LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

A member of an indoor rowing team or club? If so, this is the place for you.

Can this one team row to the moon and back?

Poll ended at May 17th, 2008, 12:28 pm

I think we can do it together. I'm all in!
No way! You all are wacko!
Total votes: 54

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FIVE Million Lifetime Meters!!

Post by Kona2 » March 18th, 2016, 3:58 pm

normadelaney wrote:Today's row carried me past 5 million lifetime meters. Gee, it's less than some folks row in a single season. In the spirit of David A.'s circumnavigation, I looked to see how far 5 MM meters would get me from NJ. Sadly, only to the West coast or, in the other direction, a few miles off the coast of Ireland

ImageImageImage Image

Whoop, whoop and way to go Norma! That's definitely a milestone to dance about so Shaun and his flock are doing the flock dance for you! Congratulations! We wish you MANY MANY more millions!

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All In A Day's ERG: Team Progress Thru 3.17.16

Post by Kona2 » March 18th, 2016, 4:49 pm

Image 34 Lunies stayin' alive!!

And, you guessed it! Vaporizations CONTINUE off the Progress Board with another 185 vanishing into virtual thin air. Lunies seem to be stabilizing around 34 for the third day running and no one wants to give it up! That's the way to play it, uh-huh uh-huh...

Image Day 4 of 32....and we're still standin!

1 Free Spirits Virtual 2,245,918m 93 24,150m
2 Age Without Limits Virtual 2,063,615m 110 18,760m
3 Overcoming disAbilities Virtual 1,978,201m 20 98,910m
4 Greenville Indoor Rowing Health/Fitness 1,926,735m 165 11,677m
5 FRENCH INDOOR ROWERS TEAM Virtual 1,797,820m 93 19,331m
6 RowPro Team Virtual 1,243,037m 54 23,019m
7 LUNA-TICS Virtual 1,139,144m 62 18,373m

Meanwhile, it's Springtime in the Rockies and we are reminded mightily that March is the snowiest month. Yep, six to eight slushy snow inches throughout the neighborhood and it was the kind that is brutal to shovel. Today's rowing session is going to be sloooooow.

MILESTONES...Bragging Rights...Celebrations:

5.0 MM Lifetime Meters Norma
2.96 MM Norma (a two-fer)
1.15 MM Dan O'
1.1 MM William H
250 K Virginia

Image Thanks, everyone, for rowing and ski-erging with us!

Tony 1,111 m ...onesies palindrome!
Steve W 2,543 m
Patrick 3,030 m ...a double double or fair vision
Ian 4,003 m
Jim M 5,022 m Image
Bernie 5,024 m Image
Chris W 5,027 m Image
Jean M 5,282 m Image
K2 5,555 m ...high fives palindrome Image
Janice 5,783 m Image
Peter 6,101 mImage
Rick 6,325 m Image
David T 6,500 m Image
John B 6,681 m Image
Teresa R 7,020 m Image
Noel 8,038 m Image
Jay R 8,071 m Image
Ken G 10,000 m Image
Ross 10,000 m Image
Steve G 10,000 m Image
Virginia 10,000 m Image
William H 10,000 m Image
Ed 10,001 m ....a palindrome! Image
Larry 10,081 m Image
Jeff D 10,303 m Image
Dan O' 10,553 m Image
Stefan 11,011 m ..a double aught double palindrome! Image
Howard 11,268 m Image
David A 11,425 m Image
EV 12,701 m Image
Tombeur 14,018 m Image
Thor 14,055 m Image
Ron 21,721 m ...a double seven double Image
Norma 22,222 m ...a biggie twosie palindrome! Image
bg 25,610 m Image
Last edited by Kona2 on March 18th, 2016, 4:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by Navelgarden » March 18th, 2016, 4:51 pm

Thor MW wrote:
normadelaney wrote:Today's row carried me past 5 million lifetime meters. Gee, it's less than some folks row in a single season. In the spirit of David A.'s circumnavigation, I looked to see how far 5 MM meters would get me from NJ. Sadly, only to the West coast or, in the other direction, a few miles off the coast of Ireland
Good for you Norma. As you know you are one of my heros. As such I will be hitting the big 5 million lifetime meters in 5 days or so now. Don't forget to order your long sleeve t-shirt. Oh, and get your certificate. Gotta have that. Grin. I haven't miss one certificate this season. That is my first. Well this is my first full season rowing so that does help.
I plan on seeing my name on the Mud Madness winners list. I'd love to win some of their clothes. Shorts would be good.
Have fun and rock on.
You guys are amazing. So much inspiration from the members here.
Welcome to the new newbies, and congrats to those celebrating their milestones!!

