Thx Shawn
The first rule of HFLC is we are not supposed to talk about it, apparently
Well I took hjs's initial advice offered as a trial run (and others) a month ago and a BIG thanks is in order, at least in the short term!
hjs wrote:Low carb high fat is the best route for people with sugar problems. Teach your body to use fat instead of carbs.
Search for ketonic diets.
I'm obviously still very diabetic, but my bgl's are much more in check and manageable (significantly so I would state). I still require my insulins, but less, maybe 25% as it stands now is a good average, despite packing in more calories/day! Actually its a struggle to get more cals in cause I am full, so have backed off a little. I used to be starving all the time.
After 2 years or so of self dis-interest (as indicated in my first post) I had zero control, even when trying to revert. I acknowledge this is my fault and in the process made it worse.
Never the less, in my humble opinion just from my own singular experience, more emphasis needs to be directed to this sort of eating plan for people like me, more so than the traditional just forget sugar and eat less carbs. It's not nearly a strong enough message!
Obesity is nowhere near my issue, I'm hovering just above a lite weight.
Jag mentioned LADA (thx), I have a sneaky suspicion I might be there, but reduced carbs is certainly helping my cause. Time will tell in Feb.
I'm also checking my ketone levels on and off with the urine strips (not highly accurate but a gauge nonetheless). Certainly in the keto range, not DKA, sometimes it drifts out to normal if I check after exercise, not sure why?
My cal intake daily now is comprised of less than 5% carbs. I have not felt any worse coming off much higher carbs, apart from a bout of flu going round the office.
Also taking a multi vitamin daily for good measure.
I have had a few wobbly low bgl's along the way which I am (i think) starting to understand, some days the insulin seems to be more effective than others, but getting there. Not an issue as long as I don't overdo the dose at night.
So in short its working for me from a diabetes perspective.
I still row like a granny though, but working on that too.