm on a short hiatus for the moment with a broken leg, and I'm looking forward to spring season immensely. I can't wait to start sculling, and maybe be able to stroke a four.

[old] bsemaiktehr
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Post by [old] bsemaiktehr » February 12th, 2005, 10:05 pm

Yep. I'm a highschool rowing fanatic.<br /><br />Nice to see more of the same!

[old] adamkene
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Post by [old] adamkene » February 16th, 2005, 12:57 pm

Hey Guys, I'm in the lower sixth (16) and i'm getting really nervous about GB junior trials coming up in boston this weekend, ANy other bowsmen out there scared of the steering and letting your strokeman down. For this is a big problem cos my s man hasn't got another chance and he didn't go to the sculling trial so this is it and i don't want to mess it up for him especially seeing as he always pulls me into the bank and i think that on the day it's going to be exaggerated, anybody else out there know what i;m saying.<br />P.s Great idea about our own section

[old] gorow9
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Post by [old] gorow9 » February 25th, 2005, 11:18 pm

Adam,<br />I could have sworn I replied already but I guess not... sketchy I definatly remember-- oh well what's new.<br /><br />Blame it all on the cox... man I'm glad I don't cox, they get all the crap and then more. Well good luck with the junior trials... a little late but oh well.<br /><br />Did anyone have school break this week? We had Monday and Tuesday off and I went dogsledding... yeah that was an experiance. We also had a snow day today- beats me why but I won't complain. <br /><br />When do ya'll start on water again? Or do any of you live somewhere like Australia where you don't ever have icey water to keep you off? <br /><br />~Sara~

[old] Cassiopeia
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Post by [old] Cassiopeia » February 26th, 2005, 1:18 pm

gorow- I was off this whole week for break. Very nice, but too many people were away to hold winter crew practices. We get back on the water the last week of March, but it'll probably be more like mid-April, knowing the weather here.

[old] allapologies916
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Post by [old] allapologies916 » February 27th, 2005, 6:39 pm

Hey, im a highschool rower from the US... nice to see you all

[old] sian
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Post by [old] sian » February 28th, 2005, 4:09 am

sara - yip over here in nz we have ice-free waters all year round! (although in winter its often cold enough i swear there SHOULD be ice- ) <br /> <br />we're in the middle of competition phase at the moment - a month today til nationals - now thats a scarey thought! <br /><br />>sian<

[old] KM_Rower
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Post by [old] KM_Rower » February 28th, 2005, 6:19 pm

I'm a High School rower. I just thought I'd reply.

[old] CrewGal07
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Post by [old] CrewGal07 » February 28th, 2005, 8:15 pm

HEY YALL!!!!!!!!!<br /><br />I LOVE ROWERS!! We really are fab people....with no lives.....but seriously, we really are fabulous. I, personally, (though I maaaayyyy be biased ) think that rowers are the most dedicated, in shape, focused athletes out there. Also....the boys are WAAAYYYYY hot....but the girls are hotter <br /><br />I'm in the process of freaking out right now, I have try-outs on Wednesday afternoon and I am NERRRRRRVOUS!!!! AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!<br /><br />But anyways<br /><br />I LOVE YOU ALL TO PIECES! MWAH <br /><br /><3 Lyd

[old] nfeht
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Post by [old] nfeht » March 1st, 2005, 11:37 pm

im a high school rower for St. Augustine Prep in NJ<br />im a sophmore lightweight<br /><br />—5'8" 140lbs<br /><br />- 2k 7:24.4<br />- 6k 23:18.7<br />- 60min 2:02.2 /500m<br />- 90min 2:07.2 /500m<br />other scores don't remember

[old] gorow9
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Post by [old] gorow9 » March 3rd, 2005, 7:00 pm

Crewgal,<br />A bit of the good ol stuck up rower attitude eh?... lol. I have a tee shirt that says "God created rowing to keep the truely gifted from ruling the world" Anyway good luck with tryouts.<br /><br />