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by HeathM » March 18th, 2016, 6:50 pm

normadelaney wrote:Today's row carried me past 5 million lifetime meters. Gee, it's less than some folks row in a single season. In the spirit of David A.'s circumnavigation, I looked to see how far 5 MM meters would get me from NJ. Sadly, only to the West coast or, in the other direction, a few miles off the coast of Ireland
WOOHOO! Congrats!! :)

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Re: FIVE Million Lifetime Meters!!

Post by danwho » March 18th, 2016, 7:34 pm

Kona2 wrote:
normadelaney wrote:Today's row carried me past 5 million lifetime meters. Gee, it's less than some folks row in a single season. In the spirit of David A.'s circumnavigation, I looked to see how far 5 MM meters would get me from NJ. Sadly, only to the West coast or, in the other direction, a few miles off the coast of Ireland

ImageImageImage Image

Whoop, whoop and way to go Norma! That's definitely a milestone to dance about so Shaun and his flock are doing the flock dance for you! Congratulations! We wish you MANY MANY more millions!
Congratulations Norma !!!!!
Just a few Guinnesses off the coast of Ireland, and after you finish those, I think another Shaun the Sheep Flock Dance will be in order.

And I want to add my welcome to Heather and Noel !!

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Re: FIVE Million Lifetime Meters!!

Post by Edscapade » March 18th, 2016, 10:07 pm

Kona2 wrote:
normadelaney wrote:Today's row carried me past 5 million lifetime meters. Gee, it's less than some folks row in a single season. In the spirit of David A.'s circumnavigation, I looked to see how far 5 MM meters would get me from NJ. Sadly, only to the West coast or, in the other direction, a few miles off the coast of Ireland

ImageImageImage Image

Whoop, whoop and way to go Norma! That's definitely a milestone to dance about so Shaun and his flock are doing the flock dance for you! Congratulations! We wish you MANY MANY more millions!
Congratulations Norma well done!!! I'm in I'll do the flock dance with yah.
Good luck towards your next million and whatever other goals you have set...
Happy rowing,

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He's A Meter Multi-Millionaire! AGAIN !

Post by Kona2 » March 19th, 2016, 10:01 am

ImageImageImage Image

Whoop, whoop and way to be a WORLD traveler! David A's been adding to his meter stockpile for a number of years - and has already encircled the Earth once....he's on his way through the stratosphere now! Congratulations, David, on yet another MILLION for the season! We wish you many, MANY more!

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Re: He's A Meter Multi-Millionaire! AGAIN !

Post by HeathM » March 19th, 2016, 10:20 am

Kona2 wrote:ImageImageImage Image

Whoop, whoop and way to be a WORLD traveler! David A's been adding to his meter stockpile for a number of years - and has already encircled the Earth once....he's on his way through the stratosphere now! Congratulations, David, on yet another MILLION for the season! We wish you many, MANY more!
Wow! Congrats, David A!!

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Re: He's A Meter Multi-Millionaire! AGAIN !

Post by normadelaney » March 19th, 2016, 10:24 am

Kona2 wrote:ImageImageImage Image

Whoop, whoop and way to be a WORLD traveler! David A's been adding to his meter stockpile for a number of years - and has already encircled the Earth once....he's on his way through the stratosphere now! Congratulations, David, on yet another MILLION for the season! We wish you many, MANY more!
Way to row, David!! Congratulations!

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All In A Day's ERG: Team Progress Thru 3.18.16

Post by Kona2 » March 19th, 2016, 10:29 am

Image 34 Lunies STILL stayin' alive!

Hahaha! We have clearly set a marker in the virtual ground that says you shall not pass....and 34 Lunies are resisting the pull of gravity to stay alive in the Mud Season Challenge! Of course, we have at least FIVE teammates who have met the required meter amounts EVERY day of the Challenge....impressive! Meanwhile, you guessed it...MORE vaporizations have occurred off the Progress Board overall. Another 207 virtual participants vanished without a trace!

Image We're still lucky number 7!
1 Free Spirits Virtual 2,679,713m 94 28,508m
2 Overcoming disAbilities Virtual 2,444,093m 20 122,205m
3 Age Without Limits Virtual 2,422,725m 116 20,886m
4 FRENCH INDOOR ROWERS TEAM Virtual 2,022,526m 95 21,290m
5 Greenville Indoor Rowing Health/Fitness 1,940,272m 165 11,759m
6 RowPro Team Virtual 1,436,027m 55 26,110m
7 LUNA-TICS Virtual 1,363,401m 63 21,641m

MILESTONES...Bragging Rights....Celebrations:

5.7 MM Ron
3.0 MM David A
1.95 MM Jeff M
1.7 MM Larry
1.4 MM K2
900 K Angelo - great meter update!
800 K Salvador
350 K Kristine

Image Thanks, everyone, for rowing and ski-erging with us! So MANY inspiring stories!

Jay R 2,024 m
Dan O' 3,000 m
Jeff M 3,020 m
Patrick 3,111 m
Julian 4,013 m
Jim M 5,000 m Image
Bernie 5,077 m Image
K2 5,965 m Image
David T 6,000 m Image
Noel 6,046 m Image
Chris W 6,051 m Image
Nathan 6,505 m Image
Jean M 6,612 m Image
Douig G 7,578 m Image
Ken G 10,000 m Image
Larry 10,046 m Image
Kevin 10,130 m Image
David A 10,154 m Image
Heather 10,630 m Image
Stefan 11,011 m ...a double aught double palindrome! Image
Kristine 17,845 m Image
Salvador 20,024 m Image
Ron 21,212 m ...a onesie twosie palindrome! Image
Ben 29,034 m Image
Angelo 105,375 m Image

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Re: He's A Meter Multi-Millionaire! AGAIN !

Post by danwho » March 19th, 2016, 10:52 am

Kona2 wrote:ImageImageImage Image

Whoop, whoop and way to be a WORLD traveler! David A's been adding to his meter stockpile for a number of years - and has already encircled the Earth once....he's on his way through the stratosphere now! Congratulations, David, on yet another MILLION for the season! We wish you many, MANY more!
Congratulations, David !!!
I'm ready to play a little
Where in the World is David A?


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Re: He's A Meter Multi-Millionaire! AGAIN !

Post by Thor MW » March 19th, 2016, 6:23 pm

danwho wrote:
Kona2 wrote:ImageImageImage Image

Whoop, whoop and way to be a WORLD traveler! David A's been adding to his meter stockpile for a number of years - and has already encircled the Earth once....he's on his way through the stratosphere now! Congratulations, David, on yet another MILLION for the season! We wish you many, MANY more!
Congratulations, David !!!
I'm ready to play a little
Where in the World is David A?

Now there's a rocker folks. 66 million in the big bank. Wow!
Questions David, what model did you have in 1994? How many models did you have?
I was at a gym that had a very old C2. I believe it was a model B. It still worked but it was pretty rough. The foot plates weren't adjustable and I think the handle was sort of nasty too. Grin. Folks if your first model is a D you are spoiled.
Unreal David. Keep on rock'n.

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by dag1 » March 19th, 2016, 7:39 pm

[URL= ... .jpg[/img]Congrats to David and Norma, Awesome job!.....The pic is of Trio, He loved drinking all the water out of the bird bath. We had to send him off to dog heaven last week, an incredibly tough thing to do, but their short lives pack a lot of joy and fun into our world.
Great job to all on the challenges, I've been backing off a little, doing a few remodeling projects on the house so things are in dissarray. I will try and make the most of whatever time I can get on the erg. Happy and healthy rowing to all.
Doug G

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by Thor MW » March 19th, 2016, 7:58 pm

dag1 wrote:[URL= ... .jpg[/img]Congrats to David and Norma, Awesome job!.....The pic is of Trio, He loved drinking all the water out of the bird bath. We had to send him off to dog heaven last week, an incredibly tough thing to do, but their short lives pack a lot of joy and fun into our world.
Great job to all on the challenges, I've been backing off a little, doing a few remodeling projects on the house so things are in dissarray. I will try and make the most of whatever time I can get on the erg. Happy and healthy rowing to all.
"their short lives pack a lot of joy and fun into our world."
That is beautiful and so fitting. I'll not forget that. Hugs to you and your family.

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by kgallagher » March 19th, 2016, 9:16 pm

I just wanted to say hello to all my fellow Loonies! This year, I opted not to do the March Madness (old habits die hard)...Mud Season Challenge. It is odd not erging almost all of March, but I am surviving. I decided not to do this for two reasons. 1) I am a morning exerciser. I have been doing more weight training (light weights) and trying to run (actually jog) a little more. I don't have time to do that and erg in the mornings, so I decided to pass on the erg this month. 2) Last year when I went to do my spring 2k pieces, I was slower than expected. I think I became complacent with my steady state workouts over the winter. (I usually do the Holiday Challenge, JVTC, Valentine's Challenge, and March Madness.) I don't often do workouts for speed and intensity in the winter. Most of the workouts are at a light to medium steady state pressure. I decided to give myself some time off the erg in March and to change up my workouts to see if in April when my coach asks us to do a 2k test piece I can do better. Hopefully it will work.

When I'm not erging, I don't check the forum as often. Glad to see so many of you are still in the game! Keep it up!

Congrats to AJ on your success and everyone else on their accomplishments.

Happy Belated St. Patrick's Day!


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