LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

A member of an indoor rowing team or club? If so, this is the place for you.

Can this one team row to the moon and back?

Poll ended at May 17th, 2008, 12:28 pm

I think we can do it together. I'm all in!
No way! You all are wacko!
Total votes: 54

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by danwho » March 28th, 2016, 8:04 am

About drag factor, I had to follow up on that Rob Waddell story. I had read that story before that he set the WR with a really low DF, and I quoted 99, because I found a reference to that in two articles at the time I was posting. But I don't believe 99. Usually, you think of the 100 being the drag factor with the damper set at 1, so 99 or 100 would be the lowest possible setting. I suppose the drag factor could go lower with a lot of dust inside the fan, but that wouldn't have been true with a machine at the CRASH-B, That 99 value seems wrong to me. I just saw a better post that said his damper setting was at 3.5, and average stroke rate was 33.5. That sounds believable, but that doesn't seem to quite square with this urban legend about a really low drag factor.
And I also saw a corroborating reference to ... ng&f=false.
Regardless of the merits of that drag factor story, the only point I was trying to make when I referenced that story was that one shouldn't directly associate a high drag factor with a high effort (in this case, a World Record effort).

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All In A Day's ERG: Team Progress Thru 3.27.16

Post by Kona2 » March 28th, 2016, 10:55 am

Image 28 Lunies stayin' alive...just FOUR more days to get your 25 Challenge days.....

Rate of vaporization slowing waaaaay down ...kind of like a slow leak with 37 more floating away, about a 3 percent loss...sadly including one Lunie.

Image Lucky 7.....

1 Age Without Limits Virtual 9,834,139m 158 62,241m
2 Free Spirits Virtual 9,373,876m 122 76,835m
3 FRENCH INDOOR ROWERS TEAM Virtual 8,548,559m 162 52,769m
4 Community Fitness Pointe of Munster, In. Health/Fitness 8,246,484m 321 25,690m
5 Overcoming disAbilities Virtual 6,302,460m 18 350,137m
6 Greenville Indoor Rowing Health/Fitness 6,213,254m 168 36,984m
7 LUNA-TICS Virtual 5,308,642m 77 68,943m

MILESTONES...Bragging Rights...Celebrations:

9.55 MM Richard T
8.85 MM Ed
5.9 MM Ron
3.65 MM Thor
900 K Salvador

Image Thanks, everyone, for rowing and ski-erging with us!

NW 2,000 m
Adian 2,467 m
Steve W 2,500 m
Jeff M 3,004 m
K2 5,000 m Image
Peter G 5,000 m Image
Jay R 5,031 m Image
Patrick 5,103 m Image
Dan O' 5,566 m ...a double double! Image
Jim M 5,734 m Image
Noel 6,039 m Image
Minnie 9,009 m ...a niner aught niner palindrome! Image
James S 10,000 m Image
Ken 10,000 m Image
Larry 10,090 m Image
AJ 10,127 m Image
Heather 11,052 m ...numbers are climbing! Image
Thor 11,232 m Image
Howard 11,275 m Image
danwho 12,021 m ...a palindrome! Image
Peter T 13,181 m Image
Chris W 13,253 m Image
Tombeur 14,514 m Image
Ron 21,112 m ...a onesie twosie palindrome! Image
David A 22,177 m Image
Salvador 28,265 m Image
Ed 33,333 m ...a repeater palindrome! Image
Richard T 55,929 mImage

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by Navelgarden » March 28th, 2016, 1:39 pm

danwho wrote:About drag factor, I had to follow up on that Rob Waddell story. I had read that story before that he set the WR with a really low DF, and I quoted 99, because I found a reference to that in two articles at the time I was posting. But I don't believe 99. Usually, you think of the 100 being the drag factor with the damper set at 1, so 99 or 100 would be the lowest possible setting. I suppose the drag factor could go lower with a lot of dust inside the fan, but that wouldn't have been true with a machine at the CRASH-B, That 99 value seems wrong to me. I just saw a better post that said his damper setting was at 3.5, and average stroke rate was 33.5. That sounds believable, but that doesn't seem to quite square with this urban legend about a really low drag factor.
And I also saw a corroborating reference to ... ng&f=false.
Regardless of the merits of that drag factor story, the only point I was trying to make when I referenced that story was that one shouldn't directly associate a high drag factor with a high effort (in this case, a World Record effort).
I appreciate the extra into, danwho. Every bit of info helps. I found the link that Thor gave a couple pages back ( very valuable. It gave damper and drag factor suggestions based on the rowers weight category, and also showed how to find the drag factor reading for the machine you are using as dust etc can make a damper setting of 4 much different between various machines. I'm weighing 164lbs at the moment, and set my damper to 4.5 giving me a drag factor of just under 125. After a couple of rows getting used to it (I had it set at 3.5 before) it feels perfect. Now I'm able to get my heart rate up into the cardio zone during my long distance normal pulls, and into the 80-90% max heart rate range during the "big one" bursts. Shaved 6 minutes off my previous 1/2 marathon time this morning as well. So a big THANK YOU for helpful team mates and shared knowledge. I'd buy a round of (protein) drinks for all if I could.

