G-dub wrote:Rested yesterday.
I'm playing around with "power intervals" (I guess that is what you would call them). I figure that if I can go harder than my normal 9ish w/s it will make that feel easier or I will have to use less effort?! Sort of like hill repeats running or on the bike. Anyway, today I settled on into 18r and did 2K/1.5K/1K/.5K. I increased the pace each time from 2:02/2:00/1:59/1:57. My HR got into TR zone each time, so there was some work there and it was 5K of it (the way my cool down felt said I had gotten enough too). Rest was about 2' but I was also making sure I got down to 105/106 before I went again. I'll now follow Chris advice and put some space between this and next speed interval session
thats the way those powerhorses like Paul train... hard work, well done!
Going to finish today with a visit to the all night sauna event with the wife, it's just down town and they serve wheat beer
On a sidenote, I bought some fat scales..
Since July I'm down to 95kg and 13% body fat if the can be trusted...guess rowing can't be all that bad for you....