PM2 > $150

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PM2 > $150

Post by bcjm » January 7th, 2016, 2:40 pm

I am looking to buy an old PM for my model B. I see couple of PM2 sold for > $150 on ebay. Is there a reason why they cost more than a new PM5?

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Re: PM2 > $150

Post by Edward4492 » January 7th, 2016, 3:29 pm

Not sure why anyone in the States would even remotely consider spending more than a few token bucks on a PM2. The only monitor C2 sells now is the PM5, be carefull because the new ones are dedicated for the Model C or the D/E. The PM2 hasn't been made for a long time, if you're buying one it's near the end of it's life cycle.

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Re: PM2 > $150

Post by bcjm » January 7th, 2016, 4:08 pm

A new PM5 retrofit for model B is $180. That is why I don't understand why people pay that much $ for a used PM2.

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Re: PM2 > $150

Post by Carl Watts » January 7th, 2016, 5:18 pm

Price wise thats about the same percentage difference that people try and get for 10 year old rowers as well.

Don't bother, buy a new PM5 retrofit kit. Even if its a mint Version 2.3 of the PM2 monitor its probably not worth it.

Some of those PM2's now date back to 1996, older versions include the V1.6, V1.7, V2.0 and V2.1 printed inside the battery area on the board.

You can ask what version it is. The real early one had no version information printed on the board and you don't want one of those.

The version 2.3 had all the gold plated button contacts and LCD contacts (instead of the carbon) and also did away with the most unreliable part on the board. It was a very nice and extremely reliable monitor as long as the batteries were not left to leak in it.
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Re: PM2 > $150

Post by bcjm » January 7th, 2016, 5:30 pm

I bought the Model B for $130. I am hesitate to pay another $180 for a PM. Should I just go buy a new model D?

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Re: PM2 > $150

Post by markinnb » January 15th, 2016, 8:26 am

bcjm wrote:I bought the Model B for $130. I am hesitate to pay another $180 for a PM. Should I just go buy a new model D?
short answer: yes. go get a new model D with the PM5.
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Re: PM2 > $150

Post by markinnb » January 15th, 2016, 8:31 am

Carl / Edward explained the reasons for the pricing/reasons to avoid buying: supply, demand, condition , end of life issues and whatever else.
look at functionality and what you are trying to accomplish as opposed to exclusively the price of something.
the PM5 is the best model but it does come at a cost . I am still wondering if I should upgrade to a PM5.
At the moment, my training is focused on issues that do not require the PM5. So I don't.
with no monitor, you will still get a good workout- buy that garmin HM , get a good clock with an easily seen second hand, put that on the wall behind & above the flywheel, figure out the drag factor and rating that is best for you then give it a go.
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Re: PM2 > $150

Post by thecrashton » January 16th, 2016, 10:43 am

Although I agree that a new PM5 is the way to go (if you really like your Model B then there is no point upgrading the entire machine? is that even an option?), I can understand why people might pay money for a PM2.

Example given I just sold my PM2 on eBay for $130.00 CAD after shipping a few weeks ago. Let's remember now that the exchange rate means that my buyer in Florida was only paying about $80 for the PM2 itself and then some shipping cost. From what I understand, he repairs fitness equipment, so likely had a customer who LIKED and/or PREFERRED their PM2 or simply was not interested in the $180 USD plus shipping for a new PM5. I've heard a lot of crossfitters say that they prefer the PM2's display options and button-press functions over the PM5s menu system.

So there's reasons for sure, maybe not $150USD reasons because at that point we're just about at the cost of a PM5, but if it's been well kept they've still got some life left in them. For the older models it was just people putting cheap batteries in and since the batteries would last FOREVER they eventiually leaked and one of the MAJOR design flaws of the PM2 was that the circuit board was placed directly beneath the battery housing.

My recommendation is if you can't find a PM2 for $50 and don't have any reason to not like the PM5, then just go with the 5. It's an awesome piece of technology.
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Re: PM2 > $150

Post by Citroen » January 16th, 2016, 11:56 am

thecrashton wrote: My recommendation is if you can't find a PM2 for $50 and don't have any reason to not like the PM5, then just go with the 5. It's an awesome piece of technology.
I'm not sure a second hand PM2 is even worth $50. There's so many additional features in a PM3/PM4 or PM5. The PM5's $180 retail price is reasonable, but if you're on a budget you should be looking at used PM3s or PM4s for no more than $100.

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Re: PM2 > $150

Post by phigolio » January 16th, 2016, 5:12 pm

In my opinion no one should pay more than they feel it's worth, which will depend on their situation. I just sold a PM2 for $50 shipped. Minus $6 for shipping, minus $24 for an included bracket (my cost new and shipped from c2), puts the value of the working PM2 I sold down to $20. I was happy to send it to a new owner who will put it to use and I now have $20 to throw at a new PM5. I was not comfortable setting a price for the monitor so the buyer made me an offer which I feel was fair.

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Re: PM2 > $150

Post by thecrashton » January 16th, 2016, 9:29 pm

Just to clarify I did not set the price on my PM2. I put it on eBay with NO reserve, and it received a total of 14 bids in 5 days up to the total of $103 plus $29 shipping which was the quoted cost for Canada post to florida :) the demand was high!
Age: 31 Weight: 97.5kg Height: 200cm

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