This IS it,...the last chain pull day of the Challenge!
The standings as of oh-dark-thirty in the Rocky Mountains are listed below...we'll see if we have a large meter entry late in the game from any of the could happen!
1 FRENCH INDOOR ROWERS TEAM Virtual Club 25,269,411 205 123,265
2 Age Without Limits Virtual Club 19,824,988 151 131,291
3 ANCIENTS Virtual Club 15,469,322 46 336,290
4 LUNA-TICS Virtual Club 15,224,286 79 192,712 Well done, Lunies! You are amazing!
5 Free Spirits Virtual Club 14,489,457 107 135,415
6 Greenville Indoor Rowing Health Club 14,398,423 147 97,948
Baz, as usual, has thrown a casual statement out there "am planning a day off tomorrow to do a 55 k walk in the hills" that begs for a detailed follow up. A quick Wiki view of 55 K walks around the Sydney area reveals that there are a few of these - and while they might not appeal to all " it's great fun for those who like a real adventure, embrace a challenge, can handle a bit of discomfort & uncertainty, and who want to go trailside for a 3 day adventure in near isolation." And have good hiking boots. I liked the part that also said that you start with a BC - brave companion.
Yep, the adventure quotient meter is ringing. I'm sure more will follow...
Now that it's later in the day, I see the Lunies are still in fourth place. Awesome.
Season meters as of 167/365 = 65,397,378 m
Total meters as of 6 AM = 256,622 m
MILESTONES...Bragging RIghts...Celebrations:
4.45 MM Richard T
250 K Briana
Thanks, everyone, for rowing and ski-erging with us!
Tony m
Jeff M 4,009 m
David T 5,000 m
Mike C 5,000 m
Peter G 5,000 m
Steve G 5,231 m
Bernie 6,035 m
Dan O' 7,200 m
Bobbie m ...a palindrome!
Briana 8,645 m
Mikkel 8,809 m
Chuck 10,000 m
David A 10,106 m
Roger m ... a singular palindrome!
Doug G 11,316 m
Tammy m ..a one and a two...
Stefan 13,298 m
Marie m ...a palindrome!
Anita 21,000 m
Jay 21,098 m
Richard T 25,000 m
Ronnie m ...lots of fours!