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by normadelaney » March 28th, 2016, 4:20 pm

Navelgarden wrote:Now I'm able to get my heart rate up into the cardio zone during my long distance normal pulls, and into the 80-90% max heart rate range during the "big one" bursts. Shaved 6 minutes off my previous 1/2 marathon time this morning as well. So a big THANK YOU for helpful team mates and shared knowledge. I'd buy a round of (protein) drinks for all if I could.
Wow--good for you!! Protein drinks? Humph!

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by just27 » March 28th, 2016, 9:26 pm

normadelaney wrote:
Navelgarden wrote: ... I'd buy a round of (protein) drinks for all if I could.
Wow--good for you!! Protein drinks? Humph!
Eloquently stated, Shaun & Co.! I'll see your Humph, and raise you a glass of Chardonnay. Though, I do have recipes for a couple of excellent Gatorade-type energy drinks for those long-haul rows, if anyone's interested. It's been a while since I've needed them ... :(

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by Thor MW » March 28th, 2016, 9:37 pm

Navelgarden wrote:
danwho wrote:About drag factor, I had to follow up on that Rob Waddell story. I had read that story before that he set the WR with a really low DF, and I quoted 99, because I found a reference to that in two articles at the time I was posting. But I don't believe 99. Usually, you think of the 100 being the drag factor with the damper set at 1, so 99 or 100 would be the lowest possible setting. I suppose the drag factor could go lower with a lot of dust inside the fan, but that wouldn't have been true with a machine at the CRASH-B, That 99 value seems wrong to me. I just saw a better post that said his damper setting was at 3.5, and average stroke rate was 33.5. That sounds believable, but that doesn't seem to quite square with this urban legend about a really low drag factor.
And I also saw a corroborating reference to ... ng&f=false.
Regardless of the merits of that drag factor story, the only point I was trying to make when I referenced that story was that one shouldn't directly associate a high drag factor with a high effort (in this case, a World Record effort).
I appreciate the extra into, danwho. Every bit of info helps. I found the link that Thor gave a couple pages back ( very valuable. It gave damper and drag factor suggestions based on the rowers weight category, and also showed how to find the drag factor reading for the machine you are using as dust etc can make a damper setting of 4 much different between various machines. I'm weighing 164lbs at the moment, and set my damper to 4.5 giving me a drag factor of just under 125. After a couple of rows getting used to it (I had it set at 3.5 before) it feels perfect. Now I'm able to get my heart rate up into the cardio zone during my long distance normal pulls, and into the 80-90% max heart rate range during the "big one" bursts. Shaved 6 minutes off my previous 1/2 marathon time this morning as well. So a big THANK YOU for helpful team mates and shared knowledge. I'd buy a round of (protein) drinks for all if I could.
Shaved 6 minutes? Shaved? I'd say you smash 6 minutes off your half moon. I can now see where my hammer went. Very nice job.
I don't understand why but I really like the drag factor set to 150 or so. That is 7 on my machine. My cardio is improving but I still have a long way to go. When my HR gets in to the 165 to 167 range I start to gasp some and I hate that feeling of there not being enough air in the room to breathe. Over 167 and I start to get scared.
Question for anyone who cares to answer it. When I do a big piece and I really worked hard, I sometimes feel like my arms, legs and chest are tingling. Has anyone had this happen or have an explaination for what this is?
Rock on dudes and dudettes.

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He's A Meter Millionaire !!

Post by Kona2 » March 29th, 2016, 11:27 am

ImageImageImage Image

Whoop, whoop and way to get that million meters! Congratulations, Angelo, on achieving a ONE million meter season! We wish you many, MANY more!

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He's A Meter Multi-Millionaire!

Post by Kona2 » March 29th, 2016, 11:36 am

ImageImageImage Image

Wow! What a great year Jeff M is having! Congratulations on achieving a TWO million meter season...and attaining meter multi-millionaire status! Can't get that everywhere!
We wish you many, MANY more millions!

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by Drivetofast » March 29th, 2016, 11:42 am

Congrats to Angelo and Jeff

Oh Gooooooooooo Uconn :D

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Re: He's A Meter Millionaire !!

