Advice for a 15 year old male

General discussions about getting and staying fit that don't relate directly to your indoor rower
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Advice for a 15 year old male

Post by charlie.cooke » September 12th, 2015, 7:35 am

I've recently started competing in the J16+ category at my school. Places are extremely competitive for the top quad (predominately sculling-based because of the issues associated with sweep oar and development during this time) and so I'm concerned on what sort of training/dieting/general preparations I need to make in order to maximise my chances of landing a spot in the boat.

Some personal stats:
- Height 5'11"
- Weight around 11st, or around 155lbs
- Very little body fat - I struggle to put fat on even with my current calorie intake

I train on the water four sessions a week, each session lasting around 2 and 1/2 hours, and currently I go to the gym to work upper body strength (biceps, triceps, chests, shoulders) for around an hour and a half once a week. So we're looking at intensive training five times a week, or around 9 hours.

According to multiple calorie calculators my maintenance intake should be around 3100 calories a day.

So basically, my question is, is what I'm doing a good idea in terms of training, and do any of you guys have any pointers on the diet front? (Please include opinions on inclusion of protein shakes as part of such diet).

Thanks so much for your help.

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