Slidewinder wrote:Yes, an oar is straight, but the action isn't. A sweep oar handle moves through an arc. Sculling oar handles move through two arcs. The C2 stock handle does neither, so the enabled user movement replicates neither a sculling nor a sweep action. With Silkybeard's modification, and similar others, the enabled user movement is, as I stated, closer to sculling than that enabled by the C2 stock handle. From past posts you may recall that I also replaced the C2 stock handle on my Model D. I added some structure to the Silkybeard concept, which adds a sculling-related angular progression to the stroke, and also maintains a bio-mechanically correct alignment of the hands, wrists and forearms with the direction of applied force throughout the stroke. To refresh your memory, see my short YouTube video, "Slidewinder on the Water".
Is the concept2 perfect, no certainly not, but it gives both scullers and boardrowers a good way to train, the two most important aspects, the leg and backmovement are trained pretty well.
Most users will have no trouble with the handle, blisters excluded. For people who do have trouble with the handle stuff like you like to do can be usefull. But those people have trouble anyway. The wrists are if one has a good technique hardly used. One should not overly bend the wrists and also should we not pull hard on the last part of the stroke.
So again, for a small group of users modifications certainly can be usefull, but that is a nicegroup.
But for most, the current erg is fine, cheap, strong and will not give much trouble.