Post by Thor MW » March 29th, 2016, 11:48 am

Kona2 wrote:ImageImageImage Image

Whoop, whoop and way to get that million meters! Congratulations, Angelo, on achieving a ONE million meter season! We wish you many, MANY more!
Way to rockem Angelo and Jeff!!!

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by Kona2 » March 29th, 2016, 12:42 pm

Image Back to 29 Lunies staying alive! New life breathed into one ! Reminds me to put World War Z on my viewing list....and YOU GUESSED IT...more vaporizations as the space dust accumulates! A mere 21 vanished overnight - we'll see if any reappear tomorrow! Keep going going going --- I think I am going to get my 25th day with today's row...again thanks to Concept2 air shipping me the parts needed...and the West View Rec Center for being there....

Image Still holding at Lucky Seven!

1 FRENCH INDOOR ROWERS TEAM Virtual 10,953,744m 204 53,695m
2 Age Without Limits Virtual 10,944,389m 162 67,558m
3 Free Spirits Virtual 10,150,338m 126 80,558m
4 Community Fitness Pointe of Munster, In. Health/Fitness 8,293,439m 321 25,836m
5 Overcoming disAbilities Virtual 7,099,893m 19 373,679m
6 Greenville Indoor Rowing Health/Fitness 6,940,521m 169 41,068m
7 LUNA-TICS Virtual 5,868,377m 78 75,236m

Image Bikes vs Cars, a movie.

This one is a documentary about the bicycle and what an amazing tool for change it can be. We showed this film at Clancy's Irish Pub (bikes and beer go together!) last night. It's an award-winning film that was released last year - perhaps not for everyone - and it does have subtitles (after having to whisper-read Crouching Tiger to a 6 year old in a movie theater, I note these things now). It's worth the rental price on Vimeo.

And now, for a different "movie" - it's down on the on the'll draw a crowd at the dr's office or at's Springtime!


The bottle-fed one is Tango, and he'll be a pet instead of livestock. His Mom wouldn't feed him, so my farm-owning friends in Oregon are bottle-feeding him.

MILESTONES...Bragging Rights...Celebrations:

9.6 MM Richard T
8.9 MM Ed
3.5 MM Tombeur
2.2 MM Doug G
2.0 MM Jeff M
1.9 MM Janice
1.45 MM K2
1.2 MM Dan O'
1.0 MM Angelo
400 K Teresa R
350 K Peter T
300 K Noel

Image Thanks, everyone, for rowing and ski-erging with us!

Tony 2,222 m ...a palindrome! Two wheels!
Mikkel 4,750 m
Collin 5,000 m Image
Heather 5,000 m Image
Jeff 5,000 m Image
William 5,000 m Image
Teresa R 5,016 m Image
K2 5,059 m Image
Kevin 5,074 m Image
Jean M 5,097 m Image
David T 6,000 m Image
Rick 6,302 m Image
Tom R 6,641 m Image
Ken G 7,000 m Image
Jim M 7,418 m Image
Jay R 8,049 m Image
Dan O' 8,412 m Image
Jeff M 9,047 m Image
Patrick 10,000 m Image
Steve W 10,000 m Image
Stuart 10,000 m Image
Terry B 10,000 m Image
bg 10,021 m Image
David A 10,152 m Image
Larry 10,221 m Image
Howard 11,151 m Image
Doug 12,184 m Image
Noel 12,199 m Image
Janice 14,559 m Image
Ron 22,222 m ...a palindrome! Image
Tombeur 24,157 m Image
Peter T 26,118 m Image
Thor 27,095 m Image
Ed 33,333 m ...a palindrome in threes! Image
Richard T 49,595 m Image
Angelo 77,227 m ...and he reaches ONE million!Image

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by normadelaney » March 29th, 2016, 12:56 pm

Congratulations, Jeff and Angelo--well done!!

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by Drivetofast » March 29th, 2016, 1:17 pm

My computer says that the photo or image has been deleted by owner Ok got it thanks

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by danwho » March 29th, 2016, 8:08 pm

One lump or two? ... both, actually.
Congratulations, Jeff and Angelo ! !!
And to all the Lunies still playing in the Mad Tea Party.

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Muddy Girl

Post by Thor MW » March 30th, 2016, 10:47 am

Not snow, nor rain, nor sun or even broken erg can stop our fearless leader.
I just happened to notice that our very own K2 got her 25 days in. Ya K2. Now go wash them feets.
I never did figure out how to sort so I can see all the Lunes. A big way to go to all that completed it at whatever level you chose. There is still one more day for the drawing and to get the 25 days in.
Have fun and rock on.

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