LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

A member of an indoor rowing team or club? If so, this is the place for you.

Can this one team row to the moon and back?

Poll ended at May 17th, 2008, 12:28 pm

I think we can do it together. I'm all in!
No way! You all are wacko!
Total votes: 54

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by brotherjim » August 6th, 2015, 6:45 pm

K2, you caught me again. Just evened my season meters. I still need to wait before I row or exercise.

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Re: All In A Day's ERG: Team Progress Thru 8.5.15

Post by normadelaney » August 6th, 2015, 9:35 pm

Kona2 wrote:

ImageImageImageImageImageImage m ...quite the yearly total palindrome from Norma!
Sometimes the palindromes just pop up!

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by Kona2 » August 6th, 2015, 10:18 pm

Image Dog Days ....well, there ought to be some dogs! I hope some of these offerings will include some of YOUR pups.


This is Morgan who is stylin' in her paw protectors! She visits when her family is out of town.

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by bisqeet » August 7th, 2015, 6:37 am

dog days of summer!!!
done my quota this week - :)


Dexter - the new addition to the family -
A 4 month old malteser
2020 Season: 196cm / 96kg : M51
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~seven days without rowing makes one weak~

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All In A Day's ERG: Team Progress Thru 8.6.15

Post by Kona2 » August 7th, 2015, 8:15 am

Great to see a posting from you Dean - and Dexter is a fine addition to your family!

Image This is it...end of the first week!

Last year, 27 Lunies completed the Dog Days of Summer Challenge. I don't remember if the honor board posted on a weekly basis or whether you had to wait until the Challenge was complete before your name shows up. Fortunately, at least one of our flock Image figured out where to see our personal progress in individual logbooks. Doesn't give a snapshot of the team as a whole, though I could go back and look at individual totals and make some educated assumptions. Nah....let's be surprised!

Happy Friday, everyone! Well, happy Saturday to those who are across the international dateline. It's the weekend ! Extra time to row or ski-erg? Spend time outdoors with your K9s? Hope it is awesome whatever you choose!

Late capture yesterday of the stats means that it appears that not much happened yesterday. Say it isn't so! Well, it isn't so no worries.

Season meters as of 98/365 = 34,262,160 m

Total meters on the day = 83,723 m (partial day!)

MILESTONES...Bragging Rights...Celebrations:

Nothing to see here....move along....and some will know what movie that line is from...

Tony ImageImageImageImage m ...a twosie palindrome!
Anita ImageImageImageImage m ... a palindrome!
Bernie ImageImageImageImage m ...a starry palindrome...!
Dexter's Dean 10,000 m
Norma ImageImageImageImageImage m ...fortunately Frank the Pirate Sheep wasn't susceptible to motion sickness...spinning stars, twirling ones....a palindrome by Norma
Richard T 15,018 m ...and none of your dogs would ever wear pink tennies...
David A 15,261 m ...almost a palindrome from the man who does ALL the Concept2 Challenges every year!
Matt 20,000 m

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by Drivetofast » August 7th, 2015, 9:09 am

This a Brittany I found during hurricane Sandy. Vet said she didn't think she would have made it another day. But here She is. She likes to sit next to me :lol:

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by Drivetofast » August 7th, 2015, 9:15 am

My Monster Luna. That someone on this Team Named Perfect name She is a Luna-Tic

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by Kona2 » August 7th, 2015, 10:58 am

Great to see Brittany and Luna!

Here are K9 Kihei (left) and Kona. As Minnie would say, can smell the wet dog from here! But what smiles we get when they hit the water!


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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by Toothdoc » August 7th, 2015, 11:21 am

Those are some beautiful specimens everybody! I wish I had something for show & tell but the Princess says no more. We had an Irish Setter for 14years and 3 kittens for 10 years.


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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by Drivetofast » August 7th, 2015, 11:32 am

Kona2 wrote:Great to see Brittany and Luna!

Here are K9 Kihei (left) and Kona. As Minnie would say, can smell the wet dog from here! But what smiles we get when they hit the water!

Happy Happy Happy My Favorite

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by bg » August 7th, 2015, 11:58 am

i love all the dog photos :]

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by Toothdoc » August 7th, 2015, 4:35 pm

Has anyone had the experience being 1/2 to 3/4 through a long piece and have to the bathroom only to return and find your PM3, PM4 or PM5 has timed out. There is an easy way to solve this problem. GoTo the iTunes store and down load the free app ErgData from Concept2 this one will work on iPhones I'm not sure about Android, but I'm sure they have one for the Android. You sync the ErgData app with your PM. PM5's do it with bluetooth. Not sure about 3's and 4's, I think there might be a cable or an additional app you have to get.

Heres how it works if you stop rowing for more than a few seconds a screen appearson your phone that ask if you are finished Yes/No.That screen will stay there until you touch Yes or No and it keeps the PM from timing out. On the PM5 you can also upload your piece to your logbook. Hope this helps


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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by Thor MW » August 7th, 2015, 10:40 pm

Toothdoc wrote:Has anyone had the experience being 1/2 to 3/4 through a long piece and have to the bathroom only to return and find your PM3, PM4 or PM5 has timed out. There is an easy way to solve this problem. GoTo the iTunes store and down load the free app ErgData from Concept2 this one will work on iPhones I'm not sure about Android, but I'm sure they have one for the Android. You sync the ErgData app with your PM. PM5's do it with bluetooth. Not sure about 3's and 4's, I think there might be a cable or an additional app you have to get.

Heres how it works if you stop rowing for more than a few seconds a screen appearson your phone that ask if you are finished Yes/No.That screen will stay there until you touch Yes or No and it keeps the PM from timing out. On the PM5 you can also upload your piece to your logbook. Hope this helps

Yes, there is a cable and a holder that mounts on the PM4/3. I just ran in to this issue using someone else's PM5. The PM5 doesn't turn off as you say. You need to press the menu button 4 times to force it to shut down or it kills the batteries in a few days. Maybe as long as a week. Then when you want to connect the phone again just hit anything or pull the handle to make the PM turn on, then hit menu and the middle button (3 of 5) and you will be connected again. Sweet and simple just like me. If you feel real crazy you can go in the settings in the Ergdata app on any of the 3 screens and turn on the voice and you can listen to the meters and other data go by. Lots of options there to play with. I've been using this app for some months now.
PM4 and I think PM3 require the cable and an adaptor as well. The adaptor for the apple stuff is needed if you have the little plug for charging. If you have the older plug you should be good just with the cord. You will want the holder as well. The cord is very short. I know the IPhone 5 fits nicely depending on the case you have. IPads they don't suggest it but probably using one of those thin rubber mats to snug it in will be fine. I know there's an app for the smart phones but I don't know anything else about it. It's all there under the Ergdata on the C2 site. happy meters.

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by normadelaney » August 8th, 2015, 6:44 am

Danno and Thor, this is useful info! But Thor, are you saying that not turning off is unique to the PM5? I have a PM4 and being able to take a bathroom break without timing out would be great. I have an iPhone 5 but don't connect it to my PM4.

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by Drivetofast » August 8th, 2015, 8:22 am

I have pm3 pm4's Buy the kit for iPhone from c2.. Make sure your battery is good on iPhone. You will have to have apple adaptor for 5 to 4. Get app when you stop rowing do nothing when you come back Just start rowing

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