Team boat slide?

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Team boat slide?

Post by bodya » November 18th, 2015, 2:57 pm

Hello folks, I have a question about team boat slide, although I am not sure how many (if any) of you are familiar with the setup.

I am an owner of Model D, and my wife and me are entertaining the idea of working out together by buying second Model D and using slides to join the rowers. The whole setup can be seen here:

Now the question: the difference in rowing performance between me and my wife is quite extensive... So, since I have never rowed on a real boat with other people, nor this particular team boat slide, how such difference would translate to work out quality for the both of us?

Bob S.
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Re: Team boat slide?

Post by Bob S. » November 18th, 2015, 11:46 pm

bodya wrote:Hello folks, I have a question about team boat slide, although I am not sure how many (if any) of you are familiar with the setup.

I am an owner of Model D, and my wife and me are entertaining the idea of working out together by buying second Model D and using slides to join the rowers. The whole setup can be seen here:

Now the question: the difference in rowing performance between me and my wife is quite extensive... So, since I have never rowed on a real boat with other people, nor this particular team boat slide, how such difference would translate to work out quality for the both of us?
The one obvious item is that you have to have the same stroke. Beyond that, I think your best bet would be to email C2 and ask. They have no doubt experimented a lot with it and would have uncovered any problems. I strongly suspect that most of the others that have used this system are OTW teams for winter practice. Few of them would be likely to use this forum.

Bob S.

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Re: Team boat slide?

Post by jamesg » November 19th, 2015, 2:14 am

I think the main purpose of coupled ergs on slides is to get people from the same crew rowing together, so that when they go afloat after months of erg they haven't branched off into different styles of rowing. Also, crews will be at the same stage of the same training plan, must all be available to row at the same time, and are selected to avoid too much size and performance difference.

Not much of this applies in your case. Indeed a major point in favor of the standalone erg is that we can all row exactly how, when and what we like.

That said as they say, ergs on slides differ substantially from shorebound machines coupled to the mass of the Earth, and you may not like the difference involved in rowing in free space. So the first step is to get a pair of sides and see if you can live with it. Once learnt how, it's much better than shoving our entire mass back and forth.
08-1940, 179cm, 83kg.

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