A member of an indoor rowing team or club? If so, this is the place for you.
Thor MW
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by Thor MW » December 28th, 2015, 10:23 pm
Calamity wrote:Guinan is here - logging in the check on drink orders. If no one else has volunteered, i am up for it. So post or PM me with you drink requests and I will serve them up New Years Eve
Hello Guinan I would enjoy a whole lot of banana drinks with real fruit. Also a nice big hot fudge sunday, Thank you BG.
Thank you for listening.
- 2k Poster
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by Edscapade » December 28th, 2015, 10:31 pm
Calamity wrote:Guinan is here - logging in the check on drink orders. If no one else has volunteered, i am up for it. So post or PM me with you drink requests and I will serve them up New Years Eve
Thanks for volunteering! I will be drinking Long Island Ice Tea
Thanks again,
- 6k Poster
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by normadelaney » December 28th, 2015, 11:38 pm
Calamity wrote:Guinan is here - logging in the check on drink orders. If no one else has volunteered, i am up for it. So post or PM me with you drink requests and I will serve them up New Years Eve
Thank you, Guinan. I'd like a KGB coffee (Kahlua, Grand Marnier, Bailey's) and then champagne at midnight.
Kristine Strasburger
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by Kristine Strasburger » December 28th, 2015, 11:39 pm
Woo hoo, Guinan, Thanks for volunteering your most excellent mixing skills once again! I presume that you have read the back posts, and recorded my double Mud slid. I will bring a pan of my made from scratch dark chocolate mint cream cheese brownies to share.
Thor MW
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by Thor MW » December 29th, 2015, 8:33 am
my made from scratch dark chocolate mint cream cheese brownies to share.
Oh Kristine, I don't think I've ever had anything like that, ever! I'm thinking 2 pans are going to be needed at least. One pan for Thor and one for everyone else. haha.
Have fun.
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- Location: Denver, CO
by Kona2 » December 29th, 2015, 11:31 am
Starts Friday with the calendar New Year ! Sign up...sign up..sign up!
So - how do you sign up for the January Virtual Team Challenge? When in your shiny new logbook, scroll over to the tab that says teams. You can add yourself by clicking on the join the challenge link that is in the Virtual Team Challenge box. We're an open team, and no "permission" is needed to join the team challenges. We don't require set goals, or that you list your erg driving license. Sure, we like to place in the top ten finishers...but we're not going to obsess about it much...well, not TOO much.
Rowing by candlelight ?! That ranks right up there with rowing by headlamp! Way to get it done, Kristine! Congratulations to all our milestone makers - and thanks to danwho for stepping in to fill in some of the unanticipated gaps my travel created. Was good to get back to my rowing yesterday!
Giving the Lunie herd a chance to get all the meters in for the Holiday Challenge. Final day to enter meters is 4 January. I'm astonished that the Concept2 community (which grew a LOT) has not tipped over the $30K milestone that was set for charity donations. Incredible! Still, there are a few days left for meter entry...we can hope for the best, and plan a different strategy for next year.
MILESTONES....Bragging RIghts....Celebrations:
6.0 MM Ed
4.15 MM Ron
4.15 MM bg
2.25 MM David A
1.55 MM Stefan
1.4 MM David T
700 K Stuart
550 K Ted C-G
300 K Kevin
200 K Mary O
50 K David Wh
Thanks, everyone, for rowing and ski-erging with us!
Kristine 1,000 m
David Wh 3,000 m

m ...a starry palindrome!
Ian B 4,463 m
Teresa G 5,244 m

m ...another starry palindrome!
Teresa R 5,816 m

m ..a palindrome!
...odds are that it's a countdown!
Steve W 8,760 m

m ...a palindrome!
David W (AZ) 10,000 m
Janice 10,000 m
K2 10,000 m
Paul 10,000 m
Robert H 10,000 m
Greg H 10,003 m

m ...a starry palindrome with a bit of hiphop!
Tristan 12,000 m

m ...a palindrome!
Ted 17,000 m
David T 18,000 m
Mary O 22,265 m
Jeff M 23,209 m
Tombeur 23,741 m
Danwho 25,042 m
bg 25,142 m
Kevin 25,406 m
David A 33,970 m
Stuart 37,458 m
Stefan 43,268 m
Ron 43,319 m
Ed 67,247 m
Kristine Strasburger
- 10k Poster
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- Joined: December 18th, 2007, 5:46 pm
- Location: Central Nebraska
by Kristine Strasburger » December 29th, 2015, 3:05 pm
Kona2 wrote:

Whoop, whoop and way to travel at light speed! Congratulations, Ed, on achieving a SIX million meter erging season! We wish you many, MANY more!
Wow, Ed, that's a lot of meters! Way to row!
And glad to see you made it home safe and sound, K2!
And Thor, it just doesn't seem right that you should go through life not having tasted those brownies. PM me your mailing address, and I'll have to see what I can do to fix that. No promises on time frame, but maybe the end of the January challenge would be good timing.
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- Location: somerville, ma
- 10k Poster
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- Joined: January 5th, 2008, 3:21 am
- Location: Fair Oaks, CA
by just27 » December 29th, 2015, 8:02 pm
Kristine Strasburger wrote:
And Thor, it just doesn't seem right that you should go through life not having tasted those brownies. PM me your mailing address, and I'll have to see what I can do to fix that. ...
Or, you could please post that brownie recipe right here on the forum; sounds really good!
- Marathon Poster
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- Joined: December 29th, 2007, 12:11 pm
- Location: Denver, CO
by Kona2 » December 29th, 2015, 11:41 pm
just27 wrote:Kristine Strasburger wrote:
And Thor, it just doesn't seem right that you should go through life not having tasted those brownies. PM me your mailing address, and I'll have to see what I can do to fix that. ...
Or, you could please post that brownie recipe right here on the forum; sounds really good!
So true!
- Half Marathon Poster
- Posts: 2785
- Joined: January 5th, 2008, 12:23 am
- Location: somerville, ma
by bg » December 30th, 2015, 2:42 pm
thor....i'll make sure you get a huge sunday :] and captain k,those brownies sound great :} btw...i can post my meters again 
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- Location: Denver, CO
by Kona2 » December 30th, 2015, 4:32 pm
Tomorrow is going to be a big WHOOOSH....for end of month and end of year!
Quadrantid Meteor Shower, the first of the year, is predicted for pre-dawn on Monday, 4 January, subject to galactic whims. Fifty to 100 meteors per hour - might be worth getting up just a bit early!
MILESTONES...Bragging Rights...Celebrations:
6.05 MM Ed
4.2 MM Ron
3.35 MM Jay
950 K Ken G
950 K K2
900 K Steve W
200 K Robert H
Thanks, everyone, for rowing and ski-erging with us!

m ...a palindrome!
Jeff D 5,037 m
Teresa R 5,728 m
Jonathan 6,507 m

m .. a lucky seven palindrome!
Jeff G 8,007 m

m ...a starry palindrome!
...evens! A countdown!
David T 10,000 m
Kevin 10,000 m
Greg H 10,005 m
Jeff M 10,044 m
Jim 10,109 m
Todd 10,565 m
Tombeur 11,237 m
Steve W 12,192 m

m ...a onesie twosie palindrome!

m ...a palindrome!
Stuart `13,374 m
Janice 15,106 m
David A 15,286 m
Ron 21,097 m ...he moons us!
Robert H 25,000 m

m ...a palindrome!
Jay 31,712 m
Ken G 40,000 m