mwalsh wrote:markinnb wrote:In your opinion is everything too expensive ? or is it just used C2 ergs?
from your opening post: how is it that some of us may know that you are a skinflint.?
It depends. Some things are priced right; some things are overpriced (IMO); some things are undervalued - the value of my car, for example, has dropped like a stone since I bought it 5 years ago (worth only 25% of it's price new).
I'm not a skinflint, just going through an extraordinarily difficult time financially right now. If my circumstances had been what they normally are, I would have had no hesitation in buying new.
Actually, that's only partially true - I might have been a bit hesitant until I'd found out if erging was really for me. The only erg I'd been on prior to getting my C was the broke down D at my gym, and that has hardly been an inspiring experience (although I grabbed the tech while he was there on Friday and asked him directly if he had a repair order for it). But now I've got my C at home and really like it I have a sneaking suspicion that if/when I come to upgrade it'll be to a brand new C2, probably a Model E with its slightly higher stance (for my DW's sake).
with this answer, you have just rendered your original question as being pointless. you understand things well enough to have figured it out on your own.
When people are buying, many tend to moan at the alleged high prices and begrudge the sellers any right to make a profit. the buyers tend to want to determine what is fair and what is not fair. to the buyer- a low to zero profit is fair. lol.
when that buyer turns around to become a seller- then their thoughts on the matter often changes. they suddenly value THEIR possessions at a much higher $ amount that what others may find reasonable. or what the market valuation of the item happens to be.
A person can take great care of their car and do all the right things but it depreciates the moment it is taken off the floor/ out the driveway.
Some cars depreciate less than others. perhaps a BMW depreciates less than a Ford. both cars go from A to B.
if a person wants to buy a car that is known to depreciate less, then they can't compare that car price to one that depreciates a lot.
not saying that you did this but many people do such things: make wrong comparisons that always appear to be in their favor.
that said, your comment on YOUR OWN car has it that the market value of it is too low as you use it as an example of an item that , in your opinion, is undervalued.
if you were buying a used car of similar make & year & condition- you wouldn't want to buy any more than market value.
So you see the trouble with how you are viewing things: if it is yours, then it's worth more than what others value it. if it's someone else's and you want it, it's worth less.
There's always one or two people who sell things for next to nothing , even paying shipping on the item , which then incurs a loss- purely due to the fact that they don't think that it's fair to make money . that is their choice.
Bliss is when the moaning buyers meet up with these generous sellers.
not all C2 ergs of the same age will be priced at the same 'used price ". you have to consider a number of things. the meterage on it, the type and usage it got- maybe there is a difference in a c2 from a crossfit box, or cbx having high level competitors as opposed to a gym catering to those who do lighter less intense workouts.
C2 ergs tend to hold their value since so few fall apart. ( not the only reason for their holding value -)
They do break down and things must be replaced but it is a rare thing that the breakdowns be catastrophic.
There are c2 techs on here who have commented on such